View Full Version : 1985 ATC 200x Oil Leak

05-08-2011, 02:55 PM
Hey everyone this is going to be my first post. I have a few trikes and picked up a 85 200x up for a few hundred bucks the other day it runs but it has a oil leak where the main bolt goes through the engine mounting it to the frame. What should i do to make it stop? do i need to rip the whole engine out because that doesn't sound very fun. Does JB weld work for things like this?
Thanks if you want i can attempt to take pictures of where its leaking but its hard to tell.

05-08-2011, 07:31 PM
Gonna need pics on this one .

Hey everyone this is going to be my first post. I have a few trikes and picked up a 85 200x up for a few hundred bucks the other day it runs but it has a oil leak where the main bolt goes through the engine mounting it to the frame. What should i do to make it stop? do i need to rip the whole engine out because that doesn't sound very fun. Does JB weld work for things like this?
Thanks if you want i can attempt to take pictures of where its leaking but its hard to tell.

05-08-2011, 09:04 PM
well i just ripped out the engine and found that the leak is right where the longest bolt goes through mounting it to the frame. Theres a small crack on there so im going to throw some JB weld on it or i have a friend that does aluminum welding so that should do the trick.

05-08-2011, 09:42 PM
Don't JB weld it. I know the stuff works good, hell i've used it to hold together a drive chain temporarily, but get it done right or else you'll be tearing that engine out again.

05-08-2011, 09:50 PM
so you suggest that i aluminum weld it? because that shouldn't be a problem