View Full Version : 100$ big red - Must be a sign

tri again
01-02-2012, 12:39 PM
The addiction has every excuse in the book or at least the top 10 warning signs.

85 big red , complete, doesn't run.. Ran when parked.

GF needs fenders for hers or she'll break up with me.
I need another trike. (yea right)

What else should I look for?
gear oil?
$ and a camera.
a therapist?

I told him it's worth more than that (even if only parts, plastics intact) so I'll bring a little extra.
He said he's gotten tons of calls but no one offered extra

Hey, this could happen to any of us.

Will post pix in a couple hrs.

01-02-2012, 05:35 PM
how was it? did you end up going?

tri again
01-02-2012, 06:16 PM
Almost bought new fenders for 200$ and then this came along.

85 big red.
Covered in moss, seat ripped
Both side covers intact
plastics intact.
Everything's there but looks like it sat outside uncovered for more than a year
but it's all there. A 1/2 sheet of plywood as a cover would have made all the difference in the world

Brakes locked up, rear tires hold air, front tire is rip rotted but he had an extra tire.

Gas tank is amazingly nice.
Really hate to borrow parts from it , maybe just the fenders to use this winter to keep
my shoes from getting filled with mud.
I guess I'll have to break the brakes loose to find neutral so I can kick it over
and check compression after I get the kick starter to unfold.

Yeah, it may be one of the roughest I've seen but actually a little nicer than one of my favorites.

Point is, deals like this do come around and gas to go get it was cheaper than shipping for just fenders.

Ran it thru the carwash on the way home so after it dries, I'll spray everything with penetrant
and take some pictures.

01-02-2012, 06:30 PM
You know you are supposed to take pics of it in the back of your truck before washing it, site rules lol. We all want to see it at its worst! But if you are like me you probably left your camera at home. Its always nice when you get a good gas tank- one less hurdle to overcome. Sounds like you got a deal! :beer

tri again
01-03-2012, 09:57 AM
You know you are supposed to take pics of it in the back of your truck before washing it, site rules lol. We all want to see it at its worst! But if you are like me you probably left your camera at home. Its always nice when you get a good gas tank- one less hurdle to overcome. Sounds like you got a deal! :beer

Admittedly a punishable party foul.
I was just afraid that the mass of pine needles would land on a cop car windshield
on the way home, trike would get impounded for no proof of ownership and implicated in some unsolved robbery 25 years ago, my fingerprins are now all over it, , gf would be mad 'cause she still has no fenders,
I run out of gas because I spent my last $ on a clunker and that my life would remain a series of misdirected comedy of errors with no real hope in the foreseeable future.

so yes, next time I promise not to wash off the big chunks, to bring my camera AND remember to take pictures.

Any good places to ride in Oregon?

01-03-2012, 10:43 AM
I was just afraid that the mass of pine needles would land on a cop car windshield

Any good places to ride in Oregon?
Thats hilarious! And something likely to happen to me lol. As far as good places to ride in Oregon, everywhere! Down here there are many choices and a MX track but my favorite areas to ride (dunes excluded) are Johns Peak and Elderberry Flats. I also have a GNCC type of track on a friends 13 acres. Hey you are in violation of 3WW rules again, you now have two posts and no pics lol. You are digging a hole so this Big Red better be good :beer