View Full Version : idea mods for winter riding

gladiator mice
11-02-2011, 12:39 PM
i ride both my big reds year round. during the winter i try to pack down a track around the house and in the woods every time it snows more then 4 inches. if i miss a storm i usually end up sinking in spots and digging holes and trying to hop up and down on the back or i just end up spinning the wheels and pushing it through the snow. the only idea i came up with to get better traction was get an old snowmobile track slice it to the correct size around the tire and strap it on. figuring it could help me get around through the snow. i also considered modifying the front fork into a wide ski because when riding around in snow that front wheel likes to go every which way but the way you want. any body come up with mods like these or have better ones. do tell and if you got pics of these wild mods id love to see them.

11-02-2011, 01:03 PM
Here is your answer- http://www.4atvtires.com/atvTires/showProduct.php?id=5092&cat_id=3

They get rave reviews from everybody. If you want to see them in action look up some of Tordeur's videos.


11-02-2011, 01:04 PM

11-02-2011, 01:20 PM
Ah yes, the Yeti kit. God bless the twisted mind that came up with that contraption.

11-02-2011, 02:58 PM
I don't think 22 inch tires will work too well on a Bigred. Lol!

11-02-2011, 03:02 PM
I was thinking of that as well, but I don't know if they make 4snows in 25's either. I was kind of hoping they did.

EDIT: Apparently they don't make 25" 4 Snows. Thank kinda stinks...

gladiator mice
11-02-2011, 03:15 PM
that contraption is wild looking but i would not do that to any of my atc's. i did go back to an older forum thread and i this guy suggestd kendra bear claws as a good tire for mud, rough terrain, and snow. thinking back to my brothers four wheeler he had a set of different bear claws very similar to kendra bear claw tread patter, he did more digging and trench making then riding but then again his atv was also 400 pounds heavier then my big red. not sure if i want to get a set of these tires, one con about them is you cant drift through a turn very easily according to other responses about these tires. paddled tires would be interesting but expensive.