View Full Version : A little road trip today

03-10-2012, 09:30 AM
Going to take a ride up to Williamsport, PA to meet jsmay and pick up some parts from him. Hope to grab a bite to eat, bs a little and there is supposed to be some honda shop up there somewhere with a sort of museum in it or a bunch of stuff on display. I will take the camera and see if there is anything interesting. I will be bringing back a couple goodies of course. Nicholson 90/110 frame (that takes the 90/110 tank), HD rear axle, some turbo wheels, old maier 81/82 atc250r fenders and who knows what else. LOL Should be a fun day.

03-10-2012, 09:34 AM
I'm 45 minutes from Bob. Just saying... Give me a call if you have time . We're boiling sap all weekend,,very busy,,but will be here,,other than a party tonight @ 5.

03-10-2012, 01:59 PM
I tried to email the original seller on CL for that lot a dozen times when that stuff was listed. Curse you! I really wanted that frame.

the great gazoo
03-10-2012, 06:22 PM
I'm 45 minutes from Bob. Just saying... Give me a call if you have time . We're boiling sap all weekend,,very busy,,but will be here,,other than a party tonight @ 5.

Don't get lost...............LOL!!!!!!!
What bike are the R fenders for? Got something I don't know about?

03-10-2012, 08:21 PM
I'm back. No Brian, the fenders and the 4x130 turbos are being passed along to another board member. The little Honda dealership was pretty cool. Saw some things there that I never knew existed. Saw 2 semi homebuilt bikes as well. One of the bikes used a honda frame and was registered as a honda, but it had a bmw transmission and a engine out of a ford fiesta. And the thing was, it was built to look like an indian 4 cylinder bike. The people at the dealership were super nice and pointed out alot of things on the different bikes. What else was super cool was they had this piece of equipment called a honda "test track". It was used so people who were first time riders could learn how to clutch and shift and run the bike through the gears and stop as well. Pictue a tread mill, that you would strap the bike onto. The machine also had 2 fans, one on each side. The bike wouldn't fall over cause it was strapped down, and the treadmill part let the rider start and stop and shift through all the gears. I didin't ever remember seeing one. It was really cool. You could put the machine in the living room or family room or garage and pretend you were riding your bike when it cold and snowy and icy outside. No leaning though as the bike would be tethered down to the machine.

03-10-2012, 08:28 PM
Trike treadmill! Sounds fun! But my wife would divorce me... :lol:

03-11-2012, 09:42 AM
Good trip indeed! Veal and I broke bread... traded parts... gots story's..ect! I scored a set of 200x low profile fenders to boot! The honda dealer was cool, like veal said very cool people running the place, he did leave out the 3 wheelers that were stuffed in the corner, and the 80 year old guy that restores them! Veal keep me posted on the east coast 70 meet!!!

03-11-2012, 11:41 AM
I didn't get much time after I got home to get the parts out of the truck and get a few minutes on the computer, before I had to lay down and try and get some rest since I had to be at work at 4am, besides losing the hour to daylight savings time. Let me say, not only is Jasons' business, rockin but Jason himself rocks! Great guy to finally get to sit down and talk to. Jason made the Tiger 500 knit caps for Eric, which were really cool, but I got a couple extra knit caps as well as 2 ball caps, which turned out really nice. Jason, don't forget to thank your mom, too. After going to the honda dealership, sorry 007, you posted the message after I had left for Williamsport, Jason and I went to this little place, Hellers, to get a bite to eat. The people in the restaurant were nice, it was kind of quiet really. The waitress said to take out time, but we were sitting there bs-ing and the waitress came up and asked if I was done with the buffet. I got the buffet cause it had a nice salad bar that caught my eye. Jason and I looked at each other and thought it was strange, but figured out that they were clearing out the buffet. Next thing you know, the waitress told us the place closed a 1/2 hour ago, but it was cool and they were just sort of cleaning around us! Crazy eh? And this was like 2:30 in the afternoon. So, you just never know. But it makes for a crazy story. If I get time over the next couple days, I will get the pics downloaded and resized and some posted up. Not many trike pics, but you'll just have to suffer. LOL Gazoo, you should have seen the super cherry, red ft500. Alot of machines crammed into a tiny space. Supposedly the oldest machine in the collection was a japanes bicycle with a super early (unknown year) honda bolt-on engine with what looked like a hollow pie plate for a fuel tank. It was kind of cool though and would have loved to see and hear it run. Looks like it had a little chrome or stanless "tuner" exhaust pipe, not more than 12" long on it. And the wild thing was, the kick stand was a part of the engine kit and bolted to the engine. I've got to find out some more info on it. Kind of like hondas version of a whizzer engine, but it was bolted the the back of the frame by the rear axle instead of in the middle of the frame and the little round gas tank was bolted to the rear fender. The tank couldn't have held more than a gallon of gas, if that much. No idea of the mileage or how loud the exhaust. Still pretty cool for what it was.