View Full Version : 250sx won't roll

11-04-2011, 05:56 PM
Like the title says. 85 sx is locked up when in neutral and turned off. Could be the brakes froze up (I hope a cable or something else brake related) or could it be something in the rear end? Never had a shaft drive before so i am guessing before I tear into it this weekend. Anybody else have this issue before and what did it turn out to be? any advice on where to start would be appreciated. By the way, when running, it will move but is very sluggish.

the great gazoo
11-04-2011, 06:44 PM
Start by checking the drum, see if it's locked up.

11-04-2011, 07:54 PM
You might get lucky and find a brake shoe fell apart..the bad luck you may have blown your rear differential..

Did this happen while you were driving it or while it was parked for a period of time? Did you happen to pull the cap off the differential and check the fluid?

Why does everyone run to their computer and start asking questions before they check stuff themselves??

11-04-2011, 08:35 PM
Dougspcs, be nice! We come here first because it's a community and we love to talk about our three wheelers. I agree though, it's very likely a brake shoe that fell apart.

tri again
11-05-2011, 03:07 AM
Good question.
Not really sure why (i) visit here.
Maybe the morbid curiosity of passing an accident scene, or remembering the pain I went thru to get something that freakin' RUNS,
but I digress.

I've had at least 3 sx/br rear brake issues.
One common thing I found was stuckSTUCK brake shoe 'cam'. actuator.

Seems like the assembly lube from the 80's turns itself into a sticky dry black paint.

One took me 3 hrs to smash apart with an 18" drift and 3 pound sledge to get the shaft out.
2 minutes with sandpaper to get the dried paint looking stuff off,
re grease, the shoe springs will actually return the actuator, and 10 minutes back together.

Try smashing the brake drum actuator lever away from the direction of cable pull .
I kept a rock in my toolbix just for that reason.
After adding springs and soaking for weeks, I finally took it apart.

To do it again, I'd prob try to soak that shaft with nail polish remover.
Nothing seems to work except brute force, take it apart and do it right.

Hopefully it's something that simply and requires no $$ or parts or special tools.
gearoil is GOD with these machines btw.

11-05-2011, 08:45 AM
WTF Dougspcs. I simply asked for any experience before I tear into something that is unlikely the cause of the problem. Frankencelery is correct in his assessment. It IS a community and i rely on it to learn from others with more experience in certain areas. It seems like every post I read anymore has some negative comment written about it.

11-05-2011, 09:19 AM
WTF Dougspcs. I simply asked for any experience before I tear into something that is unlikely the cause of the problem. Frankencelery is correct in his assessment. It IS a community and i rely on it to learn from others with more experience in certain areas. It seems like every post I read anymore has some negative comment written about it.

But you didn't even look..how are we to know the problem with your machine..

Did you check the things I suggested?? Or answer the questions I asked? Pull a wheel see if the drum wants to come off, if the brake cam is moving freely, cables seized, and big chunk of tree branch stuck behind the rim and the axle...

I could go on listing the millions of possible causes..

I'm all about the community thing..so many here have their trikes break and just walk away and come to their computers to ask. Give us some 411, we'd be happy to help.

Give us no information and all we do it shoot rounds in the air..nothing is accomplished.

Not trying to be a prick about it..just making a point. Help us to help you!!!

Name Brand
11-05-2011, 11:39 PM
My SX locked up solid when the pinion bearing blew apart. It had been making popping noises for a short time before that. Did the TRX swap after that.

On a parts SX; the right, rear axle bearing had blown apart. Bearings and cage material tore into the brake shoes and brake drum causing it to no longer move freely.

I have had the rear lock up after leaving it outside on a cold night following a wet or snowy trail ride. Moved it someplace warmer and let it thaw.

11-06-2011, 03:14 AM
This site is getting farther from a community and more towards being a crutch for those that want the easy answer and easy fix. Whatever one does, don't do anything to actually diagnose the problem. Don't check wheelbearings or slide back rubber boots on the shaft drive to check for binding or anything like that. You have the trike in your posession, yet you ask the question. We do not have the trike nor pictures, so we can only take stabs at what is wrong. I see this pattern repeated by many on here. This worst part is, you're not a newb. And then you start to get defensive when called out on it. Best of luck in your repair.

11-06-2011, 03:38 PM
Good question.
Not really sure why (i) visit here.
Maybe the morbid curiosity of passing an accident scene, or remembering the pain I went thru to get something that freakin' RUNS,
but I digress.

I've had at least 3 sx/br rear brake issues.
One common thing I found was stuckSTUCK brake shoe 'cam'. actuator.

Seems like the assembly lube from the 80's turns itself into a sticky dry black paint.

One took me 3 hrs to smash apart with an 18" drift and 3 pound sledge to get the shaft out.
2 minutes with sandpaper to get the dried paint looking stuff off,
re grease, the shoe springs will actually return the actuator, and 10 minutes back together.

Try smashing the brake drum actuator lever away from the direction of cable pull .
I kept a rock in my toolbix just for that reason.
After adding springs and soaking for weeks, I finally took it apart.

To do it again, I'd prob try to soak that shaft with nail polish remover.
Nothing seems to work except brute force, take it apart and do it right.

Hopefully it's something that simply and requires no $$ or parts or special tools.
gearoil is GOD with these machines btw.

I hate to say this 'drjoe', you use of the word 'smash' seems to come up alot when you are referencing your machines..

Kinda scares me!!:lol:

11-06-2011, 03:42 PM
My SX locked up solid when the pinion bearing blew apart. It had been making popping noises for a short time before that. Did the TRX swap after that.

On a parts SX; the right, rear axle bearing had blown apart. Bearings and cage material tore into the brake shoes and brake drum causing it to no longer move freely.

I have had the rear lock up after leaving it outside on a cold night following a wet or snowy trail ride. Moved it someplace warmer and let it thaw.

That my friend is what you would call..'EL GRENADO'...

I listened to mine 'growl' for a couple rides then decided to do an exploritory tear down.

Exact same failure on mine..but no collateral damage!!

11-06-2011, 04:05 PM
Ok, I'm curious...what's the "TRX Swap"?

With all due respect guys, the question was, "Here are the symptoms, what should I be looking for before I tear into it?". I completely understand the frustration with a post that says "My trike won't start, what could it be?", but this wasn't that kind of question. Would it have been more appropriate for him to say, "Ok, I've taken it all apart, I have the brake drum off and the driveshaft disconnected and I've changed the wheel bearings and it still won't turn.", so he could then be given the brilliant diagnosis of a frozen differential?

If this isn't a place where people can go to save time and frustration troubleshooting a problem from scratch, then what is it? Sorry, but this one really got to me.

11-06-2011, 04:41 PM
Ok, I'm curous...what's the "TRX Swap"?

I think he is talking about swapping the differential from a 85 TRX250..

It's a direct fit, though I'm not positive the ratio is exactly. Pretty sure it's the same as the 250ES.

Anyway..still get the job done.

11-06-2011, 05:08 PM
And thats why I don't post much anymore. Got tired of answering the same questions over and over and SOME people never attempt to help themselves.

How else do you learn unless you try??

This is not in direct relation to the topic being discussed or OP..............

Screw it all. I'll have a TPC at some point anyhow.

11-06-2011, 05:24 PM
And thats why I don't post much anymore. Got tired of answering the same questions over and over and SOME people never attempt to help themselves.

How else do you learn unless you try??

This is not in direct relation to the topic being discussed or OP..............

Screw it all. I'll have a TPC at some point anyhow.
Curious DC, what's a TPC?

the great gazoo
11-06-2011, 05:37 PM
Custom modern 450R trikes, do a search.............

11-06-2011, 06:07 PM
Well, despite our off topic ranting (guilty as charged), I for one would like to hear what you find when you get it apart.

11-06-2011, 06:27 PM
Ok, I'm curious...what's the "TRX Swap"?

With all due respect guys, the question was, "Here are the symptoms, what should I be looking for before I tear into it?". I completely understand the frustration with a post that says "My trike won't start, what could it be?", but this wasn't that kind of question. Would it have been more appropriate for him to say, "Ok, I've taken it all apart, I have the brake drum off and the driveshaft disconnected and I've changed the wheel bearings and it still won't turn.", so he could then be given the brilliant diagnosis of a frozen differential?

If this isn't a place where people can go to save time and frustration troubleshooting a problem from scratch, then what is it? Sorry, but this one really got to me.

Very simple actually.. He should have TRIED to decipher if the fr wheel or rear wheels were locked,Or the drivetrain. It is almost MORE than likely a simple sticky,rusty,rear cam arm actuator, Could be a sticky cable,could be a shoe rolled off. Could be the trannies junk,,,NOT !! Could be the driveshaft universal broke and locked,,could be ring and pinion.. COULD BE 100 things. But SIMPLY playing with the machine to SEE WHAT is locked. Then ,,we can GLADLY point out EVERYTHING it COULD be. I'm not ticked. But it just does seem,,instead of running to a keyboard ,you would want to see WHAT is locked up. Get your hands dirty a little,,,then ask for help if needed. I experienced the rath of being a Newb once,,and it was truly ridiculous!! I would never do that to someone begin with,and surely won't start now! Good luck and post back what you've found so far!

11-07-2011, 08:10 AM
Not that anyone was trying to give the guy a hard time..just that most of us have kids and deal with the 'Dad have you seen my ... ?' when they haven't even looked everyday!!!

I suspect he probably already has checked, found and fixed his problem as we all suggested. We just haven't heard his..'never mind, I found it!!'

He was probably buggered off down the trail yesterday!!

11-07-2011, 11:02 AM
His parking brake was probably set. :lol:

11-07-2011, 11:47 AM
Honestly I wouldn't repost what was found or how it was fixed cuz u idiots would just say something stupid back to him. Or how he didn't search about it or should already know. This site is becoming bad..... And there is just a certain handful making it that way and seem to think they r overly entitled. Let someone ask a question. If u don't like the question then move on. Simple as that. U r greater then no one else here. The keyboard u r behind doesn't have magic powers and make u god. U clutter more threads then any "newb" could think of.

What's the problem with giving a list of options it could be??

Is it that hard to type 5 sentences for u?? Does it really hurt that much to throw out possibilities to another triker??

U type more in the irrelevant ignorant responses then if u just gave answers. Who cares if what u suggest wasnt the fix. It could help the guy out. I don't think he will be mad or hold it against u that the list u supplied didn't have The exact answer the first try.

11-07-2011, 11:54 AM
Honestly I wouldn't repost what was found or how it was fixed cuz u idiots would just say something stupid back to him. Or how he didn't search about it or should already know. This site is becoming bad..... And there is just a certain handful making it that way and seem to think they r overly entitled. Let someone ask a question. If u don't like the question then move on. Simple as that. U r greater then no one else here. The keyboard u r behind doesn't have magic powers and make u god. U clutter more threads then any "newb" could think of.

What's the problem with giving a list of options it could be??

Is it that hard to type 5 sentences for u?? Does it really hurt that much to throw out possibilities to another triker??

U type more in the irrelevant ignorant responses then if u just gave answers. Who cares if what u suggest wasnt the fix. It could help the guy out. I don't think he will be mad or hold it against u that the list u supplied didn't have The exact answer the first try.

Not like we were being bltches to the guy!!

Just telling him to check stuff 1st, then ask.

If there is no point to the question, why ask it?

11-07-2011, 12:37 PM
Obviously people are seeing this two different ways.

There is nothing wrong with asking questions, that's what we're all here for.

You have to at least look at the machine first. Like others have said, there is no way we can help if we don't know what's going on. He could look at it for literally 5 minutes and either answer his own question or at least give us something to work with.

Hey Tatool- My trike just died. What's wrong?

11-07-2011, 12:56 PM
I clicked on this this thread when it was posted and wanted to help but had nothing to work with. Lets see here- trike wont roll? Umm... where do I start...... immovable object in front of it? air in the tires? Parking brake on? Bearings? Driveshaft/U-joints? Diff? Tranny locked up? Brake cam stuck? Frozen brake drum? Frozen brake cable? When did it do it? Riding it? Parked for ten years in a field? Riding through two feet of mud? What are we supposed to do, name every moving part and every scenario? I hope the OP chimes in and we find out, the suspence is killing me lol. Hopefully he figured it out.:beer

11-07-2011, 05:42 PM
Obviously people are seeing this two different ways.

There is nothing wrong with asking questions, that's what we're all here for.

You have to at least look at the machine first. Like others have said, there is no way we can help if we don't know what's going on. He could look at it for literally 5 minutes and either answer his own question or at least give us something to work with.

Hey Tatool- My trike just died. What's wrong?

fabio i would love to help u out with y o u r trike issue but you c, y o u r forum etiquette is very poor here. u r cluttering up/high-jacking ovhonda's thread and we all know that is a "no no" so if you could please just start y o u r own thread in the correct section i would be glad to help u out and give u the info that users like u and I r are a member of this forum for. and don't forget to keep on trikin' !!!

11-07-2011, 06:00 PM
Sorry Tat but I recall you needing a bit more info in a different thread, ironically similar responce to mine- http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php/135746-1990-Quadzilla-500-trade-for-Tri-Z-or-250R?p=1055626#post1055626 I think even with the newb section we will still have questions such as the OPs. But who cares :TrikesOwn :beer

11-07-2011, 06:21 PM
Tatool, you're making yourself look silly. I was merely trying to make a point. I was civil about what I said and didn't bash anybody. Your bizarre aggressiveness for no apparent reason is making me scratch my head, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that feeling.

I only posted one time and it pertained to this thread in every sense. Are you familiar with what hijacking is? Now you've forced me to rebut and I feel as though I am now hijacking this poor guys thread.

I realize that you misunderstand the fashion in which I address certain people, but I have a very small tolerance for the ignorance and stupidity which appears to be getting more and more common these days. You cater to stupidity which only makes the dumb dumber. My intentions are almost always good. I try to teach. You just have to have a sense of humor and know how to understand sarcasm.

You can continue your attacks on me if you'd like, but please refine your efforts somewhere before continuing. You're making yourself look silly. Try emailing your own comments back and forth with yourself or something like that.

EDIT- I did post twice. Well, now three times.

11-07-2011, 06:56 PM
Here is where the problem lies. The writer of the post has the trike in front of him. WE can't see the trike. It doesn not seem that he has put much thought or effort into looking the trike over for problems in the first place. Start with the easiest to check problems and work to the hardest. I've seen a wrong nut and bolt bring a trike to a total stand still. Has ovhonda1 checked for things like this? I don't really think so, not from the information he has provided. No one minds helping someone, but for people to come and ask a question and obviously put little or no thought or time or effort into fixing their own problem, it just doesn't make sense to me and it irritates me as well. How hard is it to see if the trike wheels turn without binding? How hard is it to check how brake cables work and just stuff like that? Get a manual. Put some effort into the trike before getting on here. But, I guess that is just too much to ask.