View Full Version : Shift shaft seal

12-21-2011, 01:20 AM
Anybody know if the seal on the shifter shaft can be changed with the shaft still in ? In other words from the outside can it just be pulled out and changed. It`s a 83 honda 200 and i`m tired of that drip hope`n it`s an easy fix. Thanks for any and all info.

12-21-2011, 05:41 AM
I have changed my SL100 and my CB750F shift shaft seal from the outside so hopefully your 200 follows suit.

12-21-2011, 05:43 AM
Since youre replacing the old seal, you can beat the heck out of the old seal, and destroy it getting it out. then carefully slide the new one in.

12-21-2011, 08:38 AM
An old school way of removing a seal with the shaft still in is to carefully drill a small hole on either side of the shift into the metal shell of the seal. Then take a small screw and thread into the hole you just drilled, after that using a small claw hammer 'pull' the screw like it were a nail in a board. If your pressure is right and you have a gentle hand the seal will pop out..

12-21-2011, 06:47 PM
I always tear off the corner of a ziplock bag, place it on the shift shaft and grease the inner lip when re-installing the new seal this way.

The splines can chew up your new seal.....

Many leak because the shaft is bent, so if it doesn't hold up, be ready for that.

12-21-2011, 07:27 PM
Do what dougspcs said for removal, and use DC's advice for installation. Before you install the seal pack the back of it with wheel bearing grease, this will keep the spring from jumping out when you tap it back in with a socket. Enjoy and have fun!

12-21-2011, 11:27 PM
Thanks guys good advice like the plastic bag trick and the pack it with grease thing. Thanks to all for the replies. Wasn`t real worried bout gettin it out figured I could just mangle it and it wouldn`t matter anyway just didn`t know if it would go in right with the shaft still in. It only leaks after a ride when it`s hot don`t know if that means anyting or not figured the rubber was just done from being old now i`m hope`n it`s not a bent shaft guess we`ll see thanks again guys.

tri again
12-22-2011, 12:24 AM
Not sure if it matters, but we used to use contact cement to
glue in rear main engine seals.
They were pretty large so they had a tendency to creep back out.

Like like the way 1/2" pvc pipe will stay put but the larger sizes need to be held in place until they set.
I've also never heard of anyone gluing a shift shaft seal.
I didn't glue mine either and it stayed put.

The only thing was feeling silly for waiting so long to spend 4 dollars
and take the 10 minutes to do it.

12-22-2011, 03:16 AM
The only thing was feeling silly for waiting so long to spend 4 dollars
and take the 10 minutes to do it.

I've been there more then once...I'm trying not to do that sort of thing anymore.:beer