View Full Version : need help asap please!! 1985 honda 250sx runnin problem

02-05-2012, 02:23 PM
i got a 1985 250sx it runs good when it first starts and is cold runs great other then it will idle like a basterd for a few seconds when u let off the gas but after it idels high for a minit or 2 it idles back down to normal and when it gets warm when u first press on the gass a little bit it starts dieing down till u give it more gas and a hihger rpm it runs great when warm but lower rpm sucks when warm but when cold runs perfect whole wtf could cause this

02-05-2012, 03:05 PM
sound like a good carb cleaning is a good place to start. also chech the air filter... and the vent on the tank is known to plug up... just a thought.. good luck..