Tri-Z Pilot
11-15-2003, 12:43 AM
You guys arenotgonna like what I am about to say. Whenever I was putting my rolling chassis together for my tri-z a while back, when I was putting the swingarm bearings in, they didnt seat. The seals and bearings are just resting on the pivot bolt, I didnt care at the time because I just wanted to get the slop out of the swingarm so I could put around on it the next day. I know my bearings are going to wear down like crazy, and I was wondering If banshee swingarm will bolt up to the tri-z. THe point where the front attaches to the back of the engine looks identical to the tri-z swingarm. The only difference I have noiticed is that the banshee's point where you put the axle carrier on is the same style as the tri-z but it is upside down, guess it wouldnt matter if I used a banshee carrier though.