View Full Version : What should I do with these Big Reds

Buck Snort
12-03-2011, 08:09 PM
I have two 83 Big reds. Both run good but the one I use is in alot better shape. I am thinking about stripping down the trike I dont run. I could use a few parts for the good one, but mostly it would help to free up space in the shop , which I need. Seems like a waste , of course eventually I will probably need other parts from it. What do you guys think. Take a good running trike and turn it in to a bunch of parts.

12-03-2011, 11:11 PM
its your machine so you can do whatever you want with it, but as for a general vibe as to how valued a 83 big red is, very little yeah its a big red, but 82 was the first year they made them so that makes 82s historically valueble, and 84 had shaft and reverse, where as 83, theres nothing special about them so its not like its a shame to part it out or use the parts for your self, if i were in your possesion id take all the parts i wanted off it then sell the rest.

12-04-2011, 12:09 AM
you are going to dismantle it just to save room? just try selling it whole. Once an old machine is torn down and its pieces spread about...it is usualy going to end up as scrap metal in time