View Full Version : 85 tri-z clutch problem

10-02-2011, 04:09 PM
Ok my cluch were working and now im ready to try out my triz for the first time dang no clutch the shaft on the case i can pull it out ... so the guys told me there a brand new barnett clutch in the trike..so wich thing broke ?? is the clutch shaft were pivoting on another shaft inside that engage and disengage de clutch ??! btw im sure ill have to open everything to know what happen...if some1 have any idea let me know.

El Camexican
10-02-2011, 07:24 PM
Ok Frenchy, for the first time since you started posting I can't fully understand your Engish, so we need to do some translating. Please answer each line and tell me if I got it right.

"Ok my cluch were working and now im ready to try out my triz for the first time" Are you saying that your clutch was working properly when you pulled on the lever? Example, you were able to feel it opening and were able to adjust the free play?

"dang no clutch the shaft on the case i can pull it out" I'm not sure what you are saying here. If you are refering to adjusting the clutch cable where it mounts on the cases (like most bikes have) on a Tri-Z there is no adjustment there, just a clip to lock the cable in place. The only adjustment on the cable is at the hand lever. If this is not what you meant try asking again as this means nothing in English.

"is the clutch shaft were pivoting on another shaft inside that engage and disengage de clutch ??! btw im sure ill have to open everything to know what happen...if some1 have any idea let me know." Ok, When the preasure plate of the clutch is installed onto the plates there is a screw and lock-nut on the preasure plate (you have to have the clutch cover off to see and adjust it) this is used to set the position of the clutch arm (the one by the drive sprocket) The transmision shaft that the clutch is mounted to is hollow and contains a shaft and (I think) a ball bearing. When you pull a properly adjusted clutch cable it pulls the lever by the sprocket which has a cam lobe on it that pushes the long metal rod in the transmission shaft against the ball bearing that is tight against the preasure plate of the clutch. If you did have a working clutch at some point I susggest you check the cable and it's adjustments before you open the clutch cover as there is no reason it should have suddenly stopped working other than a cable issue. One other thing. If you DO have preasure on the cable, but can't get the plates to disengage it is likley because they are stuck from sitting. If that is the problem, raise the rear tires, start the trike in netural, pull the clutch in, bring the reves up a bit and put it into 2nd gear. As the wheels are turning and the clutch lever is pulled in give the motor a couple a couple of good revs. That should free the plates up. I'd normaly do this on the ground, but I don't want to be responsable for what might happen if you are the type that panics easily.

10-02-2011, 08:24 PM
sorry wrote this yesterday a bit drunk...:S about the clutch cable i dont have the bracket that hold it on the motor case the guys had a ty-rap to do the job.. and so commanded the piece i need. Well i think i got a washer style with a clip and i think i still need a second small plate with a screw to lock the cable there i think.. the problem is when i place the base of the cable on his seat (on the case near the arm ) and then i attach the wire on his arm it was not enough to make my clutch lever work properly so i had to shim it(shimmed near 3/4'' with a Nut) between the base of the cable and his seat on the case + clutch lever adjustement near max so it seemed to work properly ,well it had a ''normal'' tension when the clutch lever were pressed down.

So when i was about to test out my triz outside started the engine and when Ipressed the clutch lever ,Dang nothing ,my shim were still right.. but my clutch arm is loose .. so i detached the wire of the cable from the arm and i can turn near 180 degree the arm with no resistence in it(btw i dont have the spring around the shaft ...) so i pulled the arm up and he came easy out of the case and when i were installing my shim, i tested the arm and i was unable to pull it out .he were moving up and down maybe 1/2 inch that all.. now i get the shaft out in my hand,,,,,

To get the clutch adjustement set ill have to split the whole motor ? or behind the magneto i have an hole to set it ?


El Camexican
10-02-2011, 09:13 PM
Well as a French Canadian on a weekend had you been sober I'd have been worried about you. The first step is to have a few more Molsons to take the edge off, second is to buy a new cable. There are NOS cables on ebay that come with the clip for around $20 bucks. Money well spent. I don't know of any screws that hold it in place, it just slides into a slot (unless yours is broken, then maybe there is some repair that has been done??? I suggest you get that return spring as well.

As far as being able to remove that lever from an assembled engine something is wrong. The shaft that runs across the engine to the preasure plate should prevent it from coming out. It also should not allow it to turn more than a few degrees by hand. If yours came out and can be turned 180 deg. by hand its likley because the screw in the pressure plate is not properly adjusted (or missing?). I suggest you remove the clutch cover and buy the parts you need before assembling it. You can test the clutch with the cover off and make your adjustments BEFORE you put it back on. If you don't have a manual look up Kent Power Sports in Selma Texas, they have a great parts fiche you can look at. Oh, and you should NOT have to spit the engine, just remove the clutch cover.

10-03-2011, 11:54 AM
Yea opened clutch cover yesterday night, everything part were there so probably my lock nut on the clutch adjustement got loose then shaft too ... and oh more fun clutch cover cracked 2 place and hes already been welded somewhere else and the gasket around the cover has been filled with some liquid gasket .. probably due to the welded part that not seal right the cover... oh and on 6 bolt (clutch spring) like there 5 different kind of bolt and lenght.. lol love the mechanix ability of some peaple... but at least the guys told me clutch was new and yes it is.

El Camexican
10-03-2011, 12:03 PM
Yea opened clutch cover yesterday night, everything part were there so probably my lock nut on the clutch adjustement got loose then shaft too ... and oh more fun clutch cover cracked 2 place and hes already been welded somewhere else and the gasket around the cover has been filled with some liquid gasket .. probably due to the welded part that not seal right the cover... oh and on 6 bolt (clutch spring) like there 5 different kind of bolt and lenght.. lol love the mechanix ability of some peaple... but at least the guys told me clutch was new and yes it is.

Sorry to hear that. Nothing worse that fixing someone elses mess. Make sure you have the right dowel pins in that cluch cover (whatever repair choices you make) There are still places that sell them new if you needs some.

10-04-2011, 04:11 PM
Sorry to hear that. Nothing worse that fixing someone elses mess. Make sure you have the right dowel pins in that cluch cover (whatever repair choices you make) There are still places that sell them new if you needs some.
Dowel pin ??? not sure what you are talking about ,

El Camexican
10-04-2011, 04:46 PM
Dowel pin ??? not sure what you are talking about ,

They are the short hollow steel tubes in some of the bolt holes that hold the covers, cases and cylinder in place. I think there are 2 on the kick-start gear cover and 2 on the clutch cover. If any of these are missing you can damage your clutch cover. Some people might call them a locater pin.

10-04-2011, 08:40 PM
oh i call this center pin