View Full Version : 2 apologies

06-19-2011, 11:00 PM
First I would like to apologize to Onnie and his father Hang&Rattle. I inadvertantly called Onnie a name without knowing who I was talking about. It was wrong and I am sorry.

Secondly, I mistakenly attributed a quote from another thread to dcreel and I was wrong. I am also sorry about that.

I make these apologies of my own free will, with no threats of punishment from any of the Mods or Admin at 3WW.

I wanted to make these apologies in their own thread so they are not buried in another thread and so they stand out clearly to those I am apologizing to.


06-19-2011, 11:42 PM
Don't know what this has to do with, but I give you credit with manning up to your sucking.

06-20-2011, 12:10 PM
Yeah, way to be anti-ass-clown.

06-20-2011, 02:38 PM
50 wacks with the cat of nine tails for you for messing with onnie, i think hang can hand out the punishment as he is a country boy!! and decreel also so i believe your up to 100 wacks i pity you fool!!!!

06-20-2011, 03:31 PM
Way to man up! Your cool in my book kid kash.

06-20-2011, 03:56 PM
Scooter, remember what your mom said...'If you don't have something nice to say, say nothing at all'

Opinion and participation are welcome, but stop being a bully. This is the second thread that has been locked because of conflict originating from your posts.

Think nice thoughts before you post and your won't have to apologize later..

Chazz of Blades
06-20-2011, 07:06 PM

Maybe I'm just a cold hearted trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro, but I suppose second chances are deserved.

06-20-2011, 07:09 PM
Way to try and cover your ass there. Whenever a bit of consequence shows up you run and duck for cover. You're disrespectful, dishonorable, and an immature lout.

Ever heard the phrase "Sometimes sorry aint worth trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro?"
I know when I say sorry its not worth trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro four tires .

Chazz of Blades
06-20-2011, 07:13 PM
Oh, the tires are the censor on the site. You can't say S#it, so it takes that, and converts it into four TralPros.

Also, the person who was coming around a corner and wrecked? THAT WAS ME trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro. Never wrecked into a buddy, wasn't really drifting any more than a little rear end wobble, and the curve wasn't blind, the little turd cart was so low, and coming around so fast you couldn't see it. Atleast attempt to get facts straight when calling someone out.

Try again bucko.

06-20-2011, 07:26 PM
Men are human, and we make mistakes. But what really makes a man is what he does with those mistakes and goes forward. If a man is truely sorry and can publicly make it right, then move on. The world is full of enough hate as it is.

06-20-2011, 07:30 PM
Men are human, and we make mistakes. But what really makes a man is what he does with those mistakes and goes forward. If a man is truely sorry and can publicly make it right, then move on. The world is full of enough hate as it is.

Sounds like Dr.Phil . Wheres the remote ?

06-20-2011, 07:44 PM
Oh, the tires are the censor on the site. You can't say S#it, so it takes that, and converts it into four TralPros.

Also, the person who was coming around a corner and wrecked? THAT WAS ME trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro. Never wrecked into a buddy, wasn't really drifting any more than a little rear end wobble, and the curve wasn't blind, the little turd cart was so low, and coming around so fast you couldn't see it. Atleast attempt to get facts straight when calling someone out.

Try again bucko.

where is this video and why arent I watching it right now

06-20-2011, 07:54 PM
you shouldnt be the one apologizing

06-20-2011, 08:05 PM
Wow, what the hell is the world coming to? I just joined the site for some knowledge and help with some 3 wheeler projects, and all I find is people arguing and fighting and name calling. This is definatly no way to attract new members.

Way to try and cover your ass there. Whenever a bit of consequence shows up you run and duck for cover. You're disrespectful, dishonorable, and an immature lout.

Ever heard the phrase "Sometimes sorry aint worth trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro?"

You, buddy, are being a genuine horse's ass. Scooter here has made a couple mistakes in another thread. (I have read the entire other thread too...) Are you perfect??? Have you never made any mistakes your entire life??? Scooter made some mistakes, but he has recognized that he made the mistakes, and posted an entire thread to admit to them and apologize for them!! Yet here you come out calling him "disrespectful, dishonorable, and immature". I fail to see how he is "running and ducking for cover"... He is openly admiting and apologizing to everyone affected, which is the right and honorable thing to do. If anyone is "disrespectful, dishonorable and immature," it is yourself.

06-20-2011, 08:28 PM
Way to try and cover your ass there. Whenever a bit of consequence shows up you run and duck for cover. You're disrespectful, dishonorable, and an immature lout.

Ever heard the phrase "Sometimes sorry aint worth trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro?"

How is openly apologizing to someone being "disrespectful, dishonorable, and an immature lot"? It's not. Would you rather him tell you to get f*****? No, you wouldn't.

He manned up and apologized, and you guys swarm all over him like killer bees, calling him a variety of colorful names and whatnot. You guys need to learn to FORGIVE and FORGET. Forgive him for the mistakes he's made, then forget about it.

So what if he's a site newbie? Everybody started somewhere, and everybody has made mistakes in the past. The only way someone can learn is through his or her mistakes, and even moreso when people are supportive. You guys make me ashamed to be a three wheeler enthusiast, knowing there are people like this within the community.

06-20-2011, 08:34 PM
Ok everyone ....step back .....DEEP Breath .....Now....group hug !!!!

'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

06-20-2011, 08:46 PM
Ok everyone ....step back .....DEEP Breath .....Now....group hug !!!!

'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'
In Jesus' name, AMEN!!!

06-20-2011, 08:47 PM
I never thought that I would say this cause I don't really like what Scooter has contributed in the past, but now that the circle boot is done everyone needs to chill.

Give the guy another chance to see if he can play nice..

06-20-2011, 08:49 PM
X2 ^^^ ?? ! : )

06-20-2011, 08:55 PM
X2 ^^^ ?? ! : )

I have no idea what this means, but it's funny shlt...lol

06-20-2011, 09:01 PM
Ok everyone ....step back .....DEEP Breath .....Now....group hug !!!!

'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

a-MAN BROTHER . and i claim agnostic

06-20-2011, 09:02 PM
Hang and Rattle got banned over it.. Welcome to the site...

06-20-2011, 09:07 PM
I have no idea what this means, but it's funny shlt...lol

I meant I agree with you,,I think ! Honestly,,I have to claim Ignorance here.. I have NO CLUE what this is all about.. But if Hang is banned,,,that is NOT good. WTF did I miss?? All was good on Fathers Day last I knew??

06-20-2011, 09:26 PM
Hang got banned??? Or a few days suspension??? Wow...

06-20-2011, 09:41 PM
Sounds like Dr.Phil . Wheres the remote ?

Wow, I have ben through some life changing things over the last 2 years and I say that it is OK for one man to forgive another and I get slammed? If you disagree with what I have to say you could have offered it in a PM not public humiliation.

06-20-2011, 09:52 PM
hang got banned? i must have missed something i was just messing around with the 50 lash`s thing man i missed the whole other thread

06-20-2011, 10:01 PM
Wow, I have ben through some life changing things over the last 2 years and I say that it is OK for one man to forgive another and I get slammed? If you disagree with what I have to say you could have offered it in a PM not public humiliation.

I dont disagree . It was well writen. Public humilitaion was not the intention at all . We have all been thru life changing experiences and I was having fun .

06-20-2011, 10:11 PM
You know what?, I think you can take your apologies and shove them up your trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro. you are a fake. You also insulted a 11yr. old (me) that rides three wheelers more than you, and is a better rider than you. 3WW can have scootertrash, hope he is worth it....loser.

06-20-2011, 10:16 PM
Oh dang .....5 tires , thats awsome . I wish I was 11 years old I would race you !!!

Chazz of Blades
06-20-2011, 10:17 PM
Hold on, Onnie, I understand the feelings, and agree with you, but there's not much sense posting it on here. It'll only cause more trouble. Just go out and blow some steam off, if you start throwing blows on here, it'll just make your dad(and you!) look worse.

Just the two of you go out riding and cool down for a bit, you'll feel a ton better.

06-20-2011, 10:22 PM
Hang and Rattle got banned over it.. Welcome to the site...


WOW Didnt expect that..............

06-20-2011, 10:23 PM
I dont disagree . It was well writen. Public humilitaion was not the intention at all . We have all been thru life changing experiences and I was having fun .

Thank you for that, and I mean it. In my case please make sure you know the member before you starting having fun. Again thank you for not intending to publicly humiliate.\

Chazz of Blades
06-20-2011, 10:23 PM
Banned, or suspended? I'd assumed suspended since his account is locked, but it's not labeled banned.

06-20-2011, 10:24 PM
Robby banned over some loud mouth. Onnie say your peice and let it be lil' bro. once again the mods are on the ball banning one of the nicest guys on here.

06-20-2011, 10:26 PM
Robby banned over some loud mouth. Onnie say your peice and let it be lil' bro. once again the mods are on the ball banning one of the nicest guys on here.

not to mention what Hang&Rattle has contributed, compared to this joker

06-20-2011, 10:26 PM
Whats a guy gotta do to get banned ? I remember the post . Unless I missed something . Dont you just send the thread to the WAR ROOM or delete the offenses give a guy a warning and send them on there way ?

06-20-2011, 10:29 PM
I dont know what you have to do to be banned but apparently sticking up for your son on fathers day will do it............

Edit* I just looked and he isnt banned I dont think. He was online about an hour ago, unless the ban was recent

06-20-2011, 10:32 PM
I must have missed something .

06-20-2011, 10:34 PM
i remember when the mods made that thread about bashing,insults,name calling ect it was very serious at the time and i was pretty happy to see it cause stuff was getting bad. the mods warned
and then the kid logs on and pulls the same thing?
i can fully understand why hang got banned. if he did.

06-20-2011, 10:34 PM
onnie dont let one person ruin 3 wheelers for you if he insulted you he just is jelous of the weekly adventures you,your dad and sister have i know i wish i had the places you three ride.
Scooter you need to be more a man like hang&rattle who stepped up to the plate to care for and give his children some of the best memories of thier life in which you just threw a wrench good job partner.
i hope hang comes back as he added a lot of great posts and pictures of his familys adventures

06-20-2011, 10:35 PM
This is a quote on the problem posted by scootertrash

"H&R-Wow, what are you, like 5 years old? Talk about immature! He never claimed you lied, all he said is that there was no side by side comparison, which there isn't. If that is you and your buddy "Mommy" or whatever his name is in the pics, you both weigh about 50lbs soaking wet which also makes a big difference in total weight of machine and rider when it comes to mud.

The fact is they are two different classes of machine, so there is no comparison. You can't equate a 300 lb machine to a 650 lb+ machine period. That's why they have different classes in racing and moto-X.

Once you grow up, quit listening to Justin Bieber and fapping to Lady Gaga posters (Or vice versa, whatever your case may be) and move out of your Mom's basement, maybe you'll have gained enough smarts to figger it out. Until then, quit being a d-bag."

That is exactly what set H&R off.

Dont blame him one bit, its human nature to fight for your young.

While we are on the subject, I wonder why my post got deleted in the other thread

06-20-2011, 10:39 PM
i was hoping it would come to this

here is the first post that got hang all out of his mind. read it carefully and look for disrespect,name calling, bashing, whatever. try and find something overly negative about this vv

Not to be a downer...but I'm not really seeing a trike outperforming a quad in this situation. All a see is two trikes with fairly long straps that pulled a 4x4 quad out of some sticky mud. Lack of fresh mud on the tires of the three wheelers in the after pictures tells me they pulled from pretty dry land. Now if there was a pictures of the trikes following in or riding along side of the same tracks as the quad, pulling around it and hooking up with a 8ft strap and then pulling the quad out I would say that is outperforming. I see the older 3 wheeler tracks (impressions) going through...but those look like they could have been made days or weeks ago, possibly when the ground was soft but not nearly as wet as it is in the pictures. I'm not trying to piss anyone off...I love trikes as much as the next guy,,I'm just giving a different view of it. I do have a 4x4 (1999 kawasaki prarrie 400) ....it's bone stock. I have yet to come across a trike that can show it up in mud or deep fluffy snow. Hard-pack snow and tight woods...now thats a different story. Regardless of my 2 cents...nice pics!

now here is hang's classy response vv
Lol, I have to explain it more in detail? Lol, you haven't seen very much if you haven't seen a heavy quad sink in snow or mud while the trike rides on top. Do you think I faked the pictures? Are you for real? Lol, those are Onnie's tracks from a few minutes earlier, heavy quads sink, light trikes stay up top. Bring your pu$$y quad and once again I'll show another pig-heavy quad up. We'll even pull you out. It was a 30' strap and we had to pull the quad out up hill, he was down in the mud hole. What's sad is I even took the time to explain it. Sell your trike, you're and idiot, the quad will do you fine, lol.

those 2 posts were right together in the thread. here it is - http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php?131879-3-Wheelers-out-performing-quads....AGAIN!

06-20-2011, 10:39 PM
That is kinda crazy , knobody listens to Justin Bieber .

06-20-2011, 10:40 PM
I have to agree.. If he would have come on MY thread and talked sh!t on MY son on Father's Day I would have been a whole lot more colorful than Robby.. Apparently standing up for you and yours is a bannable offense around here, and being a douchebag gets you the key to the city.. bollocks..

06-20-2011, 10:45 PM
I have to agree.. If he would have come on MY thread and talked sh!t on MY son on Father's Day I would have been a whole lot more colorful than Robby.. Apparently standing up for you and yours is a bannable offense around here, and being a douchebag gets you the key to the city.. bollocks..

Well scootertrash is getting exactly what he wants attention.

I am waiting to hear from H&R Himself to see if he was banned or not.

Now as far as the other 2 posts he is saying that H&R is a liar by saying the trikes out performed the quad.

Simple fact is they made it through a spot that the quad didnt and in that situation the trikes did out perform the quad.

Yes he did take offence to him saying that they didnt when H&R was there riding and trash was not.

Then trash insults his son, whom H&R has raised as a single father, not to mention that it was on fathers day.

After Trash see's what he did he makes this thread saying sorry, H&R might have gotten banned.

Dont see the rationality here......

06-20-2011, 10:47 PM
Hang&Rattle , aka Robby and his son Onnie eat sleep and sht three wheelers. He's a totally into the family side of the sport and a great ambassador for it. I can't see what he did wrong except reply back the only way a newbee understands. I can point to a few posts this week that were just as if not worse so quit the crying. I will say Robby has been a true friend and banning him is a crime. Doug I'll 2nd what you had to say on scooterboys page but I'd been more discriptive.

06-20-2011, 10:51 PM
You know what?, I think you can take your apologies and shove them up your trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro. you are a fake. You also insulted a 11yr. old (me) that rides three wheelers more than you, and is a better rider than you. 3WW can have scootertrash, hope he is worth it....loser.

That's no way to be. Not everyone in the world is going to be your friend. You should be thankful for the fact that Scooter here didn't really mean to insult you, and is trying to apologize for it. What another person thinks about you shouldn't really matter that much to you, (Unless of course it's your parents, girlfriend, or boss...lol :D) and you should forget about it and move on. Don't make a big deal about the fact that someone said something insulting to you, because it's not. Does it really matter that much in the big picture? People are WAAAAAAAY to easily offended these days....political correctness and all that other BS.... Listen to the song What Do Ya Think About That by Montgomery-Gentry and think about what he says.

06-20-2011, 10:57 PM
Scootertrash, I say this this with the utmost of sincerity. Go back to 4chan and continue with your fapping to furries and lolis. In other words, trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro off! we're full!

06-20-2011, 10:58 PM
Well .... I read all of it and I can say this . That was 11 minutes of some weird ...My 4 wheeler is better than your Three wheeler . I like the photos of the kid with the deer. I vote to not ban anyone and post more photo's

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
That guy has a sick machine ! ^^^^^

06-20-2011, 10:58 PM
anybody reading this, i hope, will go read the thread so you can see that scooter didnt know he was insulting hang's son. hang's son's name is Onnie and it would appear that scooter read it hastily, possibly as mommy. who he blatantly calls his FRIEND. not his son. once scooter found out the real name (Onnie) and who it was (hang's son) he admitted he made a mistake, immediately and apologized. and here he is now trying again but all hang's friends insist on believing (and spreading the word) that scooter insulted hang's son on purpose. WHICH IS NOT TRUE

please go read for yourself

06-20-2011, 11:01 PM
.... some of the responses in this thread, wow. how embarrassing . this "newbie" is making some of the more seasoned posters look very foolish.

06-20-2011, 11:03 PM
Hang&Rattle , aka Robby and his son Onnie eat sleep and sht three wheelers. He's a totally into the family side of the sport and a great ambassador for it. I can't see what he did wrong except reply back the only way a newbee understands. I can point to a few posts this week that were just as if not worse so quit the crying. I will say Robby has been a true friend and banning him is a crime. Doug I'll 2nd what you had to say on scooterboys page but I'd been more discriptive.

just because you love 3 wheelers more than the next guy, doesnt give you the right to act like a jack wagon and make the rest of us trikers look bad.

06-20-2011, 11:04 PM
anybody reading this, i hope, will go read the thread so you can see that scooter didnt know he was insulting hang's son. hang's son's name is Onnie and it would appear that scooter read it hastily, possibly as mommy. who he blatantly calls his FRIEND. not his son. once scooter found out the real name (Onnie) and who it was (hang's son) he admitted he made a mistake, immediately and apologized. and here he is now trying again but all hang's friends insist on believing (and spreading the word) that scooter insulted hang's son on purpose. WHICH IS NOT TRUE

please go read for yourself

Anyone that goes on a thread of someone they don't know to defend someone they don't know and starts assuming someone is mommy and they beat off to lady gaga is a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro.. Why you are bending over backward to support him is beyond me.. The original post by xfile pretty much said that the post Robby made didn't happen the way he said it did. Where I come from that is calling someone a liar..

06-20-2011, 11:05 PM
I'm a jack wagon . Lets say delete the post put up some more photos and call this done .

06-20-2011, 11:07 PM
.... some of the responses in this thread, wow. how embarrassing . this "newbie" is making some of the more seasoned posters look very foolish.

And I'm super duper happy that when Scootertrash talks your mouth moves.. You should look into being a civil rights attorney..

06-20-2011, 11:07 PM
ha ha ha I love how one post can make a whole community of trikers look bad.

For F&ck sakes it doesnt matter if he insulted his son or his friend!!!! He also insulted H&R by calling him a liar!!!!

It is redundant if he meant to or not he still did it.

Do you really think this thread would have been started if trash wasent called out on insulting the mans son????

06-20-2011, 11:07 PM
Ya'll are the biggest bunch of whining b!tches I've seen in my entire life.

06-20-2011, 11:11 PM
Ya'll are the biggest bunch of whining b!tches I've seen in my entire life.

Yeah ....what he said !!!

06-20-2011, 11:12 PM
so because he didnt know it was onnie a 11 year old its ok to insult? yeah that makes sense to me great answer. simple fact is the world lacks what hang/robby and guys like dcreel stand for family morals, robby stood up for his own as i would hope most of us would do.

anybody reading this, i hope, will go read the thread so you can see that scooter didnt know he was insulting hang's son. hang's son's name is Onnie and it would appear that scooter read it hastily, possibly as mommy. who he blatantly calls his FRIEND. not his son. once scooter found out the real name (Onnie) and who it was (hang's son) he admitted he made a mistake, immediately and apologized. and here he is now trying again but all hang's friends insist on believing (and spreading the word) that scooter insulted hang's son on purpose. WHICH IS NOT TRUE

please go read for yourself

06-20-2011, 11:13 PM
I agree with fabio.

06-20-2011, 11:14 PM
I'm going now . You guys have fun . Lady Ga Ga looks like a dude to me .

06-20-2011, 11:15 PM
i dont condone scooters first comment. it was pretty bad actually. but he was coming to the defense of xfile and somebody had to do it.
if you guys are gonna really sit there and argue that xfile called hang a liar, then well , theres no use of me sayin anything else cause that quite honestly is just beyond childish. but yall are right, i should quit defending scooter, its really none of my business.
but then again we def dont want the forum to only hear hang's buddies side of the story so why not?

06-20-2011, 11:16 PM
Ya'll are the biggest bunch of whining b!tches I've seen in my entire life.

Spoken from a man with no children... meh.. that whines and bitches in every thread he enters..

06-20-2011, 11:18 PM
This whole ordeal seems to have started with a comment made by member Xfile (not trying to place blame here, just stating the facts.) saying that in H&R's pics it doesn't really look like the trikes did anything to be better that that 4 wheeler. If you look closely, the 4 wheeler appears to be stuck in a fairly small deep hole that the 3 wheeler tracks go around. Then they used 2 trikes to pull out one 4 wheeler. Xfile pointed out that based on what was shown in the pics, there wasn't really anything that showed the 3 wheelers showing up the 4 wheeler. H&R apparently couldn't stand for this, and made a really shitty comment toward Xfile. (Xfile had even complimented him on his pics!) The deal with Scooter started when he tried to defend Xfile against H&R's unfriendly comments and had a name and quote mix up. Once he found out his mistake he tried to apologize (hence this entire thread) but noone will let him for some reason. I wasn't aware when I joined that I was joining an asshole forum...I just love 3 wheelers....

06-20-2011, 11:20 PM
I love 3WW

Chazz of Blades
06-20-2011, 11:21 PM
NOS, you ALMOST made me spit out Sun Drop.

Congrats, you win!

06-20-2011, 11:21 PM
i dont condone scooters first comment. it was pretty bad actually. but he was coming to the defense of xfile and somebody had to do it.
if you guys are gonna really sit there and argue that xfile called hang a liar, then well , theres no use of me sayin anything else cause that quite honestly is just beyond childish. but yall are right, i should quit defending scooter, its really none of my business.
but then again we def dont want the forum to only hear hang's buddies side of the story so why not?

^^ agree 100%

06-20-2011, 11:23 PM
This whole ordeal seems to have started with a comment made by member Xfile (not trying to place blame here, just stating the facts.) saying that in H&R's pics it doesn't really look like the trikes did anything to be better that that 4 wheeler. If you look closely, the 4 wheeler appears to be stuck in a fairly small deep hole that the 3 wheeler tracks go around. Then they used 2 trikes to pull out one 4 wheeler. Xfile pointed out that based on what was shown in the pics, there wasn't really anything that showed the 3 wheelers showing up the 4 wheeler. H&R apparently couldn't stand for this, and made a really shitty comment toward Xfile. (Xfile had even complimented him on his pics!) The deal with Scooter started when he tried to defend Xfile against H&R's unfriendly comments and had a name and quote mix up. Once he found out his mistake he tried to apologize (hence this entire thread) but noone will let him for some reason. I wasn't aware when I joined that I was joining an asshole forum...I just love 3 wheelers....

It wasent a f@cking typo!!! The guy set out to insult H&R and Onnie, just didnt know at the time that Onnie was the mans son!!

This site isnt full of assholes, but I do see alot of people sticking up for a man that stuck up for his son and got banned for 3 days. Yes H&R did get banned for no more then sticking up for his son.

This is f&cking retarded. Ive seen more sense in a mental institution.

06-20-2011, 11:23 PM
well said stonewall.
BTW i got nothin against anybody, including hang.
and i dont know scooter, xfile , hang or anybody else.
scooter never even had to post and hang prob still woulda been banned though.

06-20-2011, 11:23 PM
This whole ordeal seems to have started with a comment made by member Xfile (not trying to place blame here, just stating the facts.) saying that in H&R's pics it doesn't really look like the trikes did anything to be better that that 4 wheeler. If you look closely, the 4 wheeler appears to be stuck in a fairly small deep hole that the 3 wheeler tracks go around. Then they used 2 trikes to pull out one 4 wheeler. Xfile pointed out that based on what was shown in the pics, there wasn't really anything that showed the 3 wheelers showing up the 4 wheeler. H&R apparently couldn't stand for this, and made a really shitty comment toward Xfile. (Xfile had even complimented him on his pics!) The deal with Scooter started when he tried to defend Xfile against H&R's unfriendly comments and had a name and quote mix up. Once he found out his mistake he tried to apologize (hence this entire thread) but noone will let him for some reason. I wasn't aware when I joined that I was joining an asshole forum...I just love 3 wheelers....

The funny thing is ....we are all assholes . I'm from Polk County .

06-20-2011, 11:26 PM
everybody here has to abide by the rules which the mods let us know
why is it that hang can dish it out to xfile but not take it in return from scooter?

in life, if someone insulted your son (even if accidentally), sure you can knock their lights out. doesnt mean you wont go to jail though. same principal. even if scooter DID do it on purpose, hang didnt handle it correctly

06-20-2011, 11:27 PM
^^^Ive seen more sense in a mental institution. lmao

06-20-2011, 11:29 PM
So what are you guys getting your kids for Christmas this year ?

06-20-2011, 11:30 PM
well said stonewall.
BTW i got nothin against anybody, including hang.
and i dont know scooter, xfile , hang or anybody else.
scooter never even had to post and hang prob still woulda been banned though.


Why can y'all not just accept this guy's apology and leave it at that!?!?!? Y'all are blowing this whole thing WAY out of porportion. As someone said earlier, FORGIVE and FORGET. Just leave it at that and move on to something more important!

06-20-2011, 11:31 PM
everybody here has to abide by the rules which the mods let us know
why is it that hang can dish it out to xfile but not take it in return from scooter?

in life, if someone insulted your son (even if accidentally), sure you can knock their lights out. doesnt mean you wont go to jail though. same principal. even if scooter DID do it on purpose, hang didnt handle it correctly

Obviously not a father. Trash is just lucky that he didnt insult H&R's son in person.........

Tell ya what next time you see a father and son walking down the street walk up to them and insult the son to his face and see what happens.

F*ck me I cant believe that people can be so blind as what this piece of trash did!!!!

Dylon Olsen
06-20-2011, 11:31 PM
Ya'll are the biggest bunch of whining b!tches I've seen in my entire life.

I saw this at the very beginning thinking it would be worked out over a beer! Now it has come to this? I agree FB, women act like this. Men may disagree but at the end of the night we'll share the same camp fire!

06-20-2011, 11:32 PM
everybody here has to abide by the rules which the mods let us know
why is it that hang can dish it out to xfile but not take it in return from scooter?

in life, if someone insulted your son (even if accidentally), sure you can knock their lights out. doesnt mean you wont go to jail though. same principal. even if scooter DID do it on purpose, hang didnt handle it correctly

Absoutely correct, and very well put!

06-20-2011, 11:33 PM
trikes under the x-mas tree of course

06-20-2011, 11:34 PM

Why can y'all not just accept this guy's apology and leave it at that!?!?!? Y'all are blowing this whole thing WAY out of porportion. As someone said earlier, FORGIVE and FORGET. Just leave it at that and move on to something more important!

Why should we accept it when the people he is apologizing to has already tole him to shove it up his ass???

Not to mention the other person cant even respond

H&R has contributed to this site immensly!!

he has ride threads every week, has build threads, helped other members on here with troubles they were having with their 3 wheelers.

He doesnt deserve a ban for sticking up for himself and his son

06-20-2011, 11:35 PM
I saw this at the very beginning thinking it would be worked out over a beer! Now it has come to this? I agree FB, women act like this. Men may disagree but at the end of the night we'll share the same camp fire!

Dont think you would ever share a campfire after insulting a mans son....

06-20-2011, 11:36 PM
or be mad about it for six pages . trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro happens people say the wrong thing all the time,tempers flair , F-bombs and trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro please swarm like flys on a fresh dump . I like this forum I like what it represents . Its fun . Shake it of guys lets find something else to be mad about .

06-20-2011, 11:37 PM
First of all, lets rethink this ENTIRE ban situation. When moderators issue a TEMPORARY ban, it is generally for the members own good. It is giving H&R time to chill out, and rethink the entire situation, so he doesn't go and post something that the moderators can issue a permanent ban for. Moderators do it all the time, basically a timeout, so it's NOTHING that the 3WW moderators have against him on a personal level. If I were in their shoes, I would have done the same thing- I don't have anything against H&R or the scooter guy, I am merely a neutral party trying to make sense of what has occurred this afternoon.

I agree, what both this scooter guy and H&R did was wrong, hurling insults towards each other is no way to go about handling things. The least they could have done is taken it to the PM's so as to keep it out of public discussion, AND to prevent the topic from getting locked.

06-20-2011, 11:37 PM
Why should we accept it when the people he is apologizing to has already tole him to shove it up his ass???

Not to mention the other person cant even respond

H&R has contributed to this site immensly!!

he has ride threads every week, has build threads, helped other members on here with troubles they were having with their 3 wheelers.

He doesnt deserve a ban for sticking up for himself and his son

so if it did happen in person and hang beat up scooter. you'd cry when scooter went to jail? sayin it wasnt fair and made no sense?

06-20-2011, 11:38 PM
Obviously not a father. Trash is just lucky that he didnt insult H&R's son in person.........

Tell ya what next time you see a father and son walking down the street walk up to them and insult the son to his face and see what happens.

F*ck me I cant believe that people can be so blind as what this piece of trash did!!!!

I'm sure any father (including mine) would be extremely pissed, but that doesn't give him the right to beat the living daylights out of the person doing the insulting.

I get my feelings hurt plenty, that doesn't mean I go around being an asshole to the people who hurt them. Just suck it up and move on!!! What difference will it make tomorrow if someone called you a name yesterday?? REALITY CHECK PEOPLE!!!

06-20-2011, 11:38 PM
QCR77 sounds like you need a friend and Stonewall calling the members assholes or asshole site is no way to make them. Robby would give you his only part to make yours run if needed. he's a stand-up guy. What can you say about the guy he must be doing something right to have enough friends to come to his aid. QCR77 you don't realize what the guy has done for others and promotes family riding. most if not all of his posts have great content and incredible pics. sure he might of went off but talk sht to my kid and I'd be taking a road trip. yep the guy has friends and if he can't btch we might as will.

06-20-2011, 11:39 PM
trikes under the x-mas tree of course

My kid totalled my all original low mile 1988 Merkur XR4Ti......she better be buying me a Trike for X-mas.

06-20-2011, 11:40 PM
Has anyone noticed these things:

1. Newbs seem to be taking over various message boards across the net. The anonymous digital age of no-accountability.

2. When seasoned longtime members call said newbs on their asshattery, the newb liberation front steps in to their defense. The newb army is upon us.

3. When a rude newb gets called out, suddenly his grammar improves and his vocabulary reaches astonishing heights. God bless Google.

4. Ill-mannered newbs always claim to have been lurking on the site for years, implying they know more than you. I bet you're also 6'5", 350 lbs, and do MMA.

5. The entire internet is becoming San Francisco.

I have nothing against new members in general. However, I detest this onslaught of recent invasion by these rude little bastards who have no respect for longstanding or proven members. Many folks on here have been here for years, they have an emotional investment with the site. There is nothing worse than neo-liberalism, apathy, and the thrill of cheap entertainment, allowing an unfounded newb to run off an established and helpful member.

06-20-2011, 11:40 PM
I'm sure any father (including mine) would be extremely pissed, but that doesn't give him the right to beat the living daylights out of the person doing the insulting.

I get my feelings hurt plenty, that doesn't mean I go around being an asshole to the people who hurt them. Just suck it up and move on!!! What difference will it make tomorrow if someone called you a name yesterday?? REALITY CHECK PEOPLE!!!

its just not sinking in for some reason

06-20-2011, 11:40 PM
Why should we accept it when the people he is apologizing to has already tole him to shove it up his ass???

Not to mention the other person cant even respond

H&R has contributed to this site immensly!!

he has ride threads every week, has build threads, helped other members on here with troubles they were having with their 3 wheelers.

He doesnt deserve a ban for sticking up for himself and his son

He never should have been told to "shove it up his ass" in the first place. That's the whole reason the other person can't respond!!!

06-20-2011, 11:43 PM
You guys dont get what Fathers day means to Robby.

Just go for an hour and read his posts. He is no ordinary father. 90% of his posts are about his kids and the riding the love to do together.

Stonewall, when you are a father and would do nothing if someone insulted your children? Dont think so.... And Robby didnt beat the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro out of anyone. He simply did what he could and told the piece of trash off.

Dylon Olsen
06-20-2011, 11:44 PM
Just can't let it go can you? I was on line when you made your first post. It wasn't your business then and it isn't now. Go take a couple hot laps and you'll feel a lot better!

06-20-2011, 11:44 PM
Well Ninja doesnt like me , I'm taking my posts and moving to SAN FRANCISCO !!!!!

06-20-2011, 11:45 PM
Has anyone noticed these things:

1. Newbs seem to be taking over various message boards across the net. The anonymous digital age of no-accountability.

2. When seasoned longtime members call said newbs on their asshattery, the newb liberation front steps in to their defense. The newb army is upon us.

3. When a rude newb gets called out, suddenly his grammar improves and his vocabulary reaches astonishing heights. God bless Google.

4. Ill-mannered newbs always claim to have been lurking on the site for years, implying they know more than you. I bet you're also 6'5", 350 lbs, and do MMA.

5. The entire internet is becoming San Francisco.

I have nothing against new members in general. However, I detest this onslaught of recent invasion by these rude little bastards who have no respect for longstanding or proven members. Many folks on here have been here for years, they have an emotional investment with the site. There is nothing worse than neo-liberalism, apathy, and the thrill of cheap entertainment, allowing an unfounded newb to run off of an established and helpful member.

I am 5' 11", 250 lbs, 16 years old and going to college to become a mechanical engineer. All I am doing is calling it as it see it.

06-20-2011, 11:47 PM
QCR77 sounds like you need a friend and Stonewall calling the members assholes or asshole site is no way to make them. Robby would give you his only part to make yours run if needed. he's a stand-up guy. What can you say about the guy he must be doing something right to have enough friends to come to his aid. QCR77 you don't realize what the guy has done for others and promotes family riding. most if not all of his posts have great content and incredible pics. sure he might of went off but talk sht to my kid and I'd be taking a road trip. yep the guy has friends and if he can't btch we might as will.

He sounds like a great guy from everything y'all have said about him!! This whole thing it about the rude post he made when someone didn't see things eye to eye with him.

I just came here for help with a Big Red restoration.....

06-20-2011, 11:47 PM
I am 5' 11", 250 lbs, 16 years old and going to college to become a mechanical engineer. All I am doing is calling it as it see it.

From a guy who has been here less than a month I'll take that with a grain of salt.. As for Ninja's post.. He hit the nail on the head.. You newby's can have the site.. So you can pop in once a week and start a joke thread.. Have fun with that..

just ben
06-20-2011, 11:49 PM
Also, the person who was coming around a corner and wrecked? THAT WAS ME trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro. Never wrecked into a buddy, wasn't really drifting any more than a little rear end wobble, and the curve wasn't blind, the little turd cart was so low, and coming around so fast you couldn't see it. Atleast attempt to get facts straight when calling someone out.

Try again bucko.[/QUOTE]

not taking this guys side but I remember seeing the post that you(or someoneelse) ran into a buddy on a gokart coming around a corner while drifting. maybe it wasn't you he was talking about.I will see if I can find the thread

06-20-2011, 11:49 PM
You guys dont get what Fathers day means to Robby.

Just go for an hour and read his posts. He is no ordinary father. 90% of his posts are about his kids and the riding the love to do together.

Stonewall, you are a father and would do nothing if someone insulted your children? Dont think so.... And Robby didnt beat the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro out of anyone. He simply did what he could and told the piece of trash off.

I'm not a father, I was refering to my own father. The trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro beating thing was a metaphor. Some things are more important than going around being piss because some prick insulted you or your son.

06-20-2011, 11:49 PM
QCR77 sounds like you need a friend and Stonewall calling the members assholes or asshole site is no way to make them. Robby would give you his only part to make yours run if needed. he's a stand-up guy. What can you say about the guy he must be doing something right to have enough friends to come to his aid. QCR77 you don't realize what the guy has done for others and promotes family riding. most if not all of his posts have great content and incredible pics. sure he might of went off but talk sht to my kid and I'd be taking a road trip. yep the guy has friends and if he can't btch we might as will.

again, he could be father of the year....dont give him the right to treat people like that. and what kind of good guy makes a post like that to xfile? i mean im just being honest here, but it dont sound like a person im dying to meet
and i have plenty of friends thanks for the concern though.

Bryan Raffa
06-20-2011, 11:49 PM
Has anyone noticed these things:

1. Newbs seem to be taking over various message boards across the net. The anonymous digital age of no-accountability.

2. When seasoned longtime members call said newbs on their asshattery, the newb liberation front steps in to their defense. The newb army is upon us.

3. When a rude newb gets called out, suddenly his grammar improves and his vocabulary reaches astonishing heights. God bless Google.

4. Ill-mannered newbs always claim to have been lurking on the site for years, implying they know more than you. I bet you're also 6'5", 350 lbs, and do MMA.

5. The entire internet is becoming San Francisco.

I have nothing against new members in general. However, I detest this onslaught of recent invasion by these rude little bastards who have no respect for longstanding or proven members. Many folks on here have been here for years, they have an emotional investment with the site. There is nothing worse than neo-liberalism, apathy, and the thrill of cheap entertainment, allowing an unfounded newb to run off an established and helpful member.

thank you for saying that ,,, seeing how most of us will be at trike fest,, I think Ill call out the PUNSHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this time of Year!!!......:twisted:

06-20-2011, 11:51 PM
From a guy who has been here less than a month I'll take that with a grain of salt.. As for Ninja's post.. He hit the nail on the head.. You newby's can have the site.. So you can pop in once a week and start a joke thread.. Have fun with that..

No schit!!!!!


To be honest I spend to much time on this site looking at all the threads and trying to help when I have the knowledge. Not saying I am an expert by any means and I have gotten alot of help on here from the seasoned members of this site.

Sometimes when sites get more fame they turn into a sandbox......................

06-20-2011, 11:51 PM
From a guy who has been here less than a month I'll take that with a grain of salt.. As for Ninja's post.. He hit the nail on the head.. You newby's can have the site.. So you can pop in once a week and start a joke thread.. Have fun with that..

You have your salt. I hate salt. I'm not a liar. The only threads I've started are my initiation thread and a Big Red restoration thread.