View Full Version : shift forks for an 85R

12-18-2011, 10:21 PM
Servicehonda's web-site says they are discontinued, where can I get them?

12-18-2011, 11:36 PM
well I think I found what I needed. One question hopefully someone can help me with. My 85R was a PIA to get in neutral. I am guessing that replacing the 3-4 gear, and the center shift fork will help this? The fork is actually within spec according to the manual, but there is obvious wear on that fork, and on the gear.

12-18-2011, 11:47 PM
Every tranny I take apart shows some wear, but, IMHO, that would be a gear engagement issue.

Is your clutch basket perfect, is the shift drum and it's related parts in good working order?

Those seem to be the "neutral" culprits most times. Many times it's a loose bolt associated withe the mechanism.

Post up pics of the gears, you don't want to use gears with fairly rounded edges either........

12-19-2011, 12:18 AM
Those were the first things I checked. I did the 89 upgrade kit, new basket and clutch. I'll post some pics tomorrow. Why would rounded gears keep it from getting in neutral? Doesn't the shift fork and the grove it rides in control gear engagement? Its either in first or second, the only way to get neutral is by hand, and even then it can just all of a sudden pop into gear by itself.

12-19-2011, 07:07 PM
Well it seems they don't have what I need. Honda doesn't make gears for our trannys anymore. I need some gears dammit!