View Full Version : half dead 200s :S what do you think?

1984 honda 200s
07-23-2011, 02:29 PM
My 84 200s has been making a low knocking noise for the past couple months, in my head im thinking ok, one day i'll have to open her up.... well just last nite i take it for an easy ride to the gas station and all of a sudden KNOCK KNOCK RATTLE RATTLE really loud! UH OH so i shut it off and check the oil again, its good... check around the engine all seems fine. Fire it back up still a loud knocking noise...im about 10 mins away from home on the hottest day and i do not feel like pushing. so i take it easy home, the whole way home its knocking and banging and the whole works and NO POWER what so ever !..... it will be parked untill i get some cash and time to look inside it.... What do you think happened? piston slap? cam chain ?.... this atc was my daily rider, it was harder on oil. so theres a few miles on it.

07-23-2011, 04:05 PM
just a thought that popped into my head as I'm reading your story, see if your flywheel might have come loose. Just a thought.

07-23-2011, 04:06 PM
Whens the last time you adjusted the cam chain.

tri again
07-23-2011, 05:42 PM
I had (have) a 250 that I would've bet 1000$ that
it had a rod knock.
Turns out that someone adjusted the valves 180 off
and the valve lash was at least 1/2 inch.

It sounded Horrible from 40 yards.

so at a super low idle, I counted exhaust pulses so see how they counted with valve timing.
Exhaust pops are every 4th revolution, right?
and valves (noise) should be 1/2 that.
I guess I'm saying, one of your valve adjuster lock nuts
may have come loose.

If it was multi cylinder, you can pull a plug wire and see if the
knock stops.
so I wonder if you can hit the kill switch and see if the knock stops
before it spins down. Indicating crank rod or wrist pin, right?

I know this is stretchin' it, but that's what I would do to help narrow
things down.

Wost case, those engines are everywhere cheap and a 185 will fit.
Someone posted a video with audio last week of their engine noise.

Either way tho, I'd start throwing wrenches at it.
You'll be ok.
A rod knock by itself wouldn't really affect the power.
I drove a saab like that for over a year.

1984 honda 200s
07-24-2011, 01:33 PM
At Dirtface: yeah for sure i thought that right away because it happened before, but its tight as can be and has locktite on it.. I adjust the cam chain quite often, its good.
At Drjoe: I have a head from a rebuilt 185 with the stock 200 cyl. im pretty sure the valves are good but i could give it a check. The bike will hardly idle now since the loud noise. it sounds terrible! and its completly gutless. I had this cyl. honed out before because i saw 2 small scratches in the sleeve when i redid the gaskets... there was no cross hatching done.
I will try to get the bike going again today and listen to it carefully. it almost sounds like the piston wants to come threw the crank case, terrible.

1984 honda 200s
07-24-2011, 02:11 PM
new update: Checked valves there good, did the timing chain adjuster its good... had it running making its noise, put it in gear went 5 feet and died! its soo hard to pull over now. i think its deffinatly dead.
sounded terrible like metal on metal screeching and wirring and knocking. and yes the oil is Good.

just ben
07-24-2011, 02:31 PM
lower rod bearing.

07-24-2011, 02:44 PM
lower rod bearing.

+1 that would be my guess as well

1984 honda 200s
07-24-2011, 03:04 PM
Ohh i thought for sure it would of been the stock piston failing... i guess if its the lower rod bearing, i mite as well get a whole ''new'' bottom end some where.... DANG!!!!

1984 honda 200s
07-24-2011, 09:42 PM
Bike is totally seized up!!!
What other engine could i bolt into this frame, like a dirtbike engine if i cant find a used bottom end for the 200s

just ben
07-25-2011, 09:07 AM
should be able to find a good used crank or have your crank rebuilt depending on how much damage was done to it

1984 honda 200s
07-25-2011, 09:59 PM
I got a complete bottom end in the shed only problem with it is the last person who had it pounded on the flywheel to pull it off and stripped the threads on it and mushroomed the end of the crank AND i guess his chain came off and totally wrecked the crank case cover.., thought about using it for parts but its too far gone, i'll have to look else where.

07-27-2011, 11:25 AM
bad oil pump

1984 honda 200s
07-27-2011, 06:24 PM
So lads i just took it appart about 1h ago, piston is good cyl is good, connecting rod is totally seized. Time for a new bottom end.

just ben
07-27-2011, 07:56 PM
Told ya so! LOL if it didnt mess the crank up to bad you can have it turned and use a .10 bearing but you said it was making noise for a while so the rod is probably junk too. find a good used set up or buy a rod kit and have the crank turned but will have to buy the bearing too unless you find a kit with the oversize bearing

1984 honda 200s
07-27-2011, 10:50 PM
Yeah man totally killed it. The rod is different colours and wont budge at all. It was making a slight knocking noise for almost 1year i always thought it was piston slap but i was way off. After a crunch and a grind it seized solid ! I'll probably just buy a used complete bottom end and just bolt on the head a cyl. after i get an over sized piston and what not for the top end, then it should be good to go.

just ben
07-27-2011, 11:59 PM
I may have somthing for you. I am working on a deal for 3 200's not sure yet though