View Full Version : 1985 250SX Problem

03-17-2012, 03:03 PM
I picked up a 1985 250sx today relly cheap. It runs but needs the one-way bearing so I have that to look forward to. Also, I noticed that the gear shifter was really high going into gears 1-4 so when I got it home I took it apart. Not having a running 250sx I didn't realize that it had been "Modified" or "Rigged". Whatever you want to call it, they seemed to have stripped the shifter spindle & put a couple of set screws in it to keep it shifting. Does anyone know how hard this is going to be to replace?



tri again
03-17-2012, 03:49 PM
Some folks have gotten lucky by grinding or hacksawing the space that the pinch bolt closes
so it tightens more. New or good used shift levers are readily avail.

In hopeful theory, the shifter is softer than the shaft so fingers crossed, the splines coming out of the engine are salvagable.

Search key works great btw.