View Full Version : 85 Tri-Zinger

Jon Boy
09-01-2011, 10:04 PM
1985 Tri-Zinger, just picked this up a couple hours ago for $350. guy said it was mint, but i know everyones idea of mint is differant. condition is basicly about what i figured it would be. so how did i do? anything wrong or missing that you can see? the guy said he had just lost the clip for the safety shut off right before i got there, front fender/number plate needs mounted correctly, gas cap is cracked, right side of plastic next to peg has a small crack, seat has black rub marks from pull start and tank stickers are pretty rough. looks like there should be something next to the oil injection bottle filler under the seat, just don't know what or if there was anything even there. the oil injection does work. starts very easy 1 pull, new tires and rides straight. only real thing i've noticed sofar is it'll get up to (i'm guessing here) about 15 maybe 20 mph then seems to hit a wall and quits pulling and won't go any faster. read on here where people were saying it should do about 30mph. yes, switch is on the run position. any pointers on where to find a gas cap, tank stickers and such? e-bay my only choice? also, the fuel shut off is very hard to turn, got it turned on, but had to use pliers to shut it back off. any ideas on why it's so hard to turn?

one thing is for sure i've gotten a hell of a kick just riding it in the backyard. :lol:

ok, enoughs enough. on with the pics and short vid. :naughty:
cracked plastic and gas cap

short video:

09-01-2011, 10:14 PM
That's a nice pickup right there. Gratz.

09-01-2011, 10:45 PM
Looks very nice.. They are a poopload of fun as well.. Ebay is probably your best bet for parts. There is a space under the seat for a "tool kit", but I think it's just a plug wrench. I have 4 tri-zingers and none of them have the tool kit. There is a NOS shut off cord and clip on Ebay now. The 4-zinger (yf60) used a lot of the same parts (mechanicals) as well. Ebay has decal kits as well. There is a small washer type thing between the head pipe and the head that is used to slow them down, you might see if it's still there or not. They tend to help gum up the works inside the pipe and silencer. There is usually a clog of goop in there making it run poorly.

We just picked up a pw50 for my daughter and I'm amazed at the similarities.. I wonder if the 60 cylinder and head will bolt onto the pw50 engine cases.. They have $100 Cylinder, head, piston, rings, and gasket kits for the pw50 on Ebay..

09-01-2011, 11:01 PM
Very nice man.

I rode my Zinger more than anything else at Trikefest. I was even riding it at night with no headlight just because I couldn't get enough of it. It made the trip up the hill to the Shoe Tree (for those in the know) about 20 times and didn't need help once. They're great little machines.

First thing you should do is clean the pipe. I've never had mine off, it probably still has that washer in the head pipe Doug was referring to. They build up with a ton of oil. I still use my injector and it works fine. The first time I climbed the Shoe Tree hill it looked like a forest fire behind me. She got nice and hot lugging up that hill and started cooking off all the oil in the pipe. It caught me by surprise and I though I had an issue for a second, but it only did it that one time. That's when I figured out what it was.

Jeswinehart has posted pics before of a propane torch blowing into a pipe suspended above it to cook the excess oil out. You could try that. Or just go climb the hill to the Shoe Tree. :D

09-01-2011, 11:06 PM
You can always tell just how peppy they are by the gouges in the grab bar from wheelying it.. lol..

We need to have a zinger class at Trikefest next year.. lol.. My DG pipe will hopefully give me an edge.. provided I make it next year of course...

Jon Boy
09-01-2011, 11:26 PM
yeah i just gonna post that i remembered, i was reading las'night about there being restriction in the exhaust. just forgot about it till now and then seeing your post confirmed it. did remember reading about the pw50 stuff swapping and something about upgrading? to the elec from a scooter or moped too. thread was called "Tri-Zinger mods" i do believe. not too worried about the saftey shut off yet, not planning on any kids riding this and not having one gives me an excuse too. :lol:
i'm happy with it stock, just want to open it up. :lol:

ok i was thinking a tool bag or something maybe, just didn't know.

don't want to really go with warming over the motor, it wants to pop a wheelie when i take off already. just looking to fix it up and get it up to speed. it needs a little work. seem to be a good, but fair buy i'm thinking. either way i'm keeping it, so it might take awhile, but i know i need to do something about the pegs. i can only fit half my foot on them, any suggestions?

thanks for the the tip on cooking the exhaust. till i get the cap replaced, i can pull the exhaust when i do a basic break down to clean and inspect things better.

09-01-2011, 11:36 PM
did remember reading about the pw50 stuff swapping and something about upgrading? to the elec from a scooter or moped too.

but i know i need to do something about the pegs. i can only fit half my foot on them, any suggestions?

Lights on a Zinger? I'd like to look into that mod for sure...

I ride with my heels on the pegs and my feet pointed outward.

09-01-2011, 11:52 PM
One of my parts tri-zingers has motorcycle foldable pegs on it.. lol


09-01-2011, 11:58 PM
the front fender is the same as a pw 50!

09-01-2011, 11:59 PM
the front fender is the same as a pw 50!

Yeah, ummmmmm, how about no...

Jon Boy
09-02-2011, 12:00 AM
fabio: no it wasn't for lights but the idea has being stirring in my mind also :lol:
it was for the ignition stuff i think.
almost forgot, i got about a quart of yamalube 2stroke oil with it too. :lol:

dcreel: what are those pw50 pegs? or something else

Jon Boy
09-02-2011, 12:05 AM
also, is there anything i should check or look for while it's getting the basic teardown? like lubes, grease and whatever?

09-02-2011, 12:24 AM
fabio: no it wasn't for lights but the idea has being stirring in my mind also :lol:
dcreel: what are those pw50 pegs? or something else

They sell a lighting coil for the tri-zinger. I don't know if it works or not.


The pegs are big streetbike pegs you can barely see the drag ball on the peg to let you know when you're about to take a digger.. lol

Jon Boy
09-02-2011, 12:33 AM
ok, i was thinking they was 50 pegs and stuck out more because the way they were mounted. i just figured that was just a bolthead for the peg. :lol:

Jon Boy
09-02-2011, 08:43 PM
dang, was starting to tear it down and one of the rubber straps on the bar pad was on so tight it broke when i tried to take it off.

also, where exactly is this washer/spacer in the exhaust? i took the head pipe off and it was open. nothing like a washer or spacer in there or on the head. so if it is already out then it would be a safe bet the exhaust is just really oiled up then? govenor screw on the throttle is taken off already so it's not that.

09-02-2011, 09:16 PM
There were 2 options for the gaskets/spacers for the exhaust... Its right where the pipe meets the head... A restictor version, and a non-- Also, on my zinger, the point where the silencer meets the expansion chamber, there is a screen inside the expansion chamber that plugs up... You can drill a hole through the screen from the small pipe sticking off the ex chamber, (approx 1/2 hole) and my zinger woke right up!

Jon Boy
09-02-2011, 10:18 PM
ok thanks thorpe, will give it a try. :beer

all my buddies that have seen it sofar are all saying the same thing. put a hitch and cart on it. then it would be the cats meow as a pit bike when we go racing. :lol:

09-03-2011, 05:21 AM
You can always tell just how peppy they are by the gouges in the grab bar from wheelying it.. lol..

We need to have a zinger class at Trikefest next year.. lol.. My DG pipe will hopefully give me an edge.. provided I make it next year of course...

That would be great! Raffa......hurry up with super z............... Nice find jon boy. They are usually a little beat up and parts missing. That looks pretty complete. All of my zinger have or had fuel petcock issues. Ebay has rebuild kit for a fair price.

Jon Boy
09-03-2011, 04:24 PM
ok, foot is swollen because i stepped into an underground bees nest clearing some logs yesterday. so i figure pull the rest of the exhaust on the zinger today and didn't find a screen anywhere in the system that i could see. still running about the same.
since there's not much i can do today i pulled the 3 wheelers out a get a few pics. OMG! getting on the 125m felt about like when i jump on my buddy's Big Red, it just seems so big now. :lol:

09-04-2011, 09:58 PM
The screen isn't visible... Did you see the little pipe sticking off the expansion chamber, where the silencer attaches? Stick a screwdriver down in there. (should bottom out halfway) The screen is internal, mid point inside that expansion chamber...

09-04-2011, 10:33 PM
Yes..... it is.... I should clarify, The tri-zinger front fender is SIMILAR to a pw50 front fender. y u so uptight bro?


Jon Boy
09-04-2011, 11:20 PM
The screen isn't visible... Did you see the little pipe sticking off the expansion chamber, where the silencer attaches? Stick a screwdriver down in there. (should bottom out halfway) The screen is internal, mid point inside that expansion chamber...
ok, gotcha now. i thought it would just be right there. :lol: yeah, i think the chamber is fairly packed. thing has alot of weight to it.

Jon Boy
09-07-2011, 06:18 PM
ok Thorpe, i have to ask. does your exp camber look like this? if so then how'd you get a drill bit down in there? i can barely get a coat hanger down in it going in from where the silencer attaches (exhaust outlet). if i go in from the other way (exhaust inlet) i can "feel" what seems like a metal screen in there when using a coat hanger. i just don't see how you got in there to drill.
and just for the heck of it.

09-07-2011, 06:27 PM
Nice score, good price.

The front fenders are similar, but NOT the same.

Doug the YT 60 open should be a direct bolt on.

09-07-2011, 06:35 PM

I guess that screen is built into the expantion chamber? I had a 2-stroke scooter one time that the exhaust got impacted with build up and it really killed its power. Hopfully cleaning out your pipe will get you back to were your power should be. I know it help me out.

09-07-2011, 07:12 PM
Drill bit that fits in that little take off pipe... Approx 1/2"... (or whatever fits in there without trashing the little nub)

Jon Boy
09-07-2011, 08:40 PM
that's what i was thinking, so just place the drillbit in the outlet and drill straight into the inlet pipe? cause there's noway it'll go down into the chamber to the screen. sorry if i'm being picky, i just want to do it right the first time. :confused:

09-07-2011, 10:21 PM
About halfway in, there is the screen... Just punch through that screen... (dont come through the other side of the pipe!) Woke my Zinger right up.... If you arent sure, just stick the bit in by hand first... You will feel when it hits.

09-09-2011, 11:09 AM
I don't want to hi_jack your thread here, but I would like to post some pictures of my Zinger.....It has an after market pipe on it, and i would love it if someone could help me identify it? Also, how do I post pictures?

Jon Boy
09-09-2011, 11:20 AM
no biggie post away if you like, i'd like to see it. just get the addy for the pic and use the image button or add it to your album.

09-09-2011, 11:49 AM
I've cleaned out a few small mufflers by throwing them on the coals of a campfire. Let that sucker get hot (like a dark cherry glow) and then pull it out and let it cool. Once its cool shake all the carbon out of it. There will probably be a lot! Then repaint the outside with hi-temp black spray paint. Its worked well for me in the past...

09-09-2011, 07:25 PM

This is my Tri-Zinger.....Both of my boys learned how to ride on this. My youngest (4) is riding it all the time.


Can someone tell me what king of exhaust is on this bad boy? It was on there when I bought it. It is nice and snotty....Sweet sound.

Karl (KZR800)

09-09-2011, 07:33 PM
Can someone tell me what king of exhaust is on this bad boy? It was on there when I bought it. It is nice and snotty....Sweet sound.

Can you get a pic of the rest of it? I really like it because it's protected. My DG sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb..


The tip looks a lot like an old cone pipe we have on our LT80


09-09-2011, 07:50 PM
I will go take a picture and post it up after dinner. All I can say is this Zinger is fast....and the pipe is snotty with a nice rap to it. This zinger does a good job of keeping up with my other sons KFX80 (Stock) up till top end. I have no idea what king of pipe is one here.....There are no markings at all.

09-09-2011, 07:59 PM
I can't believe that there are 2 gorgeous red zingers in one thread. The red tri zinger is my cryptonite, my wallet is on fire.

Anyways, nice pick up jon boy and thanks for asking questions, this is a great thread for info.

09-09-2011, 09:04 PM
Here is one more shot of the exhaust on my Zinger. Sorry it isn't such a clear picture, it was starting to get dark out.


It would be great if someone can identify the maker of this pipe. It is a bad little pipe.

Jon Boy
09-09-2011, 10:27 PM
kzr800, nice zinger i like the all red scheme. :naughty: although must admit, yellow plastics/fork and black seat/frame set-up has crossed my mind a couple times. :wondering

dcreel, that pipe is about what i'd like to get sometime down the road. does stick out there a bit though, but i wouldn't mind.

86t3, thanks. it's a good one too. only a few cosmetics need attention, mechanicly looking very good sofar other than a few random odd bolts and screws.

mullet, if all else fails i'll give it a try. :lol:

Jon Boy
09-10-2011, 11:12 AM
just curious, how common are the red zingers anyway? everytime i do a search almost every one is blue or yellow. only a couple red ones will come up and i think one of them is painted. :wondering

09-10-2011, 12:53 PM
I have two red Tri-Zingers. They are by far fewer in numbers than the blue & yellow.

09-10-2011, 12:58 PM
Here is a picture of my youngest son Collin. He started riding it last year at age 3. However, this year was a break through year, now he actually rides it by himself.


09-10-2011, 04:19 PM
just curious, how common are the red zingers anyway? everytime i do a search almost every one is blue or yellow. only a couple red ones will come up and i think one of them is painted. :wondering
I have one red and two whites, but unfortunately the whites have been painted by the previous owners... My nephew has an original white one.
Here the most numerous are the whites, after there are the reds and few blues. I've never seen a yellow one in person.

09-10-2011, 05:37 PM
The European White Zingers are sweet!! Wish I could get my hands on a legit one!

09-11-2011, 12:40 AM
my zinger has a headlight.Ill post pics later and see how it is wired up

Jon Boy
09-11-2011, 02:10 AM
i was thinking about that tonight. would have to premix, but looks like a battery should be able to fit where the oil bottle is.

edit: almost forgot. here's a pic of it all cleaned up. just needs a few more things and new decals. :beer

09-11-2011, 02:42 AM
Looks great.....That Zinger cleaned up very nice.

Jon Boy
09-11-2011, 12:04 PM
ok, just wanting to double check a short list of mods/upgrades i figured up.

1. Grand National exhaust or similar type
2. Towny or QT50 2 speed trans
3. PW50 ignition system
4. delete oil injection system for premix
5. lighting (2 ways to possibly go here)
6. Boyesen Reeds

any other mods/upgrades or any mistakes i've made sofar? everything i'm planning on doing i will be basicly considering a bolt-on. i want to be able to go back to stock set-up if i want.

and just incase, thanks fellas for the info and help. :beer

09-11-2011, 06:52 PM
Did drilling the exhaust out help it pull harder?

09-11-2011, 09:49 PM
mine is wired up through the stator i was told..Always is on/gets brighter higher rpm..I got a ok condtion front fenders im gunna to fit with the light

Jon Boy
09-12-2011, 02:15 AM
Did drilling the exhaust out help it pull harder?
i think i'm just going to wait till i go to my buddy's this weekend to do it. did soak the chamber in a strong degreaser overnight. it did an ok job at it, did wake it up more. got a short vid running a few laps in the yard on my youtube channel, but i had forgotten my helmet. so i'm not going to post a link.
planning to do a couple other things this weekend too, like checking the reeds and such. reminds me i forgot to add getting Boyesen Reeds to the list. might pull the oil injection also. i just feel more comfortable knowing i don't have to worry about the oil pump going out. i'm not wanting to go all out building it up, but would like to do a few upgrades when/if i come across stuff.

Jon Boy
09-18-2011, 04:43 PM
after going over the YT60 sofar i've noticed i need a clamp for the rubber intake going to the carb. it's just got a zip-tie on there. also took it out for a spin at the local river trails and a big stick popped up and managed to pull off one of the dust seals on the fork. they're a little rough and zip-tied on as well, so figured i'd change out both sides. do the seals just slip on and hold with a tight fit or is there some kinds of clamp or spring for them? been searching, but i just haven't found the right place yet i guess if they're out there. it's looking really good sofar with the little zinger other than these few things it's just a matter of replacing some bolts with the correct ones and a sticker kit. :cool:

i'm treating this the same way as the 125m, anything that'll be done to it is basicly going to be a bolt-on. no cutting/welding nonsense and any part added will be what will get modded to fit as a bolt-on. i just like the idea of being able to go back to stock original. :cool:

ok, here's the first mod to it. it's just roughed out to fit for now, it still needs a little work to get it looking and working better. now i can 2 finger brake and no more finger pinches. :lol:

Tektro 313a "Trigger" brake lever ($10-$15) from one of my old BMX bikes. it's the rightside lever, but they do make a leftside also, which will be the one getting used in the end after i figure out what needs ground down to work smoothly.


next plan is some bar risers, which my buddy found something that works nicely. he showed me some threaded spacers he has for his oil-cooler on his race car. we tried them and they worked perfectly, now i need to find a set just a little taller than what he has. also thinking about some differant tires for the rear. anyone have pics of a YT60 with something like 13x6.5x6 rear tires?

EDIT: almost forgot Thorpe, got the exhaust opened up now. little thing screams pretty decent now. :beer

09-18-2011, 06:59 PM
Heck yeah! Glad to hear!

09-18-2011, 10:37 PM
Dust seals on the forks are discontinued. I found some NOS ones at a local Yamaha dealer a few years back. Keep looking on eBay for "Nice" used forks....You may need them for the seals.

*Also, does anyone know what kind of pipe is on my Tri-Zinger? Pictures on page three of this thread.


Jon Boy
09-19-2011, 01:52 AM
don't think anyone's figured it out yet. :wondering

want to say it almost looks like the silencer on my 77 YZ80, but it's not exact.

09-19-2011, 08:15 AM
don't think anyone's figured it out yet. :wondering

want to say it almost looks like the silencer on my 77 YZ80, but it's not exact.

Thanks......I wish I knew. I am going to be tearing my Zinger down for a full restoration very soon. When I do, I will take some beter pictures of the exhaust. maybe that will make it easier? My luck it will make things more complicated...LOL. :)

Karl (KZR800)

09-22-2011, 11:28 PM
Ive heard people complain of the exhaust getting clogged up and these having no power because of it, countless times.