View Full Version : Question about electric start

08-01-2011, 10:05 PM
Probably a dumb question but I'm new to this 3 wheeler thing but not new to mechanics. My electric start on my 1984 Honda 200m does not work. So tomorrow I am going to attempt to rewire it. I looked at the wiring diagram that is posted on this site and it looks like it is going to be very helpful. However, I don't know the location of some of the parts I will need to be wiring to(started solenoid, starter, and neutral switch). If someone could help me out that'd be great.

tri again
08-02-2011, 03:35 AM
Probably a dumb question but I'm new to this 3 wheeler thing but not new to mechanics. My electric start on my 1984 Honda 200m does not work. So tomorrow I am going to attempt to rewire it. I looked at the wiring diagram that is posted on this site and it looks like it is going to be very helpful. However, I don't know the location of some of the parts I will need to be wiring to(started solenoid, starter, and neutral switch). If someone could help me out that'd be great.

Never had an 'm' but
there are full shop manuals in the
'world class help'

Main fat wire from the battery should go directly to the solenoid
and from the sol to the starter.
The neutral safety switch on the bigreds and sx's
is under a sheetmetal cover either under the shifter or brake pedal.
2 wires, one goes to neutral light, the other to reverse light

08-02-2011, 12:01 PM
Thanks for the help. After messing with the wiring for a few hours I think Im just going to go without electric start for now. The previous owner removed the neutral light and the factory starter switch mounted on the handlebars and tried installing a new switch where the neutral light used to be and its just a huge mess. So now my new question is, will I still be able to pull start it with all that wiring disconnected and only leaving the wiring coming from the key switch??

tri again
08-03-2011, 04:39 AM
Thanks for the help. After messing with the wiring for a few hours I think Im just going to go without electric start for now. The previous owner removed the neutral light and the factory starter switch mounted on the handlebars and tried installing a new switch where the neutral light used to be and its just a huge mess. So now my new question is, will I still be able to pull start it with all that wiring disconnected and only leaving the wiring coming from the key switch??

generally, they don't need anything electrical to start manually.
The electric start has the nrutral safety switch so it won't start in gear and run you over.
Key 'on' just makes that happen and ALLOW current to go TO the starter.
Key in the off position is a simply dead ground to kill it and de energize the battery
but your h'bar kill switch will kill the engine for you too.
I never studied an 'm' diagram but there are tons of common pathways
for the 84 85 86 and 87 models.
..just different enough to make you have to look at them all.

yupp, everything should work without the key except elec start.
Charging, lights, engine etc

08-03-2011, 11:42 AM
Oh so the motor will start even without the key huh? That's good to know. I'm just going to remove all the electric start components then. Thanks again for your help

08-03-2011, 06:21 PM
Oh so the motor will start even without the key huh? That's good to know. I'm just going to remove all the electric start components then. Thanks again for your help

Every machine I have you still needed the key to be on to start it. My sx had a kickstart but you still had to have the key on. I would verify that you can have the key off before you just go pulling the electrical components.

08-03-2011, 07:07 PM
Yea I was just thinkin about that. I'd have to leave the key installed anyway because how else would I shut the motor off? Theres one wire coming from the key switch and it goes to a small box mounted on the frame thats called CDI unit. Theres 4 wires coming from the CDI unit. One goes to the keyswitch and the other 3 have to do with the electric start. Maybe I'll just put everything back how it was its just a pain the #$%&$%$ because the previous owner rewired it in a crazy way.

tri again
08-03-2011, 10:08 PM
Yea I was just thinkin about that. I'd have to leave the key installed anyway because how else would I shut the motor off? Theres one wire coming from the key switch and it goes to a small box mounted on the frame thats called CDI unit. Theres 4 wires coming from the CDI unit. One goes to the keyswitch and the other 3 have to do with the electric start. Maybe I'll just put everything back how it was its just a pain the #$%&$%$ because the previous owner rewired it in a crazy way.

a little step back.
Who knows what the prev owner did.
Generally, if the key unit is cut up or unplugged, it only affects the electric start circuit.
There IS a kill ground thru the keyed ignition to either allow or
deny power to the cdi for the engine to run.
There is also a ground thru the handle bar kill switch that can be both
for the cdi TO work and also to kill it, and the engine.

That's why I hinted that you should study the diagram specific to the 'm'.

There's no real reason to remove the elec start 'components' like the solenoid etc
because there's a good chance that some of the important grounds and other circuits
may run thru them.

I actually made a poster sized wire diagram of the 85 models since I have so many of them in different states of electrical compromise.

You'll get it.
Who knows, maybe whoever chopped it up had it running at one point.