View Full Version : Whers it grounding out?

10-21-2011, 06:35 PM
Hey, i have 1985 honda atc 125m and the battery keeps groounding out somewhere, the battery doesnt totally die but it takes awhile for the electric start to work, anyboddy know where it might be grounding out? if you wanna see it go here http://www.youtube.com/user/my85honda?feature=mhee#p/u/1/BsrQi4r1XTc thanks!!

10-21-2011, 07:03 PM
1st you need to remove the video link from your post..videos posted on the site must show people riding with proper safety equipment(helmet)!!

You can check for an electrical draw with a voltage meter..but it may just be that your battery is toast.

Take the battery out of the trike, charge it then allow it to sit for 12 hours disconnected..then use the voltage meter to measure the base voltage of your battery. Should hold at least 12.5 volts after it has had a chance to sit and let the surface charge to settle..it is drops into the 11 volt range replace it.