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View Full Version : Which 2-Stroke Quad? - Looking for Education

02-07-2012, 06:16 PM
I know this isn't the right section to be posting this question in, but since I'm a new forum member, I can't post outside of this section for now.

I've been toying around with the idea of finding a an older 2-Stroke quad to play around with since I sold my Tecate a long time ago, but have somewhat put it out of my head until recently finding this forum and reading through various threads....I've thought of:

-Honda 250R
-Suzuki Quadracer 250
-Yamaha Banshee 350

Granted, they are all older machines now, I was looking for input/suggestions on what to keep my eyes open for and what to look for. My first choice would be the Honda 250R since they have such a proven track record beginning with the ATC's, however they seem to bring a heck of a price tag. The Quadracer's seem to be out there fairly reasonable, however I don't know much about their reputation or ease of finding parts, ect.... Are there certain generations of any of the three to look out for? Any education is appreciated! Thanks!

02-07-2012, 06:31 PM
Main thing I hear about Quadracer's is that the frames tend to be a little on the weak side and are a little more prone to cracking. My cousin owned an '86 back in the mid 90's and he had alot of trouble with it... Compared to now, his machine was relatively young at the time...

One thing I can for sure say about the 'Zuki, if you get one, get an '87 or later. Those first generation gray motors were very anemic compared to my stock '85 250r I had at the same time.

I have never owned or ridden a TRX250r, but I have owned a couple of ATC's and still have 2 now. As with anything, lack of maintenance will take it's toll. But I love my ATC's and would love to someday own a TRX. My holy grail is a stock or near stock '88. My favorite quad just for looks. But, my guess as far as parts availability, the '86-'87 may have a more abundant parts supply...But not by a heck of alot. One thing to remember, the TRX250r is the standard to which ALL have been measured by, even the mighty 450s were compared to the TRX250r when they first started coming out...That to me says alot.

Banshees, I have zero experience with other than every person I have ever run across riding one thinks it's the baddest thing on the planet. I even had some punk swear up and down his stock Banshee would woop my '89 CR500 back when that was my main ride....

Personally, I don't have any love for Banshee's. But in all fairness, I can't say anything bad about them because I have no first hand experience with them. Well, besides the obvious like costing twice as much to rebuild/modify! LOL!

02-07-2012, 07:12 PM
Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it!

You made a good point regarding the Banshee costing twice as much to rebuild! Kinda funny, but very true.

Thanks also for the tip regarding the "Uki"....I'll keep my eye out for an '87 or later. Ideally, I'd love to have the Honda TRX250R just because I'm more familiar with Honda's and their reputation. It's just a matter of waiting for the right deal to come along on a decent one at a decent price.

02-07-2012, 07:53 PM
Banshees are fast. There's lots of them out there, tons of aftermarket parts, and were built until "06. Don't know how they compare to the others though.

Tri-Z 250
02-08-2012, 10:35 AM
JP Outlaw Framed 250Quadracer...Just loved them, and they cured a lot of the Suzuki's handeling and weak points. Duncan could make that Quadracer motor pull a Honda...It's just the Honda was a far better in stock form and was evident on the track. A full on JP MX setup back then was big money...so the rarity is high but looking for the right project takes time.

02-08-2012, 11:05 AM
Buy a Tecate 4...j/k, go with the Honda. There are still tons of mods and they are just the front runner.

02-08-2012, 01:35 PM
Well, as it turns out......I just happened to find a very clean and very stock '86 250R ATC that coincidentally popped up for sale only a few minutes from my house last night.

Although I thought that I really wanted a quad, I decided to take a look at it this morning and really fell in love with it. The only thing I could find wrong with it, is that it's missing it's headlight assembly.

The best part for me, is that the seller is interested in another toy of mine in trade which would cure my "fix" for a 2-stroke and not have to spend anything out of pocket.

I'll know hopefully later today if he's willing to take me up on my offer and will report accordingly.....my fingers are crossed!

02-08-2012, 01:40 PM
Why can't I ever get lucky like that.

02-08-2012, 01:58 PM
Why can't I ever get lucky like that.

I don't want to get too excited yet, until it's a done deal, although I'm having a tough time.....fingers still crossed!

86ATC 250r
02-08-2012, 02:42 PM
i agree honda the way to go. i had a lt250r and the frame was weak and always had problems with it. i sold it tho. i restored it cause it was a mess when i got it but i wasnt sad to see it go.lol if u went with one go 87 and up cause they had the 6 speed and power valve. below was 5 speed no powervalve. and as far as the banshee goes i have never owned one but have ridden bunch. couple of my good friends have owned them over the years and like earlier post says it cost double for everything pipes, pistons, filters, carbs, etc. it jus always seemed like they were fixing them or something but there is alot of aftermarket stuff for them ou there. but they did rip. i have an 86 atc 250r and i love it. there is vids on youtube of 250r with 310 kits beatin banshees and 450r's. i hope ya do get the atc man. best of luck. i know pretty much all i said was the same as other people but thot i would put in my 2 cents since i have been around them all. and have owned 2 out of the 3 u were asking about. jus my opinon tho

02-08-2012, 04:00 PM
Make sure you post pictures if you get it!

02-08-2012, 04:51 PM
Well, I just got the phone call that I was hoping and waiting for! We made a deal and I will be picking up the new to me 250R after work tonight!

Man, I'm excited! I had a feeling that this one was meant to be.

When I looked at it this morning, I took it for a quick drive....it started nice, ran and drove great. It appears to be completely original, with the exception of FMF exhaust. The axle bearings are tight, front end it tight and the rims are even strait. I know that the shock boots need replacing and I need to keep my eye open for a replacement headlight assy. (How tough are they to find?)

Below are pictures that I took of it this morning, hoping that we could come together on a deal. The seller is happy as am I. What I had into my trade was $1,100.....does that seem like an alright deal?


02-08-2012, 06:58 PM
Looks like you got an EXCELLENT deal for what you have invested in the trade! :beer Congrats on your new ride, you WILL love it!

As to your headlight assembly... Maier still offers them. http://www.maier-mfg.com/catalog/honda-atc250r-headlight-shell

No it's not a perfect OEM match, but it gets the job done. I have one on my R and I like it just fine...

BTW, your trike appears to have the '85 style lower profile seat and "250R" on the side as opposed to the 86's "ATC" on the side.

Kinda hard to tell in the pics, is that engine black or pewter?

02-08-2012, 11:59 PM
Thanks!! I appreciate the emotional support!

I'm pretty sure that the engine is black.

I'm questioning the year as well as I noticed the "250R" seat being on '85 models that I've seen pictures of vs "ATC" on the '86's. Although I can tell all of the plastic is original, I didn't notice this morning, but just realized tonight after looking closer, is that somebody at one time did a nice job of repainting the frame black, and of course, painted over the ID sticker.

Is there anyway to tell more about the year it was built by the numbers? The Wisconsin Registration card says "1986", which is why the seller and I assumed it to be 1986.

The VIN # on the frame is: JH3TB0605FC404212
The Serial number on the engine tag is: 2404304 (Doesn't the 240 mean 1985?)

Is it possible that the trike was manufactured in 1985 for the 1986 model year?

***EDIT*** I did just find the VIN Decoder link which stated my "new to me" trike is a 1985 ATC 250R (Not a 1986 as I thought) I'm not sure if that's necessarily a good or bad thing?

02-09-2012, 03:29 AM
A lot of people prefer an 85 due to its slightly lower stance, ie lower center of gravity for turning. Otherwise i think the differences seem pretty much insignificant.

02-09-2012, 10:29 AM
congrats on the purchase~! looks like you got a good deal if you basically had 1100 into the trade.

02-09-2012, 07:23 PM
Also, the '86 seat is thicker. Your seat is most definitely a lower profile '85 seat. There are other nuance differences between the .85 and '86. The topic is well covered in this site. A little searching will yield all the info you need.

02-09-2012, 10:46 PM
Thanks so much Guys, for all of the support and education!

I haven't been so excited about a 3 wheeler since I was about 17 and had my Tecate umong a number of smaller Honda ATC's. I sold the Tecate and moved onto other things like cars and girls and somewhat forgot about the wheelers although our family has always had a couple smaller ones to bomb around our land on.

I always wanted a 250R, but when I was young, it was always out of reach for financial reasons. Finding this forum, then finding this 250R and learning from you guys has really re-kindled that ATC flame for me!

I'm excited to learn about it, the history behind it and the details of it as much as I'm excited to ride it. I thought I wanted a more modern quad, but this trike just has the "cool factor" in my opinion.

Newbie question.....What gas/oil mixture is recommended to run in the 250R? Is there a favorite oil and/or gas additive?

02-10-2012, 10:36 AM
my brother in law has an '86 Suzuki LT250r that his dad bought brand new. that things hauls some serious trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro, all stock but the pipe. theyre lighter than the Honda TRX250r, but arent quite as fast. Honda seems to be better at everythin haha.. i would pick the banshee last because too many guys have banshees and think theyre hot s**t. i always wanna have somethin different than other people, but thats my own opinion. the Suzuki and Honda are both pretty rare. in my area, youd be lucky to find any of the three in good shape cause the guys ride the dog crap outta them then sell them to buy another one

02-10-2012, 09:02 PM
Honda recommended 20:1 back in the day. There are some who still run 20:1. I run Amsoil Dominator at 32:1. I used to run it 40:1 with no issues whatsoever, but I decided to play it a little more safe and have not looked back. I think you will find the vast majority now run a good quality oil like Amsoil and others at a 32:1 mixture.

Do yourself a favor and get a measuring cup for mixing premix. VERY handy and covers ratios from 20:1 to 50:1 in most cases. Well worth the 10 bucks and makes mixing your fuel a breeze with no guesswork.

Oh, and glad to have another triker back in the fold! I'm right there with ya on the "cool factor" of the trikes. I wouldn't trade my R for ANY new quad, no way, no how!