View Full Version : new rear end bearings help

10-03-2011, 08:13 PM
Ok my 87 250r bearings are bad so I called the Honda shop and they want 300+ for a carier bearing kit anyone know of any good aftermarket kit that I could get

10-03-2011, 08:21 PM
Ebay would be your best shot,,

10-03-2011, 08:25 PM
I have bearing kits for around $25? And carriers for $145? I think! The carriers come complete with the bearings and seals installed. And yes,,Ebay is almost always the cheapest way to go! With little customer support..

10-03-2011, 08:28 PM
Atv007 that's way cheaper than what they want were do u get them from or can I get one from u directly

10-04-2011, 08:51 PM
When I go ahead and replace the bearings in swing ARM is there any special trick to do this I've never done it so any help is appreciated

10-04-2011, 09:40 PM
They aren't fun,and usually all that's left are the races! See what it looks like after you're in there! Work at it,and if you need help,let us know! Good luck!

10-04-2011, 09:52 PM
When I go ahead and replace the bearings in swing ARM is there any special trick to do this I've never done it so any help is appreciated

90 degree die grinder with a carbide burr to cut throught the races is what I have always had to use on 25 year old needle bearings. There are all kinds of trick tools to buy, to change them or get the old ones out, but on some 25 year old parts, those fandangled hi priced tools rarely work.
But be careful with the method with the carbide burr tool. You can waist the swinger bearing housing if you dont know how to do this and grind in too far.
Putting the new stuff in is cake.

But in the famous words of DC.."most people can't operate a grinder without losing a hand"

If you have to ask how to do a job like swing arm bearings, you are probably better off getting someone who knows how, to show you.
Out of all the ATV repairs I have done, which is alot, 25 year old swinger pivot bearings ranks at the top of the suck list.
I have used presses, blind hole bearing pullers, pivot bearing pullers..all the gadgets..They never work for me unless the machine is only 1 year old.
Most of these bearings are suggested for replacement after 40 hours of use when they come right out, not 20 years of rust and mud and neglect.

10-04-2011, 10:15 PM
Well mosh thanks for the info but for future reference when your giving out info try not to come off as a dick i ask for info on this because its my first I don't care if u have done one set or a million each can be different I ask for info to make sure its done right not to see if some one can do it for me but thanks for info

10-04-2011, 10:19 PM
19mm socket, 1/2" threaded rod, couple of fender washers and a big vise to get them started moving has always worked for me.

10-05-2011, 01:22 AM
i didnt think mosh was being a dick at all, just trying to inform!! go join a quad forum tool!!

10-05-2011, 07:46 AM
Well mosh thanks for the info but for future reference when your giving out info try not to come off as a dick i ask for info on this because its my first I don't care if u have done one set or a million each can be different I ask for info to make sure its done right not to see if some one can do it for me but thanks for info I can appreciate your wanting to learn how to do these, which is why I suggested what I did to you. Not to be a dick.
Look. You come on this forum a month ago, start 5 threads in the trike forum asking about the same problems with your quad, complaining you could get no help on one of the biggest 250R forums on the internet. I am starting to see why you could get no help over there.

Then as a moderator out of kindness, I choose to leave your quad questions in our tech forum to try to get you the help you need, actually post some useful info for you in other threads.

Why dont you do a search? And why you search for some of the most commonly asked questions that have already been answered here over and over, take note to all the help I have offered over my years on here.

When I see you post in your text type, with very little punctuation, and vague questioning, I have to assume at this point that maybe you can't operate a die grinder let alone even own one and you come off as relatively wet behind the ears.
Suppose you came to a home improvement site, asking on how to hang a shelf on the wall, and member suggests to you, "not to drill through electrical wires, or your plumbing."
Are you going to respond by calling that guy a dick too? At this point I would assume so.
What did you expect me to do? Go out in my garage, tear down one of my trikes at 9pm at night and shoot a video of how to change swingarm bearings for you?

Listen up you chode. If you want a bland, dry, how to tutorial about every little trivial question about your quad, march your happy ass down to the ATV store and buy a manual for you quad. I have a feeling you are going to need it, as I dont see people not wanting to help you on the net. I see a guy that cant take a little comedy in a post on not wanting to take any info, and respond by calling a mod a dick.

And if you dont start using some punctuation instead of one long run on sentence, I will just start deleting your threads.

10-05-2011, 09:02 AM
WOW! I think I would start listening to mosh if I was him!!!!

10-05-2011, 11:07 AM
19mm socket, 1/2" threaded rod, couple of fender washers and a big vise to get them started moving has always worked for me.
Now,,,THAT is a trick setup!!! Like Mosh,I have done many,,and 99% of the time,,the customer has worn them right into the races only,,sometimes the arm itself.. I HATE the internet for THIS reason!! You cannot hear the tone of voice in which it was intended! Chris ,Mosh is an awesome guy,trying to help! Mosh,,Chris is an awesome guy too! Sorry he took it the wrong way! I don't wanna see any ill feelings here guys! Outside of this awesome looking setup here,,Moshs idea is almost always the best way out! Good luck! EDIT ! I had not seen Moshs reply when I typed this!! I hope we can all get along...

10-05-2011, 11:36 AM
That's a cool setup Rocow, I will have to remember that. I too always find myself making little pullers/pushers like that out of bolts, washers, etc. I go to the hardware store and stand in the aisle looking at the all the bits picturing how to make it work in my head. Before I had a shop press, I made a clamp out of 2 super long bolts with some big washers and two short 4x6 boards to press in my 200x rear axle carrier bearings.


10-05-2011, 09:57 PM
Unfortunately it doesn't work quite as well on a swinger without the front bridge. In that case you could add a pc of tube to the opposite side and pull the bearing into the tube. The mechanical advantage of the threads is enormous, when the bearing finally lets go it pops good.

10-05-2011, 10:32 PM
If you think Mosh was being a dick you should PM Fabiodriven and ask him how to do it. LOL