View Full Version : 81-84 250r parts

03-17-2012, 03:38 PM
Ok so I am thinking about going and picking up this red 250r engine in the pics and the 250r triples and forks just wondering what you guys think they are worth the guy wants $400, also he has a bunch of other parts for sale for 250r's so because I am nice if you guys see stuff you need or want let me know and how much you would pay and I will try to get the stuff for you and ship it to you no promises though so check it out
Also what do you guys think of this he says it is a 465 2 stroke in a 83 200x frame, I saw a post from someone yesterday who was asking about 2 stroke engines in 200x's
do you guys think it would be worth picking up? or build my own with the parts I get from him with one of my 200x's I already have. I value your expert opinions on here( for the most part)lol so that is why I ask

03-17-2012, 04:03 PM
well i see a 300r jug and cylinder in there that'd be cool to have if it still has any bores left on it. i wonder what he wants for that.

03-17-2012, 04:05 PM
Ya the 300 cylinder is hondaline he says want me to find out about it for you?

03-17-2012, 04:16 PM
i doubt it i can afford it I'm in the middle of a project it'd have to be DIRT CHEAP for me so don't bother it would just waste your time and his.

03-17-2012, 04:19 PM
well I am gonna ask him anyways because others will probebly be interested in it I bet

03-17-2012, 04:27 PM
That "thing" with the 500 sitcker on the side and the extended swingarm.... Zya find out what it's worth to the guy.

03-17-2012, 05:06 PM
i wonder if thats a nicholson or not i dunno anything about them though.

03-17-2012, 05:24 PM
The thing I just found out is a 200x stock frame that was chopped and then he added part of a frame from the engines doner bike welded in so that the mounts could be used from that bike I thing he said it was a klt 460 or something but don't quote me on that we talked about so much I couldn't keep it all straight, and the deal is that all the parts are 2 complete 250r's an 81 and an 84 and I could get all the parts for both bikes along with the 300r cylinder and other stuff for $1200 but he works out west in the mines and I wouldn't be able to get it untill the end of april unless I went in the next day or so and i'm not up for it right now but he seemed like he knew his trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro and was a straight shooter so I might go pick up the whole lot at the end of april put a 250r together for myself and sell the rest would still like to know if there is any interest on any of the parts I will probebly put together the 81 for myself and part out the 84 I am thinking, on a side note he is looking for 1200 for the 465 thing lol and $250 ish for the 300r cylinder but he says there is a nick or something near the port but also it has never been bored

03-17-2012, 06:40 PM
Thats a nice parts lot.That 81 motor looks low hour.Good luck on the purchase.Its worth the price.You should beable to get your money back . Thought I saw a liquid r gas tank and rear fenders in the pic of the 500 standing on end.The only thing with the 300r is finding pistons.Took me all last summer.Found piston on ebay and rings on a odyssey website.

03-17-2012, 07:59 PM
Ya Like I said I am thinking I can build one for myself and then part one out and probebly end up getting the one I built for free with the price he wants, alot of work though and no doubt there will be a few things missing but worth it in the end

03-29-2012, 06:48 PM
I'll give him $200 for the 300 top end. Or I have 250r parts I can trade. Let me know. I want it.


03-29-2012, 08:43 PM
he said when I talked to him that the cylinder had a gash near the port and also that he wanted $250 for it and I would not be able to get it until the end of april as he works in the mines out west but if that is fine for you let me know? also I might buy a whole (lot) of parts off him and the cylinder would be included he said, in that case if I sell it I would give it to you for $200 but I might want to keep it, but I don't know if I will end up doing that either as I just bought a 2002 blaster, also either way if you buy it from me or him there would be shipping too and I live in canada, but for something smaller like that it shouldn't be to bad....let me know what you are thinking ok

03-30-2012, 07:39 AM
If it's got some damage near the port there's no way it's worth $250 not to me anyway. I may be willing to pay 200 fo it but before I commit myself I'd want to see some better pics of it to make sure it's still a good usable top end. I definitely don't need a $200 paper weight. No what I mean?

03-30-2012, 08:14 AM
does he have any more after market r parts?

03-30-2012, 10:24 AM
If it's got some damage near the port there's no way it's worth $250 not to me anyway. I may be willing to pay 200 fo it but before I commit myself I'd want to see some better pics of it to make sure it's still a good usable top end. I definitely don't need a $200 paper weight. No what I mean?

Well of course you don't need a paper weight and i'm sure you would see pics before anything changed hands, I really have no clue right now what is going on as the guy is gone for a month out west which sucks because he lives 2.5 hrs away and I have to go there next weekend, I could have swung by, anyways give me a month and either I will have all the stuff myself or I can give you his email, also barette I will ask him what else he has that aftermarket when I get to talk to him next

03-30-2012, 11:47 AM
Mugen made a ME480 kit. If that is it, buy those parts immediately. There should be a head stay mount on the head right above the carb! If you are not interested give me the guys info!

03-30-2012, 12:05 PM
I don't think that is what it is stud, when I talked to him he said it was hondaline he aslo said he doesn't have the pistons or anything else just the 300r head and that it had a little scrape near the port but that it had never been bored so if it affects anything it can be bored, if I don't end up getting the stuff I will post the guys email address and you guys can go nuts

03-30-2012, 12:11 PM
No, no. The engine in the ATC500 trike is what I believe to be a Mugen ME480 kit!

That trike is not a Nicholson 500 frame, or a 500cc 4 stroke motor. The extended swingarm in that frame is a stock 85 200x swinger cut and lengthened.

03-30-2012, 12:26 PM
No, no. The engine in the ATC500 trike is what I believe to be a Mugen ME480 kit!

That trike is not a Nicholson 500 frame, or a 500cc 4 stroke motor. The extended swingarm in that frame is a stock 85 200x swinger cut and lengthened.

Oh I got you now!!! ya the frame is a 200x and a stock lengthened swingarm and it is a 2 stroke 465, I think he said it was a klt engine and he welded part of the donor engines frame in for the motor mounts, looks pretty cool maybe i'll take her for a spin if i end up going there to get the stuff and who knows the way I am might come home with it

03-30-2012, 12:33 PM
Yamaha made a 465 and 490.2 stroke.

03-30-2012, 12:59 PM
Have him send you better pics of the engine!

03-30-2012, 01:02 PM
I can do that for you and post them on here but it won't be for a while he's out in the mines for a month

03-30-2012, 01:45 PM
it cant be a 480 mugen cylinder its just a Yamaha 465 engine in a 200x they almost drop in. if it was a 480 mugen cylinder the chain would be on the other side and the bottom end is much different. i have a 200x frame and 465 engine in my shed lol its an easy mod if you can hold on hahaha

03-30-2012, 04:03 PM
Ya I didn't think it was a mugen

03-30-2012, 04:03 PM
Ya stay in contact. I may be interested. Thanks.


03-30-2012, 04:12 PM
it cant be a 480 mugen cylinder its just a Yamaha 465 engine in a 200x they almost drop in. if it was a 480 mugen cylinder the chain would be on the other side and the bottom end is much different. i have a 200x frame and 465 engine in my shed lol its an easy mod if you can hold on hahaha

You are correct. I couldn't tell from the pics on my phone, now that I am at my PC it is definitely a Yammy 465.

04-21-2012, 06:05 PM
ok so I am not gonna bite on the parts as I just bought a p3 and an atc 70 so as promised here is the guys email address feel free to get from him whatever you can neilnace@hotmail.com I told him I told a few people I know about the parts so just tell him I told you about it

07-10-2012, 01:51 PM
what is the stock bore size of the 300R cylinder and what other over bores are avail...i might be grabbin one and would like to know how far along the bore is, thanks

Also will it work on all air fooler R's?

07-10-2012, 02:02 PM
I know this guy, (Neil) made a few great purchases and trades from him, in that 200x is an yamaha IT465, from what I have seen runs good too, he should have a few Cr480 cylinders on that bench as well, as far as the 300R top end goes hes been stuck on that price for over 2 years get it any cheaper and your lucky. That motor is not low hour just rebuilt very well, any of the front ends 81 parts he has there were mine LOL, hes a great guy to deal with and he has a friend that they split on...Something like 10 large containers that you need a forklift to move of parts from a junk yard. He has good stuff.