View Full Version : Stolen honda 350x

jon jon
12-12-2011, 09:32 PM
I went riding today at a local track on my quad as when i get back to unload the quad my garage doors were wide open. when i go to take a look inside my ment honda 350x was gone.. along with a few parts i had boxed up, tires, my riding gear(chest protector, helments, gloves, etc.)and a few other things. who ever it was tried to steal my honda 250r ive been working on but thank goodness i had it chained to the floor. they trashed my garage and now im down my trike. i hope the local cops will find it soon.

12-12-2011, 09:34 PM
Look at your "friends" and acquaintances; Thats where you'll find it.


jon jon
12-12-2011, 09:38 PM
well i had a 300ex that was stolen and i got it back blown up, broken frame and broken steering stem and thats my worse fear. ive already restored it once and i have a title to it which is rare on a 86. but i filed a police report and they will probley go to the guy who stole my 300ex. but whats even worse, back in 1995 my dads mint 87 quadzilla he raced was stolen from the same garage. so we have a few suspects.

12-12-2011, 09:40 PM
Look at your "friends" and acquaintances; Thats where you'll find it.

No joke it's more then likely someone that knew what you had. I dont think a random robber would just pick your house and take your ride and all your gear. Sorry to hear your loss. I went to school with a kid that had a 350x roller stolen no motor just a rolling chassis someone knew what it was and seen the value of it. Search around on Craigslist more then likely they are going to try and sell you stuff to get some money.

jon jon
12-12-2011, 09:44 PM
the thing is i have a quadzilla, 250r, and 400ex all in the same garage but they go for the 350x?

Jon Boy
12-12-2011, 10:08 PM
sorry to hear this, hope you get it back quickly with no damage. :rolleyes:
hmm.. all that and they were being picky? does sound pretty fishy. seems like they knew what they wanted, might of gotten lucky though too and they were scared off before they could get anything else. stay in touch with the police about stuff, but don't bug them continueously and talk to your neighbors or atleast the ones you feel you can trust anyway, incase it did happen to be one. had my 125 stolen last year and it ended up being the neighbor across the street. now i'm not gonna go to jail because he stole it, but i know for sure he'll get his in the end eventually. Hoosier Daddy :lol:

12-12-2011, 10:41 PM
Man, that sucks. First thing is checking around and second should be some better way to keep your stuff safe. That many things taken and you dont at least have a noisy dog or something. Hell even a sign that says thats its protected by a security system will maybe make them think for a minute anyhow....something!!! Sorry for the loss man and I hope it comes back as nice as it was when it left.

tri again
12-12-2011, 10:55 PM
Put an ad on craigslist.

Wanted gas tank for 350x, willing to pay 100$
or some such non threatening teaser ad.

Kids talk.
Someone will be bragging about it.

Got any kid friends in the local highschool?
Local motorcycle shop parts guys? someone new looking for 350 parts?

or want ad for 3 wheeler wanted, but spell a few tings wrong, make it generic.
Have cash, need winter project. Use a town name that's a ways away.

Of course, everyone on here will be looking for trikes for sale.
Didn't we find an Ohio trike in Texas?

Hesitate to mention this for obvious reasons but here goes.
I've got a couple pullpin alarms that scream if the strap is pulled, like for purse snatchers.
Great for when they're in the truck and we're in a hotel or restaurant.
Critter cam / motion sensor for wildlife aiming AT my door from a local tree.
I get pix of anything that comes near my house.
Infrared so no flash..about 50 bucks I think.
Holds 6,000 pictures and the batteries last a few months.

Jon Boy
12-12-2011, 11:59 PM
Critter cam / motion sensor for wildlife aiming AT my door from a local tree.
I get pix of anything that comes near my house.
Infrared so no flash..about 50 bucks I think.
Holds 6,000 pictures and the batteries last a few months.

x2 seriously best cheap investment, i got mine up now and a couple motion lights to boot. :lol: :beer

12-13-2011, 12:10 AM
There ya go!!! I have never had anything stolen from me but I think people are afraid of my pit bulls. They are the biggest babys but have the bad rep so people are leary. The little shitzue is the one you gotta look out for on my property. Gotta do something because the rate you are getting stuff stolen you wont have anything to ride once they tell their buddys what else you have there!

tri again
12-13-2011, 12:17 AM
x2 seriously best cheap investment, i got mine up now and a couple motion lights to boot. :lol: :beer
me too
except I got a few 50 cent radios from goodwill, the old style with an actual 'click on' switch so when the lights come on, so does a religious station....reallyreally LOUD!

next is to record the sound of some 12 ga pump and have THAT sound come on , even withOUT the lights coming on.


12-13-2011, 01:20 PM
Dam it! pisses me off to hear *hit like this. I so hope they find your trike. Those things aren't cheap.

12-13-2011, 01:43 PM
Sorry to hear it man. That really sucks. I hope they find it before it's trashed or parted out.

I like the idea of trikes being chained to the floor, but unfortunately I don't have the discipline to lock them up every time. I do padlock the rails on the garage door that doesn't have the opener on it, but I don't know if that would stop them or not.

12-13-2011, 02:00 PM
Oh man that blows, it's got to be someone who knows you. But if it has happened more than once before, why haven't you installed some security camera or locks on everything?

May the devil help the first person who tries to steal from my house... Cuz God won't be enough...

12-13-2011, 04:22 PM
I cannot imagine how you're feeling right now Bud. I can't believe we have people like that in our world. But look on the brightside, they didn't unload your whole garage.... atleast.

You'll find it, it's just a matter of time. I'd probably be the one who ends up in jail if someone touched any of my trikes..... haha.

Best of luck to ya!

the great gazoo
12-13-2011, 07:08 PM
I know the feeling all too well. I had a sweet '83 XR200 twin shock stolen from my garage, & after that I started chaining everything down- a couple months later I was broken into again, but this time he got frustrated( I use really thick, heavy chain, the kind that give bolt cutters a run for the money ) left the doors wide open. Months & months later, I found out who took the XR- I knew the guy, he was a junkie from less than 3 houses away. I never got the bike back, I'm sure it was trashed. He got hurt.
I like DrJoe's idea of an ad on Craig's List, hopefully a friend of his will(he might not be adept at using a computer) see the ad & tell him.
Good luck, man. I hope this guy gets caught.

12-13-2011, 08:26 PM
Wow thats really sick how this is happening more all the time.

My brother had some power tools, cement saws and chain saws stolen from his garage about two years ago, he went to the police with the serial numbers and they were able to track everything down at a pawn shop about 30 miles away.
They got the guys who took his stuff because the pawn shops here have to register the serial numbers with the police and they dont pay out until every serial number comes back clean. Not sure how long the waiting period is.

I would check the pawn shops also, I've been in some that I wonder if some things in there arn't hot. You never know

12-14-2011, 01:04 PM
Jon Jon I got your text about it being stolen but I didnt get a chance to reply until the next day, by then your mom had your phone and you were in Tennessee. This really sucks bro! I hope you get it back, and its intact. 3 wheelers are very uncommon, call all your local Honda shops and tell them to keep an eye out for anyone who comes in with one or who asks about parts for one. I wouldn't put all my faith in the cops, you have to do some investigating yourself. I called the cops when I got 2 dirt bikes stolen and the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro wouldn't even let me tell him what color/year the bikes were. He stopped me and said "you can tell the detective whenever he comes by". like WTF? I never heard from the "detective" and still didn't get my bikes back.

12-14-2011, 01:56 PM
I'll keep my eye out. I live down in Charlotte

There are very few of us that have these

Post a pic if you can what it looked like

Keepah Rolln
12-14-2011, 02:02 PM
That is bad news. I hate theives!!!Hope you find it. I have a trail cam hidden out of sight in my garage just in case of this....

12-14-2011, 02:48 PM
post up some pics and anymore specifics you have on it. That really sucks man, feels terrible when someone takes your stuff. Atc-Eric and I had our pair of 250EX's and the trailer they were chained to stolen back in 2005, someone just cut the hitch lock right off it and hauled them off. Sucks to go through all the related crap of dealing with the police and reports when the majority of the time they wont find your stolen items. I really hope you get it back, and in the same condition it disapeared in

12-14-2011, 03:42 PM

12-14-2011, 04:21 PM
id keep an eye out on any surrounding cities craigslists, if they are smart and from your area they would post it to some other area trying to get some unknowing person to come and buy it. hope you find your trike and your stuff man im constantly twitchy about having my bikes sitting around ive moved all of them from the garage to the house just so i know they're safe. im getting ready to invest in a rottweiler for back up also.

yamaha driver
12-14-2011, 05:31 PM
that sucks man. ive been hearing all these stories about bikes getting stolen. it makes me mad the people would even do that. I live in a area where all my 3 wheelers sit out side my house in the yard. but i am in the country

jon jon
12-14-2011, 07:41 PM
i did as u suggested and still waiting for a email or text

jon jon
12-14-2011, 07:45 PM
my dads was stolen back when i was in middle school back in the mid 90's but no i live in his old house and just thought i wouldnt need it

jon jon
12-14-2011, 07:47 PM
i miss it dearly. it was my first project. i bought it as just a bare frame. no bolts, no nothing. then built it to do 119mph in the 1/8 mile.

jon jon
12-14-2011, 07:50 PM
ok i will. you cant miss it. it has rear flat track tires on it and the clutch cover is red

jon jon
12-14-2011, 07:57 PM
these are pics of my stolen 350x. these are a few mnths old. it has oem rear plastics with 350x on each side and a red clutch cover

jon jon
12-14-2011, 08:16 PM
thanks. im offering a pretty hefty reward if found. so please if any info let me no. thanks

tri again
12-15-2011, 04:38 AM
that sucks man. ive been hearing all these stories about bikes getting stolen. it makes me mad the people would even do that. I live in a area where all my 3 wheelers sit out side my house in the yard. but i am in the country

The bad guys are not always from our neighborhoods.
It's usually freaks out farming, looking for dirt roads or porch lights on during the day

Please go spend a few bucks on a 30 foot dog cable and lace yer trikes together, at least.

I like the motion sensor alarm idea too.

12-15-2011, 12:30 PM
Jon Jon after I had 2 bikes stolen, we rig everything together with 1/2 inch thick cable and double lock it. We also have security cameras hooked up to a DVR. I keep my machete by the door, and I promise you that if I catch someone messing with my locks or rolling a bike off my property they are LOSING THEIR HEAD! I am ready to murder the next poor trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro to try to take something that I worked months to earn the money for. The police don't do anything, around my parts their just a bunch of useless tools in fancy outfits

yamaha driver
12-15-2011, 05:47 PM
I have a black lab dog that has a loud bark and scares some of my friends. but the cats and chickens sleep next to him. dont think he ever killed anything in his life. ironic lol BUT also got the semi auto 12 ga in the garage just in case :)

tri again
12-15-2011, 06:31 PM
My neighbor threatened to 'rewire' one of my trikes.
Pretty sure there was speaker wire used for all the important stuff.
Anyway, he always joked about doint it right and was a supervisor for electrical
at a motorhome factory.

So one day, as I walked outside to run errands,
I see my trike walking across the upper field and it really did look like my neighbor.

but when I yelled "Thanks, the guy started running WITH the trike.
Oddly enough, one of my errands was a holster for my 92F with the 18 cap.

2 pops in the ground near MY feet and then about 9 more into the ground and he DIS appeared
into the weeds.
Well, since I had 7 more, I just walked around and popped a few more in the ground looking for urine stains.

Doubtful he'll EVER come back.

but please, don't shoot anyone unless your life is in immediate danger.

12-15-2011, 07:24 PM
You definately have to either have your stuff locked up, or have something for security. Sorry to hear about your trike and gear. Just you and your freinds keep your eyes and ears open. Alot of the time it isnt hidden to far away. Good luck and I hope you get it back as nice as it was when it was taken.

12-15-2011, 09:01 PM
I have a hundred pound dog and this , plus it helps someone is always home here.

just ben
12-15-2011, 09:34 PM
i miss it dearly. it was my first project. i bought it as just a bare frame. no bolts, no nothing. then built it to do 119mph in the 1/8 mile.I feel your pain but are you saying you were runnining in the 5's low 6's on a trike?

12-16-2011, 05:25 AM
I keep mine chained up. I also engrave my name in the bottom of the motor case with a dremel. If something is stolen more than once you should install CCTV and get a shotgun. Maybe time to get a few dobermans too.

12-16-2011, 09:56 AM
i bought it as just a bare frame. no bolts, no nothing. then built it to do 119mph in the 1/8 mile. Sorry about your bike, but you just broke my B.S. meter. The dial spun so hard that it actually took flight for a few seconds before it came crashing back down to earth in a spectacular fire ball.

12-16-2011, 01:26 PM
My neighbor threatened to 'rewire' one of my trikes.
Pretty sure there was speaker wire used for all the important stuff.
Anyway, he always joked about doint it right and was a supervisor for electrical
at a motorhome factory.

So one day, as I walked outside to run errands,
I see my trike walking across the upper field and it really did look like my neighbor.

but when I yelled "Thanks, the guy started running WITH the trike.
Oddly enough, one of my errands was a holster for my 92F with the 18 cap.

2 pops in the ground near MY feet and then about 9 more into the ground and he DIS appeared
into the weeds.
Well, since I had 7 more, I just walked around and popped a few more in the ground looking for urine stains.

Doubtful he'll EVER come back.

but please, don't shoot anyone unless your life is in immediate danger.

Your my Hero!!!lol love it..

12-16-2011, 01:30 PM
119mph on the 1/8 mile. Holy Sh!t!

just ben
12-16-2011, 11:26 PM
119mph on the 1/8 mile. Holy Sh!t! what, you never seen a 150hp 350x? I must have the same meter as bkm.

jon jon
01-01-2012, 08:02 PM
in the 8th mile i was running high 7's low 8's

01-01-2012, 08:22 PM
I would set a trike out as bait and wait till they come, then hold them up with a shotgun until the cops come. Thats what we do here in alabama. By the way I hope you get your trike back.

jon jon
01-01-2012, 08:24 PM
i just posted a new thread. it was found a few hours from here. got a call from the p.d and its gnna need another restore.

tri-Z ripper
01-07-2012, 12:34 PM
ANY UPDATE? did you get it back?

jon jon
01-09-2012, 08:23 PM
yes i did get it back. it was painted all black, the motor was locked up and a few parts were never found. it needs a full restoration

01-09-2012, 09:54 PM
Glad you got it back but please clarify that you truly felt it ran 119MPH in an 1/8th mile. Was it on rocket fuel with a turbine??

It makes some of us care less............

01-10-2012, 11:45 AM
Glad you are going to get it back, but it sucks it's trashed


01-10-2012, 07:54 PM
Any pics? And we are glad you have it!