View Full Version : valve adjustment???

07-22-2011, 08:39 PM
I was reading on a thread, and somebody saif something about theyre trike sounding like a sewing machine, mine sounds lije this, how do you adjust the valves? also what can you do to a 185s to wake it up a bit?

07-22-2011, 09:32 PM
You download a free manual and adjust them, not for people that aren't mechanically inclined.

Other noise comes from the timing chain being worn or out of adjustment.

Get with the program if you want it to last :D Enjoy.

07-22-2011, 09:37 PM
I am, lol, where can I download the manual from? does it involve removing any engine parts? I want it to last 27 more years, just wonderin what adjusting the valves consisted of

tri again
07-22-2011, 09:47 PM
I'm not the one to ask about fixing things that aren't broken
(these days) but I usually ask myself what could go wrong,
and then arm myself with all the info and tools (and parts/gaskets)
that I might need.
x2 on the manual btw

I got an 87 original owner br for 200$ because they adjusted the valves
with it NOT being set up to tdc and it sounded like a jackhammer.

so, yes, best to do it right.
There is also something VERY specific about adjusting timing chains on the 185/200
engines. Loosen this nut but NOT this one etc etc.

Give a shout back and let us know how you're doing.

ps, your post came in as I was writing so..
look under 'world class help'
They are pdf files and I've been using acrobat reader version 4.0 because it's
a tiny program compared to the new one.

Valve adjust tools?
a wrench to get the caps off,
some cool tool so you can find TDC marks on the flywheel, It may be a huge
flat blade screwdriver type plug.
A drop of whiteout or white paint to mark the TDC.
If you're real lucky, you can find tdc by looking down the plug hole, see that the piston is up at the top,
and making sure the
cam lobes are both pointing up.
Sound complicated yet?

Bent feeler gauges to the tune of .00x" of an inch that will fit down inside the
adjuster holes.
A wrench to loosen the locknut and a screwdriver to adjust the valve tappet
AND be able to hold it in place as you tighten the locknut.
and then recheck the valve lash.
as they say, watch one, do one, teach one.
I know it sounds intimidating but you'll surely get more advice
like actual tool sizes etc and whatever else you may need or what to watch out for.

I haven't been near a 185 in a few years so my advice is to be taken with a grain of salt.

Daughters 185 is next on my list of things to do so I thank you for the incentive.

07-22-2011, 10:08 PM
ok....lol, im confident I could do it...but I have no feeler guage....

07-22-2011, 10:12 PM
everything after (sound complicated yet) is the only thing complicated sounds complicated lol, thanks for the help so far, never attemted anything like this yet

tri again
07-22-2011, 10:14 PM
pretty sure you can buy feeler gauges as singles instead of a whole set
but they gotta be cheap at a couple bucks for a set.
You might want some small ones that are 'bent' so they'll fit inside the valve cover area.
Someone will surely suggest the 'best' type here pretty soon.

I'll tell you it ain't much clearance, like under .005"
that's under 5 thousandths of an inch.
The average matchbook cover, single cardboard is like .007".
I think yours wants .003" but best if you look it up and see it for yourself.

07-22-2011, 10:16 PM
Everyone's touched their feeler gauge :D

just ben
07-22-2011, 11:04 PM
piece of cake to adjust. not sure why you would wanna buy single gauges since they are only about 7-8 bucks for a whole set probably 12 if you need the bent ones. as far as waking that 185 up first adjust the valves if its still not enough buy a trike with a bigger engine

07-22-2011, 11:06 PM
Valve adjustment procedure can be found here.

07-22-2011, 11:28 PM
thanks for the help guys, i might try this in a couple days, gotta get gauges first, oh, and i will get a bigger machine eventually, but id like to wake this one up some for now, what are some mild upgrades? i kinda wanna keep the sprockets like they are tho

07-22-2011, 11:44 PM
i couldnt find a manual

07-22-2011, 11:46 PM

07-22-2011, 11:55 PM
thanks monroe mike, i found it:beer

hillbilly 200x
07-23-2011, 12:01 AM
thanks for the help guys, i might try this in a couple days, gotta get gauges first, oh, and i will get a bigger machine eventually, but id like to wake this one up some for now, what are some mild upgrades? i kinda wanna keep the sprockets like they are tho put a better pipe on that 185 and keep your eyes out for a honda xr200 cam and carb off ebay

07-23-2011, 12:10 AM
what pipe do you recommend/ i have an ebay 200x carb, uni filter so far, but what model xr200 cam will wok? and is it the xr200r or xr200, or is there a difference? and will a xr200 carb be even better?
Im gunna get me a set this week ,and tackle this if i can, then i wanna start thinking about some upgrades...or maybe painting the front forts? hmmm

07-23-2011, 12:35 AM
being a mechanic for a living, and understanding thousandths of an inch, I can do mine by feel. but like others have said, get yourself a set of feeler gauges.