View Full Version : Just picked up 85 225DR this weekend. Drivetrain "POP" under load

06-20-2011, 06:30 PM
As the title said. I found a nice 225DR in mississippi. Everything appears to work fine except for this one issue. Well I was backing up on a hill and when I did I heard the drivetrain "pop" or "clunk". I can kind of feel it as it pops as well. I checked the hub nuts, swingarm bearings, motor mounts, diff mounting bolts etc and everything appears to be tight. I can sit on the bike and rock it back and forth and it is solid as can be. It does this in first and reverse only and only while under a decent load.

I then checked the diff fluid and it is really clean and the gear looks pretty good from what I can see through the fill hole. Is this normal for these reverse model bikes? My 225dx does not do this. I just dont want to hurt the bike by riding it if this is a problem. I want this wheeler to last as long as possible. Also, the popping is not consistent. Sometimes it doesn't do it at all. Sometimes quiet. Other times it can pop pretty loud. It usually is just a single pop and only happens once per load. If I let off of the throttle and apply it again it will pop again. But like I said, only one pop per throttle load.

I'm thinking U-joint but not really sure. I pulled the boot back and it appears to not have any play. It's kind of hard to tell without taking the rear end apart.

Does anyone have a 225DR that also does this? I'd like to hear about it as I was so excited about this 3 wheeler, but now I'm kind of bummed. Hoping I can get some ideas from you guys and take care of things.