View Full Version : 350x, $200

10-12-2011, 12:16 PM
It is a friend of a friend that was going to rob the motor for a go cart :crazy: but decided against it. Says it runs great 2nd kick starts (never seen in person so might as well be BS untill proof). They texted me pics. I blew them up as big as I could. Looking for anything anyone is willing to point out, good or bad. They think it is 86 or 87 but definitely not an 87. All opinions, comments are welcome. It is 75 miles from me so before I take a road trip in my bronco I am looking for as much info and my 3ww bro's can spot :)

10-12-2011, 12:24 PM
Your pics aren't working.

10-12-2011, 01:24 PM
x2 pics don't work here.

10-12-2011, 01:37 PM
3x Pics dont work here lol.. always so cheap in Cali though.

10-12-2011, 03:03 PM
Hmm, when I uploaded the 3ww.com said data base error. Oh well they are working now. :) Click them a few times to see the big versions.

10-12-2011, 03:26 PM
the engine is 85 and if it runs you should buy it for 200.

10-12-2011, 03:27 PM
Can't go wrong with 200 bucks for that man!!!!

10-12-2011, 03:34 PM
Yeah, I agree but think it thru what you are going to do with this beast..

I see alot of bucks to bring this trike back to a state where you would want to be seen in public on it. Maybe more than one ready to ride!!

She hasn't been treated with respect..that's for sure!!

10-12-2011, 03:34 PM
Judging by the lack of cables on the forks there is no front brakes. The front forks/tire look a little fat for a 350x but I have never owned one, but my buddy does. at $200 is a steal. Spend double that on plastics and seat and other little odds and ends and you could have a nice trike easily worth twice the investment (in my part of the US anyway)

10-12-2011, 03:37 PM
Those are NOT 350x triple clamps, I do not know what they are off of but they are NOT 350x. Neither are the forks for that matter.

10-12-2011, 04:06 PM
200$ trike,,,100$ gas to Pick it up!! And lots of loving priceless!!!!
Well worth it, even if it's just for parts it's still a mighty 350X!!!!!:w00t:

10-12-2011, 04:16 PM
Yes agree 200 cant go wrong, Get it before some1 else does... Everything is so cheap in Cali. i see this all the time

10-12-2011, 04:18 PM
If it doesn't smoke I would say its a decent parts machine. Start adding up the cost of a complete front end including brakes, nice or new plastics, seat cover, new bearings(I'll bet they are shot), tires, I would also be willing to be the rear brakes are toast, and all of the other little things. With all that you could probably buy one that you could throw your leg over and ride for about the same price, maybe even less if you look hard enough.

10-12-2011, 04:21 PM
Wrong triples/forks and the motor is an 85. I can't see a frame wrap so it's an early 86 or 85 frame. The 85 frames seem very brittle IMHO.........

If the motor runs well, parts are cheap, though some are hard to find.

I'd give a couple hundred or less for it if it ran well myself.........

10-12-2011, 04:24 PM
If it doesn't smoke I would say its a decent parts machine. Start adding up the cost of a complete front end including brakes, nice or new plastics, seat cover, new bearings(I'll bet they are shot), tires, I would also be willing to be the rear brakes are toast, and all of the other little things. With all that you could probably buy one that you could throw your leg over and ride for about the same price, maybe even less if you look hard enough.

I'm with BKM on this one..after spending $1400 on my 350x refresh(I could have spent alot more). I look at that trike and see really BIG dollars..

stevensj says spend twice your original investment on plastic,seat,...I hate to say it but $400 is way, way, WAY off the mark.

Not trying to rain on your parade..$200 is a good price. But you will see $2000 in the blink of an eye on that project.

10-12-2011, 04:33 PM
Yep, I had close to 2K in mine and I didn't even have to touch the engine. That was not including what I paid for it.

10-12-2011, 05:22 PM
250sx triple and forks????

10-13-2011, 12:28 AM
Don't pay anything until you are there and check things out.
Even if you got it for free your still gonna have to invest $$ into it.
See if they can donate it for a school project. Your school LoL

10-13-2011, 01:47 AM
got vin and decoded it, 85. I am on the fence about it. It will take a shitload of work and $$ to get it road worthy ;) But then my dream trike is a 350x... I guess I am looking for the "This is your chance stupid" sign... Truely around here 350x's are running $1200 --> up. How much realistically are we talking $ for restore? It needs total frontend, brakes, cables (front and rear), frame gussets, paint, wheels(rims poss.), fenders all, headlights, seat foam, seat cover and thats what I can think of off hand.

10-13-2011, 02:29 AM
250sx triple and forks????
I think they are from a first gen R because mine on the 1st gen are the same, I'm just taking a guess

10-13-2011, 02:43 AM
got vin and decoded it, 85. I am on the fence about it. It will take a shitload of work and $$ to get it road worthy ;) But then my dream trike is a 350x... I guess I am looking for the "This is your chance stupid" sign... Truely around here 350x's are running $1200 --> up. How much realistically are we talking $ for restore? It needs total frontend, brakes, cables (front and rear), frame gussets, paint, wheels(rims poss.), fenders all, headlights, seat foam, seat cover and thats what I can think of off hand.Its the little things that add up fast that will kill a budget. If it needs frame work it will have to come apart. If it comes apart then you will want new bearings in everything, plus paint or powder coat and then it starts to snowball from there, trust me. Depending how picky you are with used parts v.s new parts you are looking at a $1000 to make it decent and upwards of $2000 or more to make it really nice.

Remember you will never be able to build one for what you can buy one for.

10-13-2011, 07:07 AM
Its cheap and alot of parts are there. All depends on how much of a rider you want, do you want just a thrasher bike, or do you want one to be proud of? Really assuming it runs you could just throw some plastics on it and figure out what forks those are and get matching brakes and ride the thing. If it was around me I would probably buy it if nothing else just as parts bike.

10-13-2011, 07:17 AM
Yeah, I'd pull the motor and do a build on it then shelf it for a spare..if my 350 calves a motor I got a drop in ready to go.

Sell the frame and whatever else is good to cover my costs..

If a guy were to play it right you come probably end up with a free rebuilt motor!!

10-13-2011, 09:54 AM
ive bought several bikes for cheap that look rough like this one. i ALWAYS find in the long run "you get what you pay for" is true everytime. i always have high hopes to make them look good for cheap and sell them for a profit, but once i get into a project, i Always spend what i can get for it. if you just want to ride it as is, its definately worth $200. if you start picking at all the little flaws, im guessing everything is worn on that thing...hubs could be wobbly, shock worn out, sprocket teeth worn, chain worn, carb has probably in on and off 100x and has striped screws, etc. all the little stuff you dont think about when you are excited

when someone is ready to sell something they remember all those little headaches and repairs they had to make, when you go look at a new bike, you look right past them!!!! and if it doesnt do wheelies, its not running right!

10-13-2011, 11:50 AM
Well an update. I had my cousin who is lives right there (I am like 75 miles away) and is an awesome mech test drive it. He said the clucth is a little stiff and it has a little smoke when first started. So I said unless he drops the price to like $75 I am gonna pass. If the motor was solid and the clutch was not possibly over adjusted I was seriously considering it. If he does drop to $75 then I will buy it and consider it a rider and maybe restore it later. Will update on status.

10-13-2011, 06:55 PM
Well, how much $$$ would a running 350x engine alone bring in your area? Think of it that way..... If the motor runs, its worth a couple hundred.....

10-14-2011, 03:11 PM
First question is why do many people want to take the motor out and put in a go kart?? That seems to never work. Everybody says it at one point or another in their life.

Second question is can you buy and resell it to make a few bucks to start your "350x fund"?

10-14-2011, 07:00 PM
Looks like it was someones beater

10-14-2011, 09:09 PM
^ It's actually a bit of work to put a motor like this in a go-kart, takes quite a bit of linkage work to do it correctly.

We all dreamed it up when we were 14 yrs. old too.............

This is just reality!

just ben
10-14-2011, 09:31 PM
I have taken several piles of crap and turned them into gems. It usaully costs more than buying one that is done but you dont have to drop a couple g's at once. You can do it at your own speed and if you wait for parts for what you wanna pay, it can be done at a fair price. another way to offset costs is take on smaller easy money projects and use the "free" money for the bigger project. Just dont lose interest in a project because it will always just be a pile of parts if you do

10-14-2011, 10:43 PM
Plus if you fix up a beater you get the satisfaction of saving another trike.

10-15-2011, 09:19 AM
With that much abuse dollars to doughnuts the frame is broke in at least two places. :(

Such a shame, smokes on start up probably needs new valve guide seals maybe more. Piston, rings, bore job, gaskets......IMHO at the very least a "labor of love" or a "deep well to toss hard earned money into"

10-15-2011, 09:47 AM
Call me optimistic, but I have paid alot more for alot less when I wanted it.

If it runs and drives, and the engine is fairly quiet, it is worth 200 IMO, but I would definately not rule it out.
It almost appears that whoever owns it, knows about what it is worth in this condition, and is probably looking for a new X box game and a bag of candy..I bet you may get it for 150$ cash in his face.
If it smokes lightly for the first 30-45 seconds, I would not consider that anything to worry about. Alot of old 350X engines do that and run well. But without being there and seeing it run I can only make optimistic guesses.

Yeah, just to make it a respectable rider, you will realistically dump around 1000$ into it if you watch your pennies and wait for deals, but I bet alot of elbow grease and some good deals on parts (and a good friend that welds if the frame needs some) may get that into a "decent trail rider" for around $600-700 if that engine is sound.
You never know, you may by this and get it riding with the basic mechanicals needed, and find a nice roller on CL a few months down the road for a few hundred.

10-15-2011, 10:46 AM
Plus if you fix up a beater you get the satisfaction of saving another trike.

+1 on that

Lets see...
86 200x with a smoked axle $260 (it did idle)
hundred or so for the donor 300ex swingers (LOTS of choppin cuttin welding)
$50 or so for the 660 raptor shock
$160 for the Dura blue axle
$20 for rear wheels (cus I wanted 9's)
Chains/Sprockets/brake pads
Now I need to start on the motor because all it will do is idle. I'm assuming I will need to drop a piston and rings in it!
NO, I have never started to add up all those numbers up there.... I refuse to, but when it's done she will be my pride and joy as mucch as my 82 Husky and the DX!