View Full Version : 85 250r flooding?

01-15-2012, 10:37 PM
got an 85r, been running great then i went to start it today for an ice ride and it idled great for about 2 min then just died, i kicked and kicked and it would not go, finally it started to fire a bunch of times and eventually ran again..rode it for awhile and shut it off (1/2 hour) then started it and it seemed flooded but i feathered the gas and it went..i havent looked at it yet but im guessing the float is stuck or somthing? needle n seat?

01-15-2012, 10:45 PM
Well, yes, check the carb over and make sure you don't have a sticking float or a piece of crud in the needle/seat. If the carb checks out, check your reeds. Bad/broken reeds will cause hard starting. And don't just look inside the carb boot when you have the carb out.. Unbolt the reedcage and pull it out and check your reeds over thoroughly.

01-16-2012, 05:28 PM
Well said, change the spark plug.

01-16-2012, 06:07 PM
change your spark plug, I second that. I dont think your float sticking will do anything for you if you are in fact having a flooding problem. I would just remove carb and clean really good. If your trike was running good before then I doubt any changes happened inside your carb besides getting gumed up.
