View Full Version : 86-87 Tecate guys may like these!

09-08-2011, 12:18 PM
Figured I would post here so non registered guys can see these as well. Limited qauntities as of now. more may be made if they continue to sell well.

Hot of the press!

New grab bar with quick release pins and rear fender stay support for the 86-87 T-3.

No more unbolting your rear fenders to remove them. This conversion kit will make your T-3 seat and fenders quick remove, like the 85-86 250R.

Kit is all aluminum and SS.
Comes with grab bar that can be mounted either short track style or normal,
Quick release pins and tethers,
And rear fender support.

Made by Angry Neighbor (Flyin brian)
Currently there are only 3 and 2 have sold already. He will make more if they continue to sell.
You will have to modify the front seat latch hooks slightly so these fenders will lift off the frame. It only entails a small amount of material removal at the front seat hooks.

More info here.



09-08-2011, 04:49 PM
nice but pricey

09-08-2011, 08:29 PM
Yes they are a little on the pricey side. But these are built by hand and take him quite awhile to make.

If you think about what people are paying ($185) for just a reproduction fender stay, then another 79.95 for a aftermarket grab bar. And still deal with unbolting all that to get down to business when needed...
His starting price for a quick release, including a grab bar and fender stay, was in the margin of reasonable. I will see if he is firm on that price.

just ben
09-08-2011, 09:04 PM
not to bash your post mosh but must be 1 of the two that were sold ended up here in wny and although convenient. minus the grab bar (because he has a prm) there isnt really all that much fab work into the quick release system.I'm not saying it isnt nice to have but a liil expensive for a bent piece of flat stock with a couple pieces of tubing welded to it. I know this is not your pricing so please don't take it personally. I think a fair price on the release would be about 100.00, as far as the bar I really can't imagine alot of guys wanting it.

09-08-2011, 09:14 PM
not to bash your post mosh but must be 1 of the two that were sold ended up here in wny and although convenient. minus the grab bar (because he has a prm) there isnt really all that much fab work into the quick release system.I'm not saying it isnt nice to have but a liil expensive for a bent piece of flat stock with a couple pieces of tubing welded to it. I know this is not your pricing so please don't take it personally. I think a fair price on the release would be about 100.00, as far as the bar I really can't imagine alot of guys wanting it.
I would like to see a pic of the peice you speak of. I would hardly believe that the part you are talking about is anything like these, and I dont believe any of these made it to NY.
I won't take it personally, it is not my piece. I am just trying to offer some new stuff out there for trike guys and this is exactly why the guy wants nothing to do with internet forums and selling. He does not have time to actually get on and deal with posts like these. I however am used to it, so I offer to post for him so he can avoid this.
There are people that want them and If they want it, they do, if not then fine.

just ben
09-08-2011, 09:47 PM
the person who has it is a member here I'm not going to call him out and put him on the spot to post pics but I plan to meet up with him sometime this weekend and I don't think he would have any problem with me snapping a couple pics. I am 110% sure it is the exact same.BTW the trike came down here from michigan about 2 months or so ago, give or take. I did say it is a nice piece and I'm not trying to take away from that. as a tecate guy the grab bar is not oem nor very trick looking. and aftermarkets are readily available. I was just saying that knowing the fab work and material costs into the release system I think 100.00-125 would give him about a 50-60% profit margin and would be fair enough to actually sell a few.just my opinion. I will get pics this weekend if I can

09-08-2011, 10:14 PM
the person who has it is a member here I'm not going to call him out and put him on the spot to post pics but I plan to meet up with him sometime this weekend and I don't think he would have any problem with me snapping a couple pics. I am 110% sure it is the exact same.BTW the trike came down here from michigan about 2 months or so ago, give or take. I did say it is a nice piece and I'm not trying to take away from that. as a tecate guy the grab bar is not oem nor very trick looking. and aftermarkets are readily available. I was just saying that knowing the fab work and material costs into the release system I think 100.00-125 would give him about a 50-60% profit margin and would be fair enough to actually sell a few.just my opinion. I will get pics this weekend if I can
Just to clear up any confusion, he did make one at the request as a PRM style grab bar.
These pics I posted above are the first evidence that the system actually exists, that have ever been posted publically, and Angry Neighbor is the designer. If your buddy has a similar system, chances are, it was made by A.N. as a custom job and somehow found it's way into your buddy's hands. I assure you it was not done for 100$-125$ either.
I can also assure you, that your calculations are far off what it takes to make these and make a profit at all, otherwise we would have seen these years ago.

09-08-2011, 10:54 PM
keep me posted on pricing

just ben
09-08-2011, 11:10 PM
my calculations would be based on supplying your own grab bar. like I said I'm not trying to take away from a great product. my friend rides his trikeas much as he can and it seems to work great for him. I am positive it was made by A.n. I will get pics to show how it looks with a prm bar for interested parties who may like that. that is if he is willing to use that type of bar for his product

09-25-2011, 06:15 PM
no news yet?

09-26-2011, 03:10 PM
At this time, no. He has no intentions of a price change.

El Camexican
09-27-2011, 12:26 AM
I don't know what they are selling for, but regardless of whether or not someone needs this, if you've ever worked with stuff like this (aluminum) you know the first one is worth at least $400 and the next 10 at least $200. If you were sourcing 1,000 from China they'd be worth $50.00 each, but that ain't ever gonna happen, so pony up if you want one. I wish I had something like this for my Z that would allow quick changes between the six pack and the garb bar. Has this been tested by bashing it into pavment while doing a wheelie?

09-27-2011, 10:51 AM
I don't know what they are selling for, but regardless of whether or not someone needs this, if you've ever worked with stuff like this (aluminum) you know the first one is worth at least $400 and the next 10 at least $200. If you were sourcing 1,000 from China they'd be worth $50.00 each, but that ain't ever gonna happen, so pony up if you want one. I wish I had something like this for my Z that would allow quick changes between the six pack and the garb bar. Has this been tested by bashing it into pavment while doing a wheelie?

Thanks for understanding what goes into these and why the price is set that way.
As far as smacking them into the pavement, I would assume that the effect will be the same as any other aluminum grab bar. It will get some damage. They are made of the same material any other name brand bar is.
I do know that a few were mx raced with no issues so far.
Tri-Z stuff may be an option at a later date.

06-29-2015, 06:58 PM
This is an old thread but are these still available?