View Full Version : 1985 ATC 125M Engine information.

08-14-2011, 11:13 PM
Hi guys, this is my first post so go easy! I have two 1985 Honda ATC 125M's. How many HP do the engines put out? I don't need an exact answer, but just a estimation. Also, are the 125M's High/Low gears, distinguishable? Is there a significant power increase while in low range? Thanks guys, hopefully I'll have some pictures up soon.

08-15-2011, 12:35 AM
I'm pretty sure they are 8hp, as far as the Hi/Lo, its definitely distinguishable, the kids pull my trailer around easier in lo.

tri again
08-15-2011, 06:57 PM
Around here, flat with some grades, second gear high range is
about the same as 3rd gear low, ratio wise, but sure feels 'smoother'
and less grabby or jumpy or 'responsive' in a smooth/good way.

if that makes any sense.
Sure is nice to have the option.

Engine braking is also more noticable in low range so when you back off the throttle, it starts to slow down faster.

hmmm, just how can we go slow faster is a new question?

(sorry, couldn't resist)

08-15-2011, 08:47 PM
Alrighty guys, thanks a lot. I am looking forward to taking them out in the next few days.