View Full Version : First startup on new motor for my 85 250r

10-30-2011, 07:37 PM
I dont know but a few of you might remember a few of my past threads about major issues with my 250r. and turned out i had chunks of metal in my crank bearings that were the culprit of most of the issues...well i bought a fresh rebuilt engine from a member on here. and finally got some time to install it last night and got it running today

4th kick the new engine came roaring to life. sounds very good in my opinion...i am running it at 28:1 to kinda help break it itn, then will go down to 32:1 after i burn through the tank full that i have now..like i said it runs great, but when i give it gas, it does bog and chug(obviously rich, from looking at plug, and will spit oil on your hand if you put you hand behind the silencer) but it will clear itself out, but it will smoke black. im not sure what the black means, but when i let it come back down to a idle it straightens out, with a very light bluish color, my guess from being rich. im not sure which way to go in jetting, but i do believe i have the factory main jet in it. 148 if my mind serves me correctly? but im just making this thread in hopes of maybe getting a few opinions on the black smoke, and bogging it does...i will post a video of it later and you can see it blowing the black smoke for very brief moments.....but for the most part, im happy to have a running 3 wheeler again. now i need to finish the rebuild on my banshee and everything ill own runs lmao

also, i dont know what is up with my clutch situation. i pulled the clutch cable, and bracket off the old motor (never messed with its adjustments) put them on the new motor and its nowhere near able to pull the clutch out. i got it adjusted to where it will disengage the clutch maybe halfway, but im out of adjustment room on my cables, their maxxed way out, as in i only have 1 thread on both ends for adjusting left...i did order a new clutch cable, but my question is, how can there be that much difference between my clutches from motor to motor? i pulled both clutch pressure plates off and found the clutch lifter, and the small ball bearing in both motors, and both lifter rods are straight, and not bent...so i dont know what is up there, any input on this would be helpful too...


11-02-2011, 02:39 AM
noone has anything to say about this? :(

11-02-2011, 07:34 AM
I would wait to read the plug until I have a little riding on it beyond an idle and even with the fuel mix a little closer to normal so you don't get any false readings.
As for the clutch, good luck, I have never been into a 250r to be able to comment.

11-02-2011, 12:16 PM
That's a lot of smoke; looks blue at idle, however when you rev it up, it get's thicker and looks kinda greyish-white (burning motor oil) to my eye-which makes me a little suspicious that the crank seals might be bad:(

Hopefully I'm wrong about this and someone else will offer up a less dire diagnosis.

11-02-2011, 12:37 PM
Black smoke just means you are too rich. Go down on your main a couple sizes.

11-02-2011, 03:28 PM
I wouldnt change you jetting at all yet until you run some fuel that isnt so rich. I always run the same mix (40:1) for break in and have never had any issues. I would get you mix down to what ever you prefer to run and then start doing runs and plug chops after you have finished your heat cycles.

11-02-2011, 03:55 PM
Regarding the clutch..

Did you place the bracket in the same place as on the old engine? I goofed one time and placed it one bolt too far back on my 200x, couldn't figure out my problem until I took a good look one day.

11-03-2011, 03:06 AM
Regarding the clutch..

Did you place the bracket in the same place as on the old engine? I goofed one time and placed it one bolt too far back on my 200x, couldn't figure out my problem until I took a good look one day.

yes its in the same spot as old motor....there is only 1 spot it can go on these motors

11-03-2011, 03:09 AM
That's a lot of smoke; looks blue at idle, however when you rev it up, it get's thicker and looks kinda greyish-white (burning motor oil) to my eye-which makes me a little suspicious that the crank seals might be bad:(

Hopefully I'm wrong about this and someone else will offer up a less dire diagnosis.

i did add about a tablespoon or so worth of straight engine oil to the crank, being as i dont know how long it sat without oil in it. i did have it running with the radiator cap off (not in this vid) to check to see if it was letting pressure into the rad ie headgasket leaking or what not in which my case it is not letting pressure in it, or not blowing coolant every where

i did inspect the motor before i installed it, it has fresh seals through out the motor

11-03-2011, 03:30 PM
i wouldn't jet it just for one tank of gas...and if you haven't done any mods to the engine, there is no need to jet....like Audioworks04 said.... or if you wanted to run it alittle rich for one tank, you could have just moved the needle in the carb up one and mixed the gas how you'll always be mixing it...

as for the clutch, one is most likly worn out more then the other, i'd say ya need new discs?

11-04-2011, 03:05 AM
i wouldn't jet it just for one tank of gas...and if you haven't done any mods to the engine, there is no need to jet....like Audioworks04 said.... or if you wanted to run it alittle rich for one tank, you could have just moved the needle in the carb up one and mixed the gas how you'll always be mixing it...

as for the clutch, one is most likly worn out more then the other, i'd say ya need new discs?

i didnt think to move the clip to make it run richer for its first tank....ill do that on my banshee when its done and ready to fire..

also on the clutch, on my new rebuilt motor (one in the bike now) there is about a 1/4 turns worth of free play on the clutch actuator rod...and that is about all the cable can pull it
i did install a new cable tonite and same issue, it just doesnt have enough cable to pull or throw the clutch out. it does pull a little more than the old cable, but if you put it in gear and pull the clutch handle in, and try to roll the bike back and forth, you can tell the clutch definatly isnt disengaging. ill look at the clutch discs next, and maybe just swap the clutch over from the old motor as i knew it worked, grabbed good, and didnt have a bunch of free play in the rod.