View Full Version : Sold a Good Friend Rant:

10-02-2011, 10:16 AM
I know a few of the members here probably have felt the same as I do now:

So here it is, I have several 3wheelers; but I, as others here have found, there is always a favorite. The one you go to without thinking about it. That one for me was a 1983 Big Red.

A Big Red is "what it is", nothing less, nothing more. but it was always there when I needed it. I had done a few modifications to it; and it ran very good. I have a farm and it seemed I used that trike daily; if for nothing else just to, ride out and check a field; but it did much more.

Well I decided to update my fleet put a Yamaha Rhino in the Big Red's place. The new machine does a whole lot more a whole lot better; but for being nimble, the Big Red was tops.

I sold the BR to another farmer that intends to do the same things with it. He just emailed me and said it is perfect for him.

I'm not sad about selling it, and I know it went to a good home; but I look at the place it always sat in the barn and I wonder, what could have been.


10-02-2011, 11:30 AM
I know the feeling, a few months ago a good buddy of mine talked me out of one of my 70's. I had six of them, four that were runners and two projects. I looked in my shed a few times after selling one of my babies, then up came an opportunity to get another 70. Well my count is back up to six.