View Full Version : 86 250r ignition issues...

06-01-2011, 02:14 PM
Hey Gents...

Been having a few issues with my 86 250r. Last couple of months it ran fine, then one day it just died while I was driving it! Like someone had turned the kill switch!

Brought it home and checked the plug, spark seemed kinda weak, but the plug was not that old. Put in a new plug and it fired right up, ran fine, then yesterday it died (with maybe 2 hours on the plug) again!!!! Same exact way, zipping in second gear in the bush trails behind my house!

Put in a new plug again and it started right up again and runs fine!!! I'm guessing the stator or something is getting weak and not putting out a strong spark on the plug when it starts getting a bit dirty??:wondering

Anybody have issues like this...gonna check the stator when I get some time but before I plop 150$ on a new one, or a coil, maybe someone can fill me in...I can't be the only bike with this kind of issue?

06-01-2011, 02:18 PM
What type of plug are you using?

06-01-2011, 02:26 PM
Stock plugs from a Honda dealer, champions I think...not sure on the number...I'd have to check BR8 something I think...

06-01-2011, 02:57 PM
Champions are for Bruce Jenner, get an NGK in there!! Does it have a nice blue spark to it? Sometimes the stator or coil get weaker with heat, I'd check the specs cold and hot.........

06-01-2011, 03:40 PM
Only run NGK"s !! But if it's a BR ,it is a NGK.,Champions are just fine,,,for tractors! Honestly I gave up on them 15 years ago,for sleds and bikes they were GARBAGE! Obviously they keep selling them,somebody must be having good luck with them. Anyhow,you probably have a carb issue,I would highly doubt it's ignition yet. Put a B8ES in it,unless you have neighbors or the lines on the tv bother people where you ride.Then you need a resistor,BR8ES. And run it,if it fouls again,clean and inspect your carb.Have you cleaned and oiled your air cleaner? Are you using a different oil,richer premix? I assume no to the last ?'s,as you've had it awhile. Let us know !

06-01-2011, 03:43 PM
Mine did something simular and at times would not idle. A new CDI box and it was a different machine.

Agreed that Champion plugs are for Briggs and Stratons and Hondas need NGK!

06-01-2011, 04:05 PM
I could see it if it started running rough then eventually stall, but I can't see a carb problem causing it to outright die like the kill switch was turned off? And if it did, why does it restart and run fine on a new plug?? :wondering

The Carb is a brand new Striker so there should not be any dirt in there, again when it's running on the new plug it's running fine, idles great, doesn't bog on acceleration, etc...

I'll check the plug type tonight when I get home from work, but pretty sure it's a Champion...I'll buy new ones and see what's up. I'll pull out the manual this weekend and see what the resistances should be in the Stator...I think I have a few secondary coils laying around too for it. I might also have a spare CDI to switch out. I did notice that the spark is not as "hot" as I'd like, seems a bit reddish, I'll have to double check that. Man I hate electrical problems!!! I got an Odyssey with no spark too!!!!:mad:

06-01-2011, 06:14 PM
I'm with ironbender. My cdi box did the same thing.