View Full Version : Always wear your freakin helmet!

10-16-2011, 06:33 PM
I honestly do not understand how people can justify not wearing a helmet. Thank God I was today.

I was riding down a very wide, flat trail, in 6th gear on my 350x, everything was good, then bam.
The front wheel fell through the ground, and uncovered a 2 foot deep washout hole, hiding behind 4 inches of dirt, so it was impossible for anyone to know.
I went flying over the bars, was thrown about 15 feet, landed, rolled another 15-20 feet.
I'm not quite sure how the X ended up ontop of me, 30 feet away but it did in the end. I obviously didn't see how many times it rolled...
I pushed it off me, shut it off ( yes it was still running.... its a Honda )
Got up, and was amazed, not a scratch on me.
The weird thing is, I drove on that same spot, maybe 3-4 times before this happened.

I just figured I would post this, to hopefully show some people that a helmet is a must. UNAVOIDABLE situations like this could happen to ANYONE, like me.
It happens to the best. No matter how experienced you are.

As for the X...the front fender is broken, and headlight shell a bit twisted. Not too bad considering what all happened. Haven't looked at it too much though.
Hopefully the forks are not bent.
It could of been totalled and I wouldn't care. All that matters in a situation like that, is that you are okay! And live to ride another day.

10-16-2011, 06:47 PM
Glad you're OK Jason,,,Dam,,,Sitting here watching Dan Wheldon die this afternoon.... We just never know!

10-16-2011, 07:06 PM
Damn Jason, I don't want my wife to read these stories..you're one lucky guy. Helmet or not..that could have fuked you up!

Where were you riding?

007.."Glad you're OK Jason,,,Dam,,,Sitting here watching Dan Wheldon die this afternoon.... We just never know!". What the hell is this about..did I miss something?

yamaha driver
10-16-2011, 07:08 PM
dougspcs dan wheldon died this afternoon in a BAD indy car crash. i think it was like 15 or so cars involved.

10-16-2011, 07:22 PM
I was riding in Newtonville. A couple thousand acres of trails... Huge area. F*ck im sore as hell though.

Sorry to hear about Dan.

10-16-2011, 07:27 PM
I was riding in Newtonville. A couple thousand acres of trails... Huge area. F*ck im sore as hell though.

Sorry to hear about Dan.

Yep,,you'll be feeling ALL SORTSA muscles you NEVER knew you had for the next week!! Glad you're able to tell about it,and thanx for posting it.

10-16-2011, 07:37 PM
glad you're not hurt, and that your bike's relatively ok. amazing how fast things can go from awsome to FUBAR, isn't it?

10-16-2011, 07:39 PM
Has it rained there at all after u rode on it last time? Could be teh cause of the Hole. Or a drain pipe or something that sunk it? Glad to hear your ok. could have ended very badly..

i agree always where a helmet..

I was ounce riding with 2 guys i didnt know before on a Track that was maybe wide enough for one trike,
Dude with a 350x and a guy with a dirtbike, No headlights on to warn each other, I was sitting letting mine cool down.
The dirtbike came from one way, The 350x from the other. Bam nothing they could have done to avoid it but slow down, And turn your headlight on. 350x had no helmet. Smashed his face off his Handlebars and broke his wrist and nose.. i ended up dragging his trike back to his house with him on the back of my trike.. I felt sorry for him, His rear axel was Destroyed. But hey. i feel he should have his light on, Go a little slower and wear his helmet.. I mean at least follow each other.. No race one way while teh other guy was comign in from the oppisite end..

Just glad i was letting mine cool down i had my daughter on taking her for a slow little ride around teh track.. I just stopped also..

10-16-2011, 07:46 PM
The spot that it happened, i had ridden over TODAY multiple times. I guess the remaining dirt was only strong enough for a few passes...
Glad you're alright too Headsup.

hillbilly 200x
10-16-2011, 08:00 PM
You are very lucky Jason that nothing happen to you. Something was telling me that I should have gone with you today. It also pretty cool that the bike was still running. Your safe and thats all that matters.

10-16-2011, 08:07 PM
glad you're not hurt, and that your bike's relatively ok. amazing how fast things can go from awsome to FUBAR, isn't it?

Yep, I saw a big mogol in the distance and was thinking " im going to get some bad ass air " Ironically, i did. aha!

I went and hit the mogol afterwards... I'm no Pu$sy.

10-16-2011, 08:17 PM
Glad your ok.

10-16-2011, 08:18 PM
lol, Just goes to show without seeing anything wrong with a track, There might just be...

10-16-2011, 08:52 PM
Very glad to hear you are O.K..........my helmet saved my arss back in September. I never hop on any of my toys without one.

10-16-2011, 09:07 PM
I hit the trails here one day a few years back and it had rained for a couple days.

I hit a washout with no bucket on and was even wearing sandals. Thought it would be a 10 minute easy going ride.

Terrain changes all the the time; I got away with allot of blood but I was OK. It was bad but not horrible............

Glad your OK.

Always wear a helmet!!

Chazz of Blades
10-16-2011, 09:23 PM
My helmet, and my boots, have saved me from a couple nasty spills. I'd have died in my last wreck if not for my helmet. It really does open your eyes.....

El Camexican
10-17-2011, 12:41 AM
Yep, never know when gravity is going to remind you who the boss is. Glad to hear you're Ok Dude. Note to all: a buddy of mine crashed about 5 months ago WITH a loose fitting helmet on. He's had his skull open up twice since to be drained and coterized and still has some tests to do. Use your own helment, don't lend it out and replace if it hits the ground, they only work once (That means YOU Jason).

10-17-2011, 01:13 AM
I always wear my steel toed work boots when I ride, and I ALWAYS wear my helmet. It has saved my head a few times already. A nasty spill actually doesn't feel too bad, certainly better than your skull smashing into hard ground. Just have to work on getting some riding pants and a chest protector.

10-17-2011, 02:50 AM
My Dad always Usually wears a helmet. Me I always do it's a given last crash I had I could have hurt myself really bad but thanks to my helmet I'm good. My mom on the other hand absolutely refuses to wear a helmet, in 2004 she was in a horse accident and fell off (not wearing a helmet) a running horse and hit her head into the pavement she cracked he scull from the back of her ear to middle of her fore headand. She didn't know who she was at the time, she didn't know who I was and she was bleeding from her ear. She was in ICU For 2 weeks and another week to recover. Now she can not smell anything and has no taste so food tastes like nothing. Today she still refuses to wear a helmet and I'm Always pissed about it because another hit on her head like that could be her last and she Doesent seem to get it. I only hope one day she learns

10-17-2011, 11:41 AM
Yes, I ALWAYS wear steel toe'd workboots, my helmet, and gloves. But, now i'm thinking about investing in a chest protector.. You can never be too careful.

10-17-2011, 12:02 PM
When I got my first bike my dad told me these exact words: "Always wear your damn helmet!". Probably the best advice anyone can get or give

10-17-2011, 12:42 PM
glad your ok jason!!!!

Hair Bear Bunch
10-18-2011, 03:35 PM
Confession. Been there, done it, nearly paid for it, and not proud of it...
Just running my bike across the yard into the shed when my mate turns up on his quad and says his cattle have got out. So we chase off up the lane and out across the fields. I'm not very sure of the area we're in and it's dark, but it's his land and I follow fairly close behind admitedly at some pace when he went over a huge fox hole. Of course the quad straddled it but my front wheel - well - I saw it coming and had nowhere to go but in it. It did stay upright, and I did stay on, heaven knows how. I'm not easily spooked but it didn't do my nerves any good at all.
Helmet stays with the machine now, no excuses.

10-18-2011, 04:55 PM
You can't say anything about me flipping it when it was mine now Jason. Thank god I had my helmet on aswell. No excuse wear your helmet always!

10-18-2011, 05:11 PM
you cant replace your brain

10-18-2011, 05:25 PM
You can't say anything about me flipping it when it was mine now Jason. Thank god I had my helmet on aswell. No excuse wear your helmet always!

Yeah, we both had crap luck, two unavoidable incidents. Nothings bent, just a cracked front fender. I thought everything would be toast.

10-19-2011, 01:27 AM
Used to ride the strip mines with eight or ten guys, most were old dirt bike riders. We ALL wore helmets. Met up one day with four or five guys that one of them our leader knew. Happened to be the owner of a local Honda store. He said if it was okay with us they would like to run with our group that day. Not a damn one of those guys were wearing a helmet! My buddy told them that we ride for FUN (this was WAY before cell phones) and if one of his group split his head open down in some creek bed a million miles from nowhere, the fun factor just wouldn't be there anymore. We went one way and they went another. (not happy)
Seems to me a guy that sold those things should know better!!!

10-19-2011, 02:47 AM
I saw that indy driver. RIP

10-19-2011, 02:51 AM
How was it still running when you hit the hole in 6th gear...?

10-19-2011, 12:40 PM
Clutch was pushed in since it was upside down. The throttle was also being pushed.

10-20-2011, 06:23 PM
Well thats awesome. haha
Glad youre okay. well that helmet!

10-21-2011, 05:01 PM
just the other day i was at my parents house on trails that i have been on for 20 years, i wasn't going to where my helmet but after reading some post i thought why not i'll where it, i'm glad i did i was on a trail and i guess my mom got the tractor stuck a couple weeks before i hit the rut with my x in about 3rd it rolled so fast i couldn't do anything i was throne 10 or 12 ft i stoped when my helmet hit a maple tree, wow i was sore and my rear plastics trashed, but i walked away. i will always were a helmet, know matter what!