View Full Version : Stolen 86 200x

03-19-2012, 09:47 PM
I just got my freshly restored 86 200 x almost finished did not even get to ride it yet. But it was stolen from the back of a locked trucked it was chained an in a fenced in an locked area. I wanna cry an I'm a grown man. It was stolen from dauphin township in the county of dauphin in PA there's a reward if any body can help please do. I also need a value for a nice restored x I can text or email pics of the restore just don't no how to post them thanks Justin

tri again
03-19-2012, 10:11 PM
When you're logged in
go down to 'edit post'
and then go further south and go 'advanced'

you should see "manage attachments"

then in the upper right of your screen, you'll see stuff like
'upload pictures'
or find pictures, and then upload _ I forget.
and then at the bottom should be a 'done' button.

It should add to your pictures already uploaded (if any) and automatically add it to your post.

EDIT: It goes, add files, select files, upload and done.

Place an ad looking for (your own) a gas tank or seat
Maybe they're dumb enough to try and sell you your own parts.
or need tires - odd size and hard to find new.

Or an ad a distance away looking for "a springtime project wanted"
does not have to be complete.(might be too obvious)
Prefer 3 wheeler but will consider a quad"

You get the idea.
It's worked before.
Just avoid confrontation.
If you think you found it, have the cops follow you.
They love easy jobs like that if they're convinced you' re concerned
about your safety.

Jon Boy
03-19-2012, 10:13 PM
damn it, that sucks to hear man. had my 125 stolen from me last year, got lucky and got it back with minimal damage, hope your just as lucky too.

for starters add up everything it's cost you to this point. parts, time and labor. any tools in the tool kit, paint job, i mean all of it. you'll be looking at quite a price tag and don't forget to add in any fuel, price of lock/chain, any damage to vehicle. get it all written down to give to your state's attorney (make a copy for yourself of course) and make sure they record it all.

so what'd they do? bolt-cutter on the lock on it and the fence?

03-19-2012, 10:15 PM
Go advanced on the bottom of reply thread. Hit the paperclip icon above. Hit add files on the window that opens up. hit select files. find the pics on your computer. choose your pics and hit open. then hit upload files then hit insert inline at bottom of first pop up window. hit preview post at the bottom to see how they look.

Get some pics up. Keep a watchful eye on craigslist and ebay. For what it's worth I'm in southern york just an hr south of you and will keep a lookout down this way. That sucks! Wish ya luck!

tri again
03-19-2012, 10:42 PM
People tend to brag, or talk.
Maybe hit all the parts places and advise of anyone looking for parts for your model / year.

Sure sounds like they either knew about it, or it's value but then again, sounds like a crazed challenge.
drunken dare or similar?

Very difficult to pull off unless it goes to a farm where NO one will EVER see it
(mention at the local farm supply stores)
or it gets sold to someone unsuspecting. Or someone that has one and needs parts.
All usually pretty common information around a town.

I always call the sheriff with a vin to see if anything I want to buy has been reported.

Then again, some people will break a 300$ car window for a handful of change and a cd.
so perhaps none of this makes any sense.

03-19-2012, 10:47 PM
Holy ****! You're like 20 minutes away from me! I'm out at school right now, I'll have my buddy keep an ear to the ground regarding any 86 200Xs...that really sucks man, I wish the best for you.

03-19-2012, 10:51 PM
Get ON IT!! RIGHT NOW!! I's still local!!...........................

Get pics up NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-20-2012, 11:18 AM
Litter Craigslist with ads. Sorry to read. Its my worst nightmare to loose a machine like that.

03-20-2012, 11:32 AM
Sorry to here that hope you find it ASAP!!!

03-20-2012, 11:41 AM
Hopefully you havent been back on here because you are busy getting your trike back, good luck to ya man, that sucks.

03-20-2012, 11:42 AM
Man, it sure seems like there are more and more of these stories unfortunately.

03-20-2012, 12:16 PM
We will keep our eyes open here in Western PA. Good luck in finding the scumbags that took it.

03-20-2012, 01:40 PM
Eyes wide open North of ya. Not that it makes any difference.. I'll put a want ad out up this way>>. I've returned two stolen bikes in my time. I knew it was the right,cool thing to do.. But after I had some stolen from me,then I realized JUST how cool it was. Like DC said,,HAMMER it NOW,,cl ads,,grocery store bulletin boards,,Big local employers,{ Factories} message boards.. Pictures and HUGE STOLEN signs. I would put the value @ North of $2000 for sure,,Way more if OE plastic? I will need pics,,emails @ the bottom of my sig. I Know your pain and I really hope it comes back home,and I will personally help you hang the scumbag from the highest tree around. Seriously. This Country needs to get back to Basics. Eye for an eye?? Bullshit,,2 of theirs,,they started it.

03-20-2012, 01:52 PM
Eyes wide open in central PA for ya!! There isnt to much trike stuff that happens in this area with out me knowing so if it is around my way Ill know. Good luck man!

jon jon
03-20-2012, 02:02 PM
my drag racing 350x was stole last year but i got it back in pieces and my motor blown up.. i no how it feels man

03-20-2012, 02:22 PM
Keep a close eye on Craigslist and any other free classifieds sites. Really sorry to hear about this... I detest a thief!

FWIW, I live in central NY and will keep an eye out too. You never know, they may try to unload it a few hours away in hopes of avoiding getting caught. I will post links to any ads I may come across to this thread so check in here frequently....

Going to check CL in a few minutes as a matter of fact.

03-20-2012, 06:08 PM
Calmly sit back and think. Anyone that has said ANYTHING about your bike in the last couple weeks. Anyone at all you would suspect? 1st instinct here is most often right. I'm not saying go Vigilante on them,,,but lean on it hard if YOU suspect someone. You are probably right. It is almost certainly Someone that you know. But ,who knows! MAybe BKM will chime in,,he's in law enforcement. He might have some good ideas?

03-20-2012, 06:47 PM
It happens. ATC-Eric and I had our new (back then) 03 and 04 250ex's stolen along with the trailer they were chained to from this storage lot. Fortunately they were insured though.

Sorry to hear man, really sucks to see people stealing hard working people's things!

03-20-2012, 07:05 PM
I'm in Western Pa too. I will definately keep my eyes and ears open. I'm always on Craigslist, Pennswoods and others. Hopefully you will get it back, and in the condition it was in. Good luck!!

03-21-2012, 07:42 AM
Any word or ideas?? Nothing here. I put an ad out as soon as I saw this yesterday. Got response on a Big Red w a junk tank and a 125 Honda. That's it so far ..

03-21-2012, 08:49 AM
Screw who ever did that to you. I got my Dirtbike stolen as well and I know how it feels.

03-21-2012, 02:18 PM
Any word or ideas?? Nothing here. I put an ad out as soon as I saw this yesterday. Got response on a Big Red w a junk tank and a 125 Honda. That's it so far ..

What kind of an ad did you put out to get this kind of response? LOL!!!

03-21-2012, 02:22 PM
Wanted,,3 wheelers........ That's it !

03-21-2012, 06:29 PM
Yeah they some how cut the lock on the 12' fence then the locknon the tail gate truck had a ladder rack loaded with my work ladders I'm own a roofing bis.then made of with it. State police are on it they say. An I got some leads I'm just waiting an hopen I'll get it back. I'm gonna post a add in the local papers. Insurance is gonna pay but it will take weeks then I gotta find another an start all over breaks my heart!any body got a nice one in my area or even a couple hrs away I'll take it. Thanks guys

03-21-2012, 06:46 PM
Just got some parts in the mail today. my new rear skid plate,chain and parking brake latch how depressing

03-21-2012, 07:30 PM
Hopefully you'll get your bike back and be able to install them. Fingers crossed for you man.

03-21-2012, 09:15 PM
We helped someone out here on the boards before and he got his back with some damage. First off, put the message out and check the local riding areas. It most likely was an inside job or someone local. Take pictures to all the local motorcycle dealerships, and post post post. Of course go to the police which you already did. Go to the neighboring town police depts too. Put pictures here and we will all help you search graigslist and ebay. Check out your former employees. Check the local salvage yard?

03-21-2012, 09:22 PM
Check out your former employees.
When you said you own your own business, thats the first thing I thought too. Good luck man, I hope you get it back unharmed.

03-21-2012, 09:30 PM
"Good" friends usually screw your girl when your not watching and take your trike on the way out.......