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View Full Version : Nurf bars on trikes, discuss.......

10-28-2011, 06:52 AM
Hi there,

I introdcued myself a few days ago in the commencment section, where a kind sole offered me some advice, which I'm guessing is very sound advice.

Having grown up on all things two wheeled, the advice was this "when you ride your trike don't put your feet down"....... sounds sensible to me.:p

Our friends on trikes with a spare wheel (quadstrailpro) have nurf bars and all manor of nets and heel plates to stop the "foot down" error.

My question is.......can you get them for trikes? I supose they would look a bit querky but safety first as my old man used to say.....(however if I'd listen to that i wouldn't have bought the trike in the first place!!:crazy:)


10-28-2011, 07:08 AM
There is a thread on here right now "freddy has come a long way" that has nerf bars on it. As far as safety goes, dont do anything unsafe and three wheelers are as safe or dangerous as anything else. Just my opinion though!

just ben
10-28-2011, 07:12 AM
there are several members that have them on their trikes. You wont find any that are a direct fit for a trike though. what machine are they going on? maybe someone could offer info on a good set to start with.

10-28-2011, 07:40 AM
These are Rath racing heel guards I put on. There for a 08 trx 450R. I then bought some stock 450R foot pegs and then some adapters from Jason Hall on this board to bolt on 450 pegs. I still have to make some brackets to fasten the top part of the heel guard to the frame. Its a couple hours of work. I trail ride and dont want the nerfs in the way. IMO.

10-28-2011, 10:24 AM
you would have to make some unless you could find someone on here that are selling some already made for your atc

Tri-Z 250
10-28-2011, 11:14 AM
Nerfs are good for racing MX, Flattrack, and oval type stuff. In the trails they become a hangup and will drag in rutted sections. Pantera's pegs look like a nice alternative to full nerfs. If you notice the fenders on most 3wheelers come full almost to the heel area. Newer Quads have shortened rear fenders and have added the heel guards for saftey...and as a part that can be replaced once bent. Nobody makes nerfs specific to 3wheelers...I've talked to Rath and they'll make custom ones at shop costs for any machine. The basic roll of the nerfbar is to keep your competators rear wheel from entering your foot area and to avoid the tire on tire rollover/climb. The nets are nice for the boot slip off the peg.
Coming from 2wheeles remember the #1 rule of 3wheelin....NEVER PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN or OUT. Keep your feet on the pegs. If you don't you will find out the hardway...that the rear tire is hungry and will suck you off the machine before you get off the gas.

10-28-2011, 11:36 AM
I've never been a big fan of nerfbars on trikes (heal guards are ok) they just to me seem bulky as well as an extra piece of rigid metal to land on you if you crash, on quads they make a lot more sense because they are somewhat contained between the wheels and less apt to slam their sharp corner into you, it also to be contradicts the idea of building your machine a light as possible by bolting on an extra ten to twenty pounds... But again its just my opinion and some guys swear by them...

10-28-2011, 11:56 AM
Not trying to steal this thread but since we're talking about it, I'm not a fan of the nerf bars either but would be interested in heel guards for my 350x. I'm sure it would be about the same for most trikes so has anyone done this and what did you use?

10-28-2011, 05:26 PM
I rekon I'll see how I go. They certainly spoil the looks of the trike with only a limited amount of added safety.

Thanks for the responses everyone.

Don't put your feet down.........dont put your feet down.......down put your feet down.....If I say it enough I'm sure I'll remember. Mind you, I said that about using the break as a clutch on my auto car and I still ended up doing an emergency stop doing 50mph!!

just ben
10-28-2011, 09:20 PM
I rekon I'll see how I go. They certainly spoil the looks of the trike with only a limited amount of added safety.

Thanks for the responses everyone.

Don't put your feet down.........dont put your feet down.......down put your feet down.....If I say it enough I'm sure I'll remember. Mind you, I said that about using the break as a clutch on my auto car and I still ended up doing an emergency stop doing 50mph!!put your foot down once and I'm sure you will remember. I went from a bike to a trike and its a hard habit to break. I learned my lesson riding to fast on a rough trail (on a rigid trike) foot came off the peg trike went to the left and I thought I was going down,my instinct from riding bikes was to put my foot down. It didn't work out so well. My leg went under the axle, burnt up my jeans and my leg a little. All in all not the worst case but taught me a lesson.

10-29-2011, 12:02 AM
Here is a pic(only one i have)134259 of nerfbars on my 350x that 3leggeddog did for me.Did an excellent job!

10-29-2011, 10:57 AM
450r factory heelguards look the best to me and are fairly easily adapted to fit just about anything