View Full Version : Ran yesterday. Won't start today. Have spark, fuel, compression. . . . .

01-01-2012, 03:37 PM
I have a 1984 Honda 200x with 200s engine. I've been running it for awhile and rode it yesterday for about 10 min. A guy was going to come and buy it today so I set it outside for a few hours. It got rained on and now I can't get it running. Idk if the rain had anything to do with it or not. I have good spark. I tore the killswitch apart to make sure everything is working and it is. Has good compression. I didn't make any changes from yesterday to today other than it getting rained on. The carb is filling up with fuel and working correctly. The spark plug is getting fuel to it. I don't like doing this but I sprayed starting fluid down the sparkplug hole and it didn't even wanna try to start. I'm not sure what else to check so suggestions would be great.

01-01-2012, 04:15 PM
I had a 200s that did that once. I washed it before a guy came to look at it, same thing. Put a brand new plug it it. once a plug gets wet they are funny.

01-01-2012, 04:47 PM
Jumped time? Valves tightened up? Try the Brand new plug. I don't think that's it,,unless you washed it. Then It sure could be. Try the plug,,see if theres compression to pop and burn your finger while the plugs out of the hole. If not,pull the valve caps and see if you've got good valve overlap,and adjustments. If none of this works,,paint it green and yellow. Then It'll be an animal! Had to get a JD gouge into ya there!

01-01-2012, 04:58 PM
Wet motor / elec harness = no start on them old motors . It will need to dry out completely and start it with a new plug . You can bump start it to get it going also but thats a last resort .

01-01-2012, 05:18 PM
Most kill switches can be disconnected as they are grounded in the left or right "off" position. You could have unplugged that.......

I'm not positive about your model, but allot of Honda's I find to be wired this way.

Eeek, guess that didn't sell. Glad he didn't lowball you as it's a simple issue that will clear up easy.

Either that or you forgot how to start it in 2012, another sign of the apocalypse; The trikes are dying! :lol:

01-01-2012, 06:59 PM
In it's current state it still runs better than anything green and yellow. . . . :)

I guess I figured since I had spark it couldn't be anything electrical related but I'll let her dry out awhile and give it a shot tomorrow.

I don't wanna call the guy a deadbeat in case he's a member on here but he was a no call, no show. Happens all too often when trying to sell stuff on Craigslist I've come to learn. Didn't bother me today of course since I didn't have a running machine to show him.

01-01-2012, 07:10 PM
I don't wanna call the guy a deadbeat in case he's a member on here but he was a no call, no show.

I dont care if the guy is the minister at the church down the street, if a man cant at least make a phone call to let you know he is not going to be able to keep an appointment....He is a deadbeat.

I know what you mean about people no showing, We have those here too. Try finding a good renter if you want a challenge. LOL One guy no showed on me, then called 2 days later wanting to re schedule. He couldnt figure out why I told him I wasnt going to rent to him.

01-01-2012, 08:57 PM
missed out a mint 250sx the same way,but it worked out..got a 300ex stroker kit,and it does just fine.now my R gets lots of tlc! I would say kill switch just take it off completly and see what it does.

01-16-2012, 06:30 PM
Just an update if anyone searches this problem and finds this thread. . . let it dry over night and popped a new plug in it the next morning and it started right up.

01-16-2012, 06:59 PM
Amazing LOL . Glad it going again !!!!!

Just an update if anyone searches this problem and finds this thread. . . let it dry over night and popped a new plug in it the next morning and it started right up.

01-17-2012, 12:18 AM
In it's current state it still runs better than anything green and yellow. . . . :)

What you got against John Deere???

01-17-2012, 11:01 PM
The damn thing did it again today! A guy called me from PA saying he wanted to come look at it. I got it out of the shop where it's been resting for a couple weeks and it wouldn't start. Luckily I stocked up on plugs so I put a new one in and it fired right up. The guy showed up and rode it for 10 minutes shut it off and tried to start it a couple minutes again. Nothing. So I put another new plug in and it fired right up. I don't know why it's eating plugs but thankfully he bought it and I don't have to worry about it again.

I had to throw in a ratchet strap too or he'd never have gotten it back home :)

01-17-2012, 11:06 PM
What do you Expect with it sleeping next to all of that RED??? JKA,,stator and flywheel are rusty/ dirty/on their way out.. He'll want to pull the flywheel and see exactly what's going on in there.