View Full Version : Questions about 1983 Honda 200

09-12-2011, 12:38 AM
Ok well i bought this 200atc a couple years ago and i haven't done much to it just ran it around the yard or on some two tracks for a couple miles at a time.

This weekend we did some trail riding and running woods roads i would say about 2 hours yesterday and 2 hours today or so. It was warm out today around 82 degs and i notice that the motor got really warm. It looks like the front fender blocks most of the air flow to the motor. Has anyone removed the splash guard on the bottom of the fender to maybe help cool the motor some more? By removing that splash guard do you think i have to worry about rocks getting tossed in to the motor?

Here is the second question i had.

Today after running down a long road i went to shift it down and it wouldn't go so i tried to shift it up and it wouldn't go i was stuck in 3rd or 4th gear i think it was. I limped it to the gas station and shut it off once i had it off it would shift down and up with no problem. So i fired it up and drove around the parking lot and once again it wouldn't down shift. I ended up stopping at a friends house for about 30 mins or so and it ran and shifted fine after that.

So what could of caused the shifting problem? Could it of been the motor got to hot? I know the recoil was very warm to the touch so that lets ya know around how warm it had gotten.

09-12-2011, 07:51 AM
That mud flap is a real bear to get off. You pretty much need to remove the fender to get at it good. Heat the fastners,without melting the plastic. Not sure how much more it would cool? Thebluewhale has a thread in here on how to remove the fastners,but they are more difficult than you can imagine! Your best bet is to drain your oil,flush your engine out w kerosene or diesel. And put a good quality oil back in. I like pure synthetic. You will NEVER get good enough oil in that to slip the clutch! It will run cooler that way. Tranny?? Is your clutch adjusted right? It SOUNDS like you had a metal burr on the mainshaft or countershaft that held your gears there. Then wiped off or smoothed out. If you're sure it's not in the clutch,,it's in your tranny. I would buy that mud flap if it is NICE.

09-12-2011, 08:04 AM
I feel that heat too when I ride slow on the trails especially..feels like a ton of heat radiating against your legs.

Don't worry about it..totally normal!! I have taken my machines out in the heavy mud and caked the engine until most of the fins are plugged and rode the crap out of it in 80' heat... You'd think I would kill it..I stopped ever once in a while to let it cool and run thru a mud puddle whenever possible. No problem!!

Those engines are designed to have a really wide operating temperature!! That is why you can run them from 32' to 90' and still have them run great!!

It won't feel the heat the same way you do! Don't sweat it!!

09-12-2011, 08:18 AM
Man i rip my 250sx up and down streets.. Engine gets Super Hott. Nothing ever came out of it though, I try to Hit water holes also whenever possible or stop for a 15 min break to help cool it down a little, Hondas can run with a bullet threw the engine, Not litterally but seems like it

09-12-2011, 09:39 AM
Heat doesn't matter. How high is your idle? When my 200's idle is to high, it won't shift. If your idle is fine, look in your book, and adjust the clutch.

09-12-2011, 10:44 AM
Ok sounds good i think i will change the oil out soon and adjust the clutch. The thing that really had me stumped was this was the first time the clutch has every done that where it didn't want to shift.

Now i just need to get to the store to get some oil lol.