View Full Version : 85 250r clutch lifter problem

08-22-2011, 03:38 PM
The 85 250r I bought had a clutch problem, it wouldn't disengage when you pulled the clutch lever. Turns out the ball between the clutch lifter and the clutch lifter rod was missing. The rod was a bit boogered and the clutch lift lever(get's pulled by the cable) was boogered too. Just got a ball, rod, and lift lever in the mail from a member. Now asembling and the pressure plate won't go on all the way. Like the rod or ball or something is too big:lol: wish I always had this problem:lol:. The rod seems to be meshing good with the lever and seems to operate smoothly. Try to put the pressure plate on ond it's gotta go in another 1/4 to 1/2 inch.



Lifter with ball in it


All set in place ready for the pressure plate. Sticks out too much.


Pressure plate on waiting for sprngs and bolts.


08-22-2011, 03:43 PM
Is the rod engaging properly with the actuator arm? The arm has a notch where it engages the rod.

08-22-2011, 03:44 PM
i dont wanna sound like mr obvious here but did you actually look in there and verify there isnt anything in the hole, or maybe a burr or something in there to prevent this from going together completly?

08-22-2011, 03:49 PM
Looks like there is something in the plunger. That ball bearing should be down below that oiling hole.
You also need to make sure the new pushrod is the same length as the old one.

08-22-2011, 04:00 PM
No blockage or burs, it moves freely.

Almost looks like a small round disk in the lfter. You can kinna see it in the first pic. What ta do? Guess I'll go try to pick/pry it outa there.

08-22-2011, 04:31 PM
There is definately something stuck don in the lifter. With the ball in the rod only goes in an eigth inch. I tried drillind into it, its hard, really hard. This sucks. Never thought about this piece when getting parts.

I could tell the preveious owner when I bought the r that he would be the kinda guy to jerryrig stuff like this. Looks like when he replaced the clutch he lost the ball, the shoved something in the lifter to try to make up for it. man o man

08-22-2011, 07:44 PM
I have been through the same headaches man so I feel your pain.
You may be better off to search 89 250R clutch upgrade kit on ebay at this point. The system is far superior and is a direct swap.
Here is my headaches.


08-22-2011, 08:57 PM
I remember reading that story when you posted it. I also have one trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro bolt on a spring. I've seen that kit on ebay. What makes it better? Just got the r a month ago so I'm learning quickly a new trike. Haven't really road it cause of the clutch problem,and a couple others. Tryin to get it ridable. Ride it a couple weeks and rip it apart, Fix and upgrade as needed, paint and be all fresh for the ice. Hopefully the lifter won't be too much. Might have to read up some on that clutch upgrade, seemed to be decently priced.

08-22-2011, 09:04 PM
The 89 kit had a roller bearing type plunger, that takes the stress off the clutch ball bearing and acts for quicker more positive shifiting, and general overall durability.
They had it figured out by 1989, then they said "kiss my ass" to the 2 stroke. I guess they felt a 1200$ high strung 4 stroke top end job once a year was a better option.LMAO:crazy:
But you can NOT interchange the parts. When upgrading, you have to use the complete 89 kit I mentioned or it will not work.

Unless you find a member here with a plunger, you will more than likely have to spend half of the 89 upgrade cost on ebay to settle with the old design, which in Imho is not feasible at your point, because you will end up with a bunch of doubles of parts you do not need.

Back when the 85 was first built, they had a 3 ball bearing set-up that was later ditched for the single ball bearing. Talk about a major brain fart on the engineering team.:(

08-22-2011, 09:23 PM
Well I guess I just 'wasted' some money. You sure do make a good point. A seller on ebay I buy parts from, have an order in route from him right now, has the upgrade fit for $85 to my door. Dam, just ordered stuff from him this morning.