View Full Version : 250sx for free

11-02-2003, 06:30 PM
I just got a 250sx for free. I even rode it home. I only have one small problem. Starts very easy but when I start ripping through the gears it seems to lose power until I shift to another gear. It will idel forever. Could this just be a dirty carbuerator? Because it has set for some time without ever being started.

John mendolera
11-02-2003, 08:56 PM
sounds like a plugged airfilter,get a new one

11-02-2003, 11:21 PM
Want to double your money?? ;) ;) LOL Great find. Where are you located? What year sx?? Got Pics??

11-03-2003, 12:44 AM
hey atcnut do you have anything that you wanna sell because i live in washington too and i have been looking for someting

11-03-2003, 09:19 AM
hey atcnut, it is a 85 model and I am located in arkansas. The guy had it setting under an open barn. I ask him about it and he told me that if I was interested in it to just take it because he would never do anything with it. So I changed oil,and the spark plug and a battery and she fired right off and I drove her home. I will post pics of her as soon as I can.It was really one heck of a find and definatly a STEAL!!!

11-03-2003, 01:12 PM
Congrats on a great find rambo. I'm also in Arkansas and ride an 85 250sx. If your problem doesn't go away after checking the air filter I think you're probably right about the carburetor. Mine had that same problem after sitting a long time and a good carb cleaning was all it needed.
If you would be interested in riding sometime, PM me. I know lots of good riding places here in Arkansas.

11-03-2003, 03:24 PM
damn it! why cant i find trikes for that price? :?

11-03-2003, 05:08 PM
Not to brag or anything, well maybe I will just a little. I went back down to this guys house yesterday to talk to him about how well the 250sx was running and to thank him for it and he had a 87 Honda trx 125 sitting out behind his shop one fender was cracked and it had two flat tires. I ask him about buying it from him and he told me that if I wanted it also to take it home and that he would throw in a trailer to pull it home with. I know this sounds crazy but this guy must be insane to just give me these things.He even went and signed the titles over to me before I left. This guy is NUTS!!! The 125 was hard to get started, it ran a little rough but I think a little TLC will cure that.Who cares though, 85 250sx,87 trx 125, and a trailer for free. Thats a damn hard price to beat. I will post pics asap.

11-03-2003, 08:04 PM
:shock: :x

Tri-Z Pilot
11-04-2003, 12:51 AM
A story like that can turn into an urban legend in my parts. Its true!, my brothers,friends,girlfriends,cousins,uncles,roomat e new a guy that got a 250sx,125trx, and trailer free from some dude. LOL!

11-04-2003, 10:07 AM
About 10-12 years ago Pickle and myself was coming back from a auction ( they had a couple 3 wheelers there ). We noticed a 110 3 wheeler sitting out beside a barn. We wipped in the drive and knocked on the door. The guy came to the door.
We ask: " We were driving by and noticed the 3 wheeler sitting beside the barn. Would you be interested in selling it?"

I will never forget his reply: He said "No I won't sell it. But I will help you load it up." Freebie!!!!!!!

The tires were missing but we took it any way. When we got it back to the shop and unloaded it we found out it ran. Can't find many deals like that anymore. ;)


08-04-2007, 01:40 AM
thats so sweet. I wish one of the 250sx we had was free =[

08-04-2007, 02:40 AM
rambo and arkan - where in arkansas are you? I would be interested in getting together if either of you are semi close. I am in Harrison.

nice score, rambo. Introduce me to this guy will ya? Does he have anything left - or did you clean him out? lol

08-04-2007, 02:56 AM
I believe you owe that guy a 6-pack at the very least. There are still some nice people out there who know that money isnt everything, the satisfaction of making someone happy is more than enough some times.

the great gazoo
08-04-2007, 05:43 PM
So............Where are the:pics:, 4 years later:lol: - You still out there?

08-05-2007, 07:26 PM
You saved another one. Not only did you get it for free, that thing would have sat there and rotted, and eventually ended up in a junkpile. Stay vigilant! Heck, I had to run an ad in 3 newspapers wanting to buy trikes in any condition. Got quite a few calls and even scored a few, but most sellers I spoke with wanted $500 for $100 trike! That sux. I offended a few people when they asked me to make an offer, but oh well. Keep your eyes open at all times. Just think how many of these trikes are sitting in sheds and barns just rotting away. Sad, but true.

08-05-2007, 08:39 PM



Jim mac
08-05-2007, 08:53 PM
If you go to gomxracing.com and look under the ATVs for sale, you can still see the ad there for 2 87 200Xs for free. As they say one mans junk is another mans treasure.
Did I say ive got 2 87 200Xs now? jim

08-05-2007, 09:25 PM
Holy crap, didnt even glance at the thread date.



08-05-2007, 10:19 PM
Thats a great story. My neighbor was cleaning out his garage and noticed atc parts and asked if he had anything to sell. He sed take it its yours and gives me a honda 90 frame and parts.When me and a friend put it together a few months later it started right up! Then a bit later working on our bikes in the yard a guy drives by and ses he has 2 atc's for sale. I got em both for $60 both 200s missing a few parts but have compression!:w00t:

johnny's X
08-06-2007, 11:19 AM
yeah yesterday I went to this old guys house and he had a 1987 250r in mint shape next to that was a Tiger 250 I asked him what he was doing with them and he said there yours. Well I loaded them up and cleaned them both up and now they look so sweet. O yeah I dont have a camera and I dont know anyone who does so sorry no pics. hahahaha