View Full Version : Dispute over three wheelers :O

09-03-2011, 07:33 PM
I was just in a dispute with my dad over the saftey of three wheelers. BACK ME UP HERE! xD

09-03-2011, 07:47 PM
They are dangerous and kill people. Duh! Why do you think they were outlawed?

09-03-2011, 07:54 PM
Some people will never change....

The CPSC found no inherent stability issues with 3 wheelers. If you want a vehicle banned because of safety issues, then ban 4 wheelers! The death rate is even higher.

09-03-2011, 07:54 PM
Dad's right, 3 Wheelers are dangerous machines..but then so are motorcycles, quad, seadoos, cars and anything else if care and proper operation aren't applied..

How is your dad with guns..chances are if he's like many other americans he grew up with them and considers them a useful tool. But there is no question that they are far more dangerous and kill many more people each year..

09-03-2011, 07:58 PM
i have broke legs arm and other things on 4 wheeler but not on a 3 wheeler. i had more 3 wheeler then 4 wheeler.

09-03-2011, 07:58 PM
tell your dad how your trike pulled a knife on some woodbe robbers trying to jack his truck....I bet he'll have a new found appreciation for trikes then.

09-03-2011, 08:23 PM
Your Dad is just simply doing what a parent is supposed to do for his kids.. Watching out for you and trying to protect you. 3wheelers are def dangerous. There are some of us it seems though,,that just Love them! To argue that they have the stability of a quad,,would be ludicrous. They are MUCH more stable than a bike though? We def learn much better riding techniques and body english. Controlling your machine with your footpegs,and good body english. . I would just agree with him they are dangerous,,,but so are a LOT of other things! Hopefully it was in good taste and a good ended argument!?

09-03-2011, 09:22 PM
Dougspcs hit the nail right on the head, ANY vehicle, regardless of number of wheels, is only as safe as its operator. 3 wheelers them selves are not dangerous, I've never seen a 3 wheeler harm anything; but combined with an unexperienced rider, it's a whole different story. The thing about 3 wheelers is that they have the "Third Wheel of Confidence", causing you to think you're more stable than you actully are.

How is your dad with guns..chances are if he's like many other americans he grew up with them and considers them a useful tool. But there is no question that they are far more dangerous and kill many more people each year..

No offence Doug, but this statement is like saying that your pen made the mistake on the paper... A gun can lay on a table all day with a bullet in the chamber, and never hurt any one. Someone has to pull the trigger, and they are at fault...not the gun.

My $.02

09-03-2011, 09:26 PM
They are dangerous and kill people. Duh! Why do you think they were outlawed?

Hope your are kidding about your statement? Otherwise your on the wrong forum!!!!

Guns are dangerous to, but guns are why you me and most of us are on american soil!! They were made to be in the hands of trained people or people willing to be trained how to use them,,,, you give a gun to somebody that don't know how to use them and don't care about the safety of them and look what happens! Its all over the news.

09-03-2011, 09:35 PM
Crossing the road is dangerous too......

Or how about drinking and adding some Percs or Vico's??? It happens every day.

09-03-2011, 09:43 PM
I don't know I had a brain blank during the discussion and he's like "oh yeah you hit a rock blah blah balloon tires blah blah" and I'm like well I shot some fancy 250R lingo at him about their at the time state of the art suspension and yeah. I believe his main argument was their stability (only thing right?? XD ) and how once he was on his buddies 250R with a passenger on blacktop doin' like 45 and he was like "oh that thing was really tippy" and I was like you're not really supposed to ride 2 people on a three wheeler.. haha I just thought I'd share that minor discussion on here because I ran out of things to reply with o.o

09-03-2011, 09:57 PM
No offence Doug, but this statement is like saying that your pen made the mistake on the paper... A gun can lay on a table all day with a bullet in the chamber, and never hurt any one. Someone has to pull the trigger, and they are at fault...not the gun.

Thank You for adding that statement.

A gun Is Not dangerous, the operator may be. A gun is like any other tool, follow the safety rules and common sense; and that gun may help you some day.

09-03-2011, 10:07 PM
Hey HondaClaw,

I hear you. Everytime I talk about my 3-wheelers with friends, even ones who are into motocross or other powersports, they always want to express how dangerous they are. At first, I would get offended and try to argue that they are not, but that wouldn't be entirely true. They can be dangerous, but when used properly, you can consider it a calculated risk. If you ride within your limits and use proper technique, you will rarely have an issue.

The thing to keep in mind is what is your dad's intention? Is it just to have an argument, or is he trying to make you quit riding? If he is trying to make you quit riding, then just explain that yes, you understand they may be dangerous, but you know what you are doing, where proper gear, ride within your limits, etc. If it just for the sake of an argument, then grin and say "yup, I'm a daredevil alright"...

09-03-2011, 11:02 PM
I could ALMOST understand the argument that 3-wheelers were less stable back when they were first manufactured, since a quad has 4 wheels, and on a dirt bike you can bank into the turns. Compared to current machine, however, i PERSONALLY don't think there is any claim that 3-wheelers are more dangerous.
Snowmobiles are as stable as you can get, the Skidoo Renegade Trail throws out over 140 hp (very fun) and rolls pretty easy (not so fun) if you're not being responsible.

They can be dangerous, but when used properly, you can consider it a calculated risk. If you ride within your limits and use proper technique

Like wonderboy said, different machines perform differently and have their own pros and cons. It's the RIDER that needs to consider these factors when deciding the machine to be ridden and for what uses.

09-03-2011, 11:10 PM
Exactly my dad is just one of those brainwashed people who think that 3 wheelers are the WORST xD

09-04-2011, 01:16 AM
Your dad is right, it would be alot safer to get a 700 pound kawasaki brute force that would be safest way to go.

09-04-2011, 08:17 AM
No offence Doug, but this statement is like saying that your pen made the mistake on the paper... A gun can lay on a table all day with a bullet in the chamber, and never hurt any one. Someone has to pull the trigger, and they are at fault...not the gun.

Thank You for adding that statement.

A gun Is Not dangerous, the operator may be. A gun is like any other tool, follow the safety rules and common sense; and that gun may help you some day.

I guess I didn't word it correctly cuz you guys missed the point of the gun reference I made..there is more potential for personal harm with a firearm than with many other things. Yet many people feel comfortable with them because they grew up with them, understand and respect them..

'motorhead' said what my point was trying to make, but I guess next time I should be a little more direct so as to not be misunderstood!!

09-04-2011, 10:35 AM
Comparing ATV injuries/fatalities to gun injuries/fatalities is an apples to oranges comparison:

Gun deaths: 55.6% were suicides (2007). Mentally and/or emotionally unstable individuals intentionally taking their own lives.

40.5% were homocides(2007). Mentally and/or emotionally unstable individuals intentionally taking someone elses life.

These are CDC statistics.

A small percentage of accidental firearm deaths and injuries are self inflicted or involve an "innocent bystander".

As far as the term "accidental" used in firearms injuries and/or deaths, there is no such thing as a firearm "accident". It's correctly called "negligence". Why? Because in order for one of these incidents to happen someone has NEGLECTED to follow one of the 4 main rules of firearm safety:

All guns are always loaded.
Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
—Jeff Cooper

And, for our Canadian neighbors:
The Canadian Firearms Program uses the concept of The Four Firearm ACTS:

Assume every firearm is loaded.
Control the muzzle direction at all times.
Trigger finger off trigger and out of trigger guard.
See that the firearm is unloaded. PROVE it safe.
—Canadian Firearms Centre, The Four ACTS of Firearm Safety

Any deaths or injuries on any ATV are, for the most part, self inflicted whether thru neglegence, ignorance, stupidity, or just plain riding beyond ones abilities or the limitations of the machine. It doesn't matter if you are a new rider or an expert, if you push the envelope, you can potentially find your self in a world of hurt. Anything on wheels CAN BE dangerous, particularly when you involve human error or arrogance, also known as "The loose nut behind the wheel". :naughty: ;)

I have yet to see an ATV used as a murder weapon or a method of offing onesself, although it's entirely possible.

09-04-2011, 10:45 AM
Back in college I had to a for and against argument type report on a subject of my choice. I chose th banning ot 3 wheelers. I don't rmember the exact numbers (that was 20 years ago for heavens sake) but it wa around the 90% mark of all 3 wheeler deaths involved alcohol...... I'd say alcohol is far more dangerous than 3 wheelers. Damn few 3 wheeler death occurd while the operator was simply JRA (Just Riding Around). A luicrous amount of 3 wheeler deaths involved the rider not wearing a helmet. Then another Large portion had to do with experience level and machines being to large for the rider or machine nbeing riden in a manner that it was not designed for (i.e. 5th gear down the road and being hit by a car, I think this accounted for 25% of deaths). When all is said and done you have to remeber that you can't ride a 3 wheeler like a quad. On a 600 pound 4 wheeled drive quad you can get lazy and sit in one spot on the seat, turn the handlebars and expect to go where you intend. On a 3 wheeler you have to remember that being lazy and not moving your body will get you hurt. Mobility is a must! I don't think that they are any more dangerous that a quad but you do have a certain way that you have to ride and not doing so will get you hurt. Then again so will a 2 wheeled machine!

El Camexican
09-04-2011, 11:00 AM
I went on a 5 hour mountain trail ride a few months ago and broke my leg. Not while riding, but while getting out of a swiming pool after the ride. I rode my bike to a baseball game a few years ago and broke my collar bone. Not on the bike, but trying to catch a line drive. Most of the stitches I've received were related to working on off road vehicals, NOT riding them. You can even burst a blood vesel in your brain and stroke out while pinching a loaf. Everything is dangerous if the stars line up the wrong way, don't worry, be happy, ride a trike!

09-04-2011, 12:28 PM
You can even burst a blood vesel in your brain and stroke out while pinching a loaf.

That would be a crappy way to die!!

09-04-2011, 03:43 PM
So what's the verdict HondaClaw? Do you have a three wheeler or did your dad prevent you from having one?

09-04-2011, 04:09 PM
I do own a 3 wheeler and I'm gonna RIDE IT when it's fully functional :P

09-04-2011, 07:16 PM
Well said and in my opinion no one can argue that if the 3 wheeler was never invented and if it was the 4 wheeler was the first ATV things might have been different. I would bet they would have been outlawed and all that would be left was the motorcycle neither side can be FOR SURE. You have to remember things were different back in the 80's and people were looking for someone to blame and I'm suprised with so many deaths and injuries today on the 4 wheelers that they haven't banned them so I think we are lucky so far.
Back in college I had to a for and against argument type report on a subject of my choice. I chose th banning ot 3 wheelers. I don't rmember the exact numbers (that was 20 years ago for heavens sake) but it wa around the 90% mark of all 3 wheeler deaths involved alcohol...... I'd say alcohol is far more dangerous than 3 wheelers. Damn few 3 wheeler death occurd while the operator was simply JRA (Just Riding Around). A luicrous amount of 3 wheeler deaths involved the rider not wearing a helmet. Then another Large portion had to do with experience level and machines being to large for the rider or machine nbeing riden in a manner that it was not designed for (i.e. 5th gear down the road and being hit by a car, I think this accounted for 25% of deaths). When all is said and done you have to remeber that you can't ride a 3 wheeler like a quad. On a 600 pound 4 wheeled drive quad you can get lazy and sit in one spot on the seat, turn the handlebars and expect to go where you intend. On a 3 wheeler you have to remember that being lazy and not moving your body will get you hurt. Mobility is a must! I don'tid think that they are any more dangerous that a quad but you do have a certain way that you have to ride and not doing so will get you hurt. Then again so will a 2 wdheeled machine!

09-04-2011, 08:18 PM
I guess I didn't word it correctly cuz you guys missed the point of the gun reference I made..there is more potential for personal harm with a firearm than with many other things. Yet many people feel comfortable with them because they grew up with them, understand and respect them..

'motorhead' said what my point was trying to make, but I guess next time I should be a little more direct so as to not be misunderstood!!

Sorry about the misunderstanding. "Guns kill people" just seems to be the basis of the anti-gun community, and they seem to forget or ignore the fact that guns have a trigger and someone has to pull it...

09-04-2011, 08:20 PM
I do own a 3 wheeler and I'm gonna RIDE IT when it's fully functional :P


09-04-2011, 09:17 PM
Here's my take. I have owned many 3 wheelers (7), 4 wheelers (4), and dirt bikes (3) over the years. Some of the worst wrecks I have ever had were on dirt
bikes (broken pelvis). I never had a serious injury on a quad or a three wheeler. Some of the worst wrecks I have witnessed have been on quads. I feel that it's
easy to be lulled into a sense of over confidence on a quad, and as such, it is easy to make a bad mistake. A three wheeler on the other hand (especially a performance minded one) commands respect from the rider, and for me at least, I made less risky riding choices. Let's face it....crashing hurts !! It all boils down to the ability and common sense of the operator...whether it be a car, quad, three wheeler, firearm, or pocket knife.....

09-04-2011, 09:20 PM
Nothing has changed since the 80s, except for MORE people looking to fault others for their misgivings, mishaps, and stupidity. Thumb thru the lawyer portion of the phone book once. There wouldn't be that many if people weren't usin 'em. We even have a recent thread here where someon posted that a girl went down a slide, got hurt cuz it started raining and someone says: "What a lawsuit she'll have". This country goes down the crapper further and further every day brecause of people like those who place blame on everything and everyone else but themselves, all because they want something for nothing.

09-04-2011, 10:33 PM
I do own a 3 wheeler and I'm gonna RIDE IT when it's fully functional :P

There ya go HondaClaw. Welcome to the club!!! Now you're an outlaw like the rest of us!! ;)

Over the years I've turned a deaf ear to people asking about the dangers of three wheelers. Or as the header pictures says "aren't those things illegal?". I could sit there and educate them or I can get on my trike and RIDE!!! I usually choose no.2.


09-04-2011, 10:39 PM
They are dangerous and kill people. Duh! Why do you think they were outlawed?

dumb people where killed. get drunk, ride around with no helmet and they are killed. they shouldn't be outlawed, infact the ban has been lifted. three wheelers are as dangerous as four or two. three just takes more common sense which alot of people lack.