View Full Version : 3wheelers on French Quad magazines

12-31-2011, 06:43 PM
Few days ago I was tidying up my dirtbikes magazines and I came across these Quad magazines.

The first, on dirt, was a 6 hours endurance during the “Mondial du Quad” at Pont de Vaulx (12 hours Quad endurance) in August 2009.
The second, on ice, was demonstrations during the French Ice Quad Championship in January 2009. It was my first ride on ice and a real revelation…

It's not very recent but I thought it would be cool to share.

http://images3.photomania.com/2000113/1/rad1682B.jpg (http://www.photomania.com/)

http://images3.photomania.com/2000569/1/radCC160.jpg (http://www.photomania.com/)

http://images3.photomania.com/2000587/1/rad4D0B4.jpg (http://www.photomania.com/)

http://images3.photomania.com/2000613/1/rad3AD0E.jpg (http://www.photomania.com/)

http://images3.photomania.com/2000620/1/radE4F6F.jpg (http://www.photomania.com/)

http://images3.photomania.com/2000676/1/radBDAA6.jpg (http://www.photomania.com/)