View Full Version : Best fuel to use in an ATC 185s??????

09-30-2011, 06:22 PM
can someone tell me the best fuel to use in an ATC 185s????

Lil Earl
09-30-2011, 06:39 PM
the kind that ignites, haha, sorry for the dumb joke, but i dont know. i usually just run 87 in my machines since i dont got anyting high performance or fast.

09-30-2011, 06:45 PM
thats what ive been running... but in my other forum a guy mentioned something about fuel being too oily being bad.... thought he was talking about mixed gas.... no clue... i know jack squat about these things!

09-30-2011, 06:49 PM
... Just run whatever you want to buy. Not race fuel though.... i just use the cheap stuff.

El Camexican
09-30-2011, 11:17 PM
thats what ive been running... but in my other forum a guy mentioned something about fuel being too oily being bad.... thought he was talking about mixed gas.... no clue... i know jack squat about these things!

What he said was "If you run a very oily mixture it can make the engine run hot - it is similar to using fuel with too low an octane rating and the engine does not like it. If you run it hard you can hole the piston"What he meant was that if motor oil was getting into the combustion chamber and mixing with the gas it would burn hotter than clean fuel would and overheat your engine. He is correct about the added heat from burning oil and about what detonation can do. He was not refering to 2 stroke oil.

Look, don't take this the wrong way but I sense you are still looking for someone to give you a cheap quick simple fix to your problem .i.e Slick 50, Lucas, etc. will not fix your motor. It ain't gonna happen. Your motor is hurt, very hurt by the sounds of it and if you keep running it it will be damaged beyond repair (may already be). Comments from people like that idiot kid that said to keep runnning it and it might clear up are to be disregarded as he has yet to discover in the words of Steve Martin "His special purpose". Motors don't "heal" they wear and they break if not maintained (and sometimes even if there are), such is the curse of all things mechanical. There are a lot of people willing to help on here, but I'm concerned that a rebuild my be a little beyond your mechanical talents (not says you can't learn it, just doubting you can do it without some help) I suggest that mechanic buddy you mentioned be involved. With what he should know, a manual and the info you can get from the Honda guys here when needed you should be fine, but for now its time to shut down your computer and open your engine. I look forward to hearing what you find.

Chazz of Blades
10-01-2011, 12:16 AM
Well, I prefer gasoline. In my studies, song and dance, coupled with begging and prayers is NOT a viable substitute if you have an empty tank.

Nah, I run plain jane 87 octane on all my machines.

El Camexican
10-01-2011, 12:32 AM
Well, I prefer gasoline. In my studies, song and dance, coupled with begging and prayers is NOT a viable substitute if you have an empty tank.

I've found that on occasion that as my tank neared empty in remote areas I was compelled to pray. Not sure if it helped my mileage, but I think I felt a slight increase in HP.

Chazz of Blades
10-01-2011, 12:40 AM
I've found that on occasion that as my tank neared empty in remote areas I was compelled to pray. Not sure if it helped my mileage, but I think I felt a slight increase in HP.

No, that'd be all the weight you're sweating off when that happens!

10-01-2011, 12:47 AM
I use nonoxygenated 91 octane in all my atc's including all my small engines... lawn mower, generator, snow blower... I've done the test in a glass jar next to regular 87 octane. It lasts way longer without seperating like the oxygenated fuels. Don't have troubles as often with this fuel.