View Full Version : now the enviromenalist are trying to kill me they did get my 185

01-16-2012, 08:21 PM
a couple of weeks ago i spent a hour moving rocks off my favorite high speed trail today i had the 185 toped out (it has a 200x motor and smaller rear sprocket) there was fresh snow on the ground
so i didnt see the perfect diagnole line of huge rocks aross the trail i nailed it hard tike did at least 3 flips blew the font tire off its bead cracked the front fender and caused a masive oil leak that i havent found yet and dont realy want to see now after spending 2 hours geting 1km home the next @$$ho!e i see placing rocks on the trail is getting run over considering i could have been killed if i had no helmet :mad:

01-16-2012, 08:41 PM
Sorry, but it mustn't be your land!

Glad your OK...

01-16-2012, 09:03 PM
Well, if it's a public trial then you are definitely in the right and might want to notify the police about the trail booby trap.

But if it was private land you do not have permission to ride, it's on you and you have zero recourse.....

01-16-2012, 09:50 PM
it is public land the trail follows a power line and is veary well used by 4x4 sleds and atvs but about 200 feet north of the trail is a proteced area there are signs that mark it every 50 feet i have never crossed the sings however the dumb hikers think they own every thing ive been told to leave before but since then ive phoned the city and made shure that i have the right to be there and they said as long as i dont pass the signs im ok they also said they get calls from pissed hikers all the time that want the rest of the area closed down

01-16-2012, 10:06 PM
Well, in that case it might be a good idea to file a report with the police documenting the incident and notify the city of the vandalism/booby traps. Being that it's a public trail and ATV's, sleds and whatnot have legitimate permission to use it, then the guilty parties can be prosecuted if caught. It is no different that placing a booby trap on a public highway. And being that life, limb and property is put at risk, I'm sure the charges could be fairly severe in nature, like reckless endangerment or worse.. Might be a good idea to ask the city for permission to put up game cameras too. Just be careful and don't cross the line yourself in your efforts to put a stop to the BS. Make sure you stay on the right side of the law.. The whole situation could degrade and the city could end up closing the trail to ALL users to avoid hassles and law suits.. Good luck and be careful!

01-16-2012, 10:49 PM
it is public land the trail follows a power line and is veary well used by 4x4 sleds and atvs but about 200 feet north of the trail is a proteced area there are signs that mark it every 50 feet i have never crossed the sings however the dumb hikers think they own every thing ive been told to leave before but since then ive phoned the city and made shure that i have the right to be there and they said as long as i dont pass the signs im ok they also said they get calls from pissed hikers all the time that want the rest of the area closed down
Its all the Bc Tree huggers i get the same kind of disrespect out on trails im aloud to ride. but what i dont get is that they hate you riding when they are not in need of help but if they needed help and you were out there at that time and we able to help them and did they would absolutely love you and thank you for being out at that time. Its makes no sense to me.... you cant win. Just have to be respectful and hope for the best!

01-16-2012, 11:10 PM
Was it on the crown land? Sometimes the ranchers have there range cows out so they could set a trap so you won't be spooking the cows. My girlfriend used to live near Kamloops and she knows people who came across barb wire traps across trails and they ended up flipping the horse. But I can't see there being cows out there right now....

01-16-2012, 11:11 PM
Or could be even hunters

01-16-2012, 11:16 PM
It shouldn't matter. If it's public property, and the area is open to ATV's, NOBODY but the city has the right to fence it off, booby trap it, or anything else like that.....

01-16-2012, 11:22 PM
Was it on the crown land? Sometimes the ranchers have there range cows out so they could set a trap so you won't be spooking the cows. My girlfriend used to live near Kamloops and she knows people who came across barb wire traps across trails and they ended up flipping the horse. But I can't see there being cows out there right now....
no one has cows there i was about 1/2 km from the first cattlegard and after that you have no choice but to slow down

01-16-2012, 11:27 PM
Well, if it's a public trial then you are definitely in the right and might want to notify the police about the trail booby trap.

But if it was private land you do not have permission to ride, it's on you and you have zero recourse.....
ha with the cops here you have good luck getting them to your house after a weekend BNE let alone some guy moving rocks but there on your @$$ if you dont signal at a light

01-17-2012, 03:29 AM
BC man... Ya gotta wear a brain bucket. We don't want to miss out on any crazy builds cause you offed yourself on a rock.

Oh yeah, glad you're alive buddy.

01-17-2012, 09:02 AM
This is Canada, home of the free..just follow the many rules.

Just be cause it's public land doesn't mean it's open to motorized vehicles!! Chances are if you are inside any town boundaries there are bylaws prohibiting the operation of your machines. This is up to you to know..

If the hikers and tree-huggers are blocking trails you think you have the right to be on..chances are you are wrong. If not, file a complaint..

Check at your town-hall about the areas you can and cannot ride in..

You pushing your way thru and running where-ever you want is just gonna get the hikers up in arms and get them stomping up to the steps of town-hall. Next you know there will be cops patrolling looking for you, signs posted, trail blockades and all kinds of havok.

Learn the rules and follow them, get along with the people in your community or you and everyone who likes this sport will find it harder and harder to find places to ride.

In my region unless you own a decent size plot of private land you have to trailer and drive a long way to find places to ride..it didn't have to be this way if the few disrepectful riders didn't just go a bit too far!!

Glad you didn't get hurt..sorry about your machine.

01-17-2012, 09:39 AM
According to him he has talked to the city:

ive phoned the city and made shure that i have the right to be there and they said as long as i dont pass the signs im ok they also said they get calls from pissed hikers all the time that want the rest of the area closed down

Just because hikers think they are entitled to have trails to themselves doesn't mean it is so. Maybe the hikers should be the ones contacting the city/township and making sure THEY are following the rules. It's a 2 way street.

In the event that the hikers are correct, then they should be contacting the authorities, not setting booby traps.

BOTH sides need to respect the others right to use the trails. ATVers need to slow down when they pass hikers and hikers need to step to the side and let wheelers pass safely.

01-17-2012, 09:51 AM
According to him he has talked to the city:

Just because hikers think they are entitled to have trails to themselves doesn't mean it is so. Maybe the hikers should be the ones contacting the city/township and making sure THEY are following the rules. It's a 2 way street.

In the event that the hikers are correct, then they should be contacting the authorities, not setting booby traps.

BOTH sides need to respect the others right to use the trails. ATVers need to slow down when they pass hikers and hikers need to step to the side and let wheelers pass safely.

Agreed, more or less what I was trying to say.

However, many times in the past motorized vehicle riders ASSUME their rights without know for sure. 'Well I've been riding this trail for years' becomes the defence.

If he is right then, correct he should be contacting the authorities. Whoever is creating an unsafe trail in shared space is commiting a criminal offence..

A little homework is required..maybe even a deercam setup. Remove the barrier, setup a hidden cam and see who rebuilds it..

Proof is what is needed is you want the cops to enforce.

01-17-2012, 10:11 AM
Yup, I know what you mean. I had to chew a neighbor out one time when we were riding on a nearby abandoned railroad bed that is used by some local atvers, hikers and horse folk. We came upon 3 people riding horses. We stopped quite a distance from them when we saw them and I said we should just sit and let them pass, he said screw it and continued on, not at high speed, but still startled the horses, while the rest of us sat until they passed and thanked us for waiting as they passed. I told him to quit acting like a feminine hygiene product and show some respect, because if they complain, and enough others complain, they'll lock the trail down for ATVs. I still don't think he gets it. I guess it's true: You can't fix stupid

ETA: The few tree hugging-environazis I've met seem to think that they can do whatever they wish to get their point across, including putting humans in harms way "If that's what it takes" (One guys comment)

01-17-2012, 11:34 AM
Yup, I know what you mean. I had to chew a neighbor out one time when we were riding on a nearby abandoned railroad bed that is used by some local atvers, hikers and horse folk. We came upon 3 people riding horses. We stopped quite a distance from them when we saw them and I said we should just sit and let them pass, he said screw it and continued on, not at high speed, but still startled the horses, while the rest of us sat until they passed and thanked us for waiting as they passed. I told him to quit acting like a feminine hygiene product and show some respect, because if they complain, and enough others complain, they'll lock the trail down for ATVs. I still don't think he gets it. I guess it's true: You can't fix stupid

ETA: The few tree hugging-environazis I've met seem to think that they can do whatever they wish to get their point across, including putting humans in harms way "If that's what it takes" (One guys comment)

Exactly..don't give the non-riders a reason to bltch they probably won't complain even if you are riding in an area that isn't technically open to ATVs. Go out of your way to be a bit nice and the fight goes away!!!

But be a dlck and ruin it for everyone one.

The old common sense rule that if not followed leads to all the laws, regulations, and barriers!!!

01-17-2012, 11:42 AM
Agreed, more or less what I was trying to say.

However, many times in the past motorized vehicle riders ASSUME their rights without know for sure. 'Well I've been riding this trail for years' becomes the defence.

If he is right then, correct he should be contacting the authorities. Whoever is creating an unsafe trail in shared space is commiting a criminal offence..

A little homework is required..maybe even a deercam setup. Remove the barrier, setup a hidden cam and see who rebuilds it..

Proof is what is needed is you want the cops to enforce.
i have done my homework on this the reason why there pissed is a few years ago they wanted the hole area closed the town gave them a huge area beside the road but didnt give them the road they wanted because it gives acess to hundereds of km of trail and popular hunting trails so because they didnt get everything there pissed the cops dont care and if i keep complaining the trail will be closed becase its unsafe
so its pretty much up to me to do something if i see some f***er setting it back up and if its any time soon i will im right pissed right now the 185 hit the ground so hard the timing chain is in the bottom end theres no oil left in it and my front end is straight again

01-17-2012, 12:31 PM
i have done my homework on this the reason why there pissed is a few years ago they wanted the hole area closed the town gave them a huge area beside the road but didnt give them the road they wanted because it gives acess to hundereds of km of trail and popular hunting trails so because they didnt get everything there pissed the cops dont care and if i keep complaining the trail will be closed becase its unsafe
so its pretty much up to me to do something if i see some f***er setting it back up and if its any time soon i will im right pissed right now the 185 hit the ground so hard the timing chain is in the bottom end theres no oil left in it and my front end is straight again

Now I understand..tough spot.

You can't reason with unreasonable people..but just the same if you have any proof or can get any then the cops have to respond. Someone is getting a criminal charge over this!!

I suggest you document the damage to your machine, take pics of the location of your spill and hazards intentionally setup, as well as any bruises or injury you have.

The cops can't ignore if you can put a face to the person responsible for setting up a life endangering trap on a public trail!!!

Also it gives you grounds for a civil suit for damages and injuries.

01-17-2012, 12:32 PM
back in 1999 a buddy of mine and i were riding out 250r's on a 120 acre lot we had permission to be on( fraind of the familys who let us build a hare scrable track there) well the one neighbor was anti everything and would get pissed called the cops countless times on us, well one day he put a cable up acrost the track that bordered his property(by borders i mean 100 yards or more) well needless to say i was on my cr500 that day and buddy was on a banshee, well needless to say that day still replays trough my mind and the person who put the cable acrost the track got criminal trespassign, reckless endangerment and atempted murder charges.

01-17-2012, 12:37 PM
Glad our ok buds!

Tri-Z 250
01-17-2012, 01:22 PM
You can go to the local sporting goods store and get a motion detector camera with night vision. Many hunters use them for deer...just might get a pic of the guy. It is attempted murder to run a cable or wire with the intent to hurt/kill the rider on public land. As a precaution next time run the trail frist a normal speed...Even mother nature drops trees so treat it like the unknown each time.

01-17-2012, 02:43 PM
Up here its the sled ridders that try and close things off.

The only thing they should complain about is out of towners and jeeps that come up and tear the trails to bits. People are idiots sometimes. We all ride somthin, just shut up and enjoy the ride!

01-17-2012, 03:41 PM
Up hear its the sled ridders that try and close things off.

The only thing they should complain about is out of towners and jeeps that come up and tear the trails to bits. People are idiots sometimes. We all ride somthin, just shut up and enjoy the ride!

I hear that..the snowmobile trails run thru a part of my parents property by his permission. While out at their place for winter trike riding in the past I have had sledders stop and tell me to get the fuch off the trails or worse they start trying to buzz me with their machines. One guy and I practically went to blows when I drove in front of him and nearly hit him for trying to bully my kid as she was riding a quad on my parents property thru the field where the trail ran.

My dad has gotten so fed up with it he has written a letter to the club telling them he may not let them use his property any longer..thing is that it would mean they have to reroute their entire trail because his property is at a river crossing the sledders have to use.

Some of the sledders think they own the right to be @ssholes just because they paid for a permit.

01-17-2012, 04:57 PM
Yep, there are a-holes on both sides. We have a great downhill mt bike trail from Mt Ashland that goes all the way into town (no motor vehicles allowed). The hikers sabotage the down hill trail with pieces of glass buried in the dirt, boards buried with nails sticking up, sharpened sticks pointing up into the trail. It's attempted manslaughter in my opinion, doesn't really matter who's property it is.

We do of course have plenty of idiots with overly loud machines, riding like jerks, purposely tearing up the land and causing trail systems to be shut down. If we could teach our kids to be a bit more respectful of others and mother nature we could ride anywhere just like we used too. It is a bit much to ask apparently.

01-17-2012, 06:53 PM
I hear that..the snowmobile trails run thru a part of my parents property by his permission. While out at their place for winter trike riding in the past I have had sledders stop and tell me to get the fuch off the trails or worse they start trying to buzz me with their machines. One guy and I practically went to blows when I drove in front of him and nearly hit him for trying to bully my kid as she was riding a quad on my parents property thru the field where the trail ran.

My dad has gotten so fed up with it he has written a letter to the club telling them he may not let them use his property any longer..thing is that it would mean they have to reroute their entire trail because his property is at a river crossing the sledders have to use.

Some of the sledders think they own the right to be @ssholes just because they paid for a permit.

Man Doug that is absolutely Awful. As a landowner and an enthusiast. I know both sides. And Very unfortunately,,I have had to side with keeping it private. It IS the AGE OLD clichay,,all it takes,,,,,One a hole to ruin it all. I have seen beginners stand machines on end,guys talk the talk that they're "well seasoned riders" crash a CR 500. XT 350 straight into a concrete wall wide open. { My nephew} Just more crap than most could ever imagine! That is of course from a liability view. Those a holes hassling YOU, ON your Dads property?? That would have been ugly with me. I'm speechless. That is really bad. I guess at the LEAST,,carry a pen and paper to write down the a holes license. As far as BC's post,,that sucks. Hope you're not too sore. And dream they find the a hole that did it.

01-18-2012, 03:14 AM
Yeah we got a guy who likes to dig up the trails and put blockades of stuff on the powerlines. Sticks and rocks and trash every 20 feet. Granted its for winter use only.... but he dose not own the lines. The trails on his property are public, because his property is under current use. He never told us to stop ridding either, just one day cement walls and trash every where. I hit one of the walls he put up 4th gear pinned on my tri-moto. it was dark, knew the trail but did not expect a wall around the corner. A local hit the same wall latter that night and cracked his case.

lost access, to the whole west side of richmond and surrounding towns.

All said and done, pretty dangerous to put giant piles of sticks and rocks randomly... no dice.

01-19-2012, 12:15 PM
Dang hippies!