View Full Version : Racing my 250SX...

11-14-2003, 12:16 AM
Sunday AM we load up and head to Bartlesville Oklahoma, just southwest of town is Sand Valley MX track (website www.sandvalleymx.com).
We enter the races (along with a few other friends that are already camped out in the pits). I enter my 85 250SX in the Over 30 quad non-pro (I know, but they dont have a 3wheeler class!) and here's a couple of shots of me racing.

11-14-2003, 12:18 AM
another.... not radical but still fun!

11-14-2003, 12:23 AM
and as luck would have it... I got 3rd in my class! Now to be fair their were ONLY 3 in my class so I didnt exactly kick a** but it was fun. I was the only 3wheeler in the whole place. I'm guessing their were 60 total entries, (the majority were bikes) and a number of quads. Since I was racing with quads I pulled up to the starting gate and yelled "say hello to your grandfather" Some of the other racers seemed to get a kick out of seeing a almost 20 year old trike on a MX track... I had one guy ask if I was the one driving the "200X" I got a good laugh out of that.
All of our group (all ride quads but me) did well, particularly Logan (age 7) that ran in a motorcycle class and a quad class. I'm the one on the upper left. A 250SX is a little too heavy and a little too short suspension-wise to be racing regularly (in my opinion) but it is fun to do occasionly.

11-14-2003, 10:31 AM
Isnt it a blast!!!! I know the feeling well. Im gonna guess you are probably now a hard core addict! Did you find that you get more respect and recognition for being the trike in last, than being guy who got first on his racing quad? Watch for harescramble and cross country type events. Youll find you can be even more competitive if tehy dont stick in too much off camber stuff.

11-14-2003, 08:09 PM
I loved it. You learn two things really quick

1. What kinda shape you are in (I'm 36 and 3 laps was about my limit)
2. How up to the task your trike is (a 200X would be better suited for it)

But, I agree with you, I'd rather be in last place on a trike than first on a quad.

Rock On!

11-14-2003, 08:39 PM
That's awesome, I wish they had event like that by me I would enter my trike in a few races. I guess the real question is would most people throwing the harescramble allow 3 wheelers? I know people are really stupid and ignorant so...

11-14-2003, 10:18 PM
It only takes a phone call to find out. I know Michigan holds a lot of race events. Do a quick web search and make a few calls, and your more likely than not to find something you can compete in.

11-14-2003, 10:45 PM
Cool pics! Thats a good lookin SX ya got there!

11-15-2003, 11:28 AM
I take my 250r trike to englishtown. I do fairly well competing with the quads(stock framed, and motored). the aftermarket bikes(crf450's, almost everything aftermarket) rip me to pieces, but I've had quite a bit of people complaimptent me for doing so well. I can hang with most of the 400ex's, some yzf450's, and banchees. the quads with aftermarket a-arms, suspension, etc just kill me though, they track though the whoops much better. definely a person that rips on a trike gets alot more respect than a quad riders with 20 grand into his bike, the one thing I really love about riding the trike is, when people see a nice quad they usually say " nice bike can I take it out for a spin" a trike " thats a sick trike, you've got some set of balls riding like yo do, you wouldn't get me riding that if you paid me". if any of you trikers live in the central new jersey area come down to raceway park in englishtown/ really is in Old Bridge.