View Full Version : Should I borrow to buy?

05-07-2011, 09:12 AM
I'm really wanting a liquid cooled 250 but they are rare in this area and costly when they do come up. The couple I've seen in the last 6 months (2.5 hours or less from me) have not been bargains by any means. I'm looking at $2500 for used R's, more for the one Tecate I've seen. The Tri-Z that was listed here for $1600 was by far the best deal I've seen but I just prefer a Honda or Tecate. I've about given up on finding one local, at a good price and when I have the spare money. For a week or so I've been thinking about taking money out of my 401K and just finding one, then drive to get it. The "loan" from my 401K isn't a bad deal. I pay myself back 6% interest, it cost about $90 for the paper work and what ever the money doesn't earn while I pay it back. I'm thinking if I'm willing to drive say 12 to 15 hours one way it will open up allot of options and may get me in the area where the trike will be allot less than I would have to pay in a day trip range. That distance would open up south to mid Florida, north to PA and NY and into the mid west but I'm not going that far to see a "pig in a poke", which leaves me buying from trusted members here. Also, my wife works 6 days a week most of the time, I'd have to work out the logistics for someone to keep the kid, take off work at least 1 day, stay somewhere over night AND borrow money ( I really don't like to borrow money ).
So what do you guys thing? Is it worth it?

05-07-2011, 09:33 AM
The question is, how bad do you want one? You could sell off some of your fleet to buy, but that takes time and if you are like me,that is hard to do. Be patient,one will pop up eventually then decide. I bought the first one that popped up around me for a really decent price and its in pretty good shape. I paid 1100 and the guy delivered it. To answer your question I guess the answer is yes, liquid 250Rs are a blast to own,easy to maintain and a part of history.Honda wont ever make them again so maybe get two lol.

05-07-2011, 09:43 AM
I have thought about doing that same thing, but only flying to California or Arizona, renting a truck, finding one, and then driving back with it. It would be a nice mini vacation but you would spend alot on gas, lodging, and food. By the time it is all said and done you could probably just pay the extra for one locally.

05-07-2011, 09:50 AM
The loans you can take out of your 401K are the schizzle. Like you said you get the money now, pay pay it back as if it were a loan but the interest you would have to pay goes in your 401K account. Win Win, you have a new 3 wheeler and you end up adding to your retirement.

05-07-2011, 11:02 AM
Take some riding gear with you fly where your going, then rent a truck, buy the trike and go riding a few places on your drive home!!!!

sounds like an adventure to me!! .. you know it makes sense!! :naughty:

tri again
05-07-2011, 02:15 PM
I wonder if it would be cheaper to find a rolling frame and
then look for an engine?

I DO like the vacation excuse and multiple rides on the way home.

05-07-2011, 02:42 PM
NO! Don't borrow for toys. Borrow to buy a house. Borrow for a college education if you have to. Don't borrow for toys. The initial purchase is just the beginning.

If you have the $$ to pay yourself back, instead of borrowing now to satisfy your need for instant gratification, put that $$ aside very month until you have enough saved to buy the toy.

Or sell somethign else.

05-07-2011, 02:52 PM
Oh, nice jb2wheels, the voice of REEEEAAASON! We used to call guys like you a buzz-kill. :lol:

05-07-2011, 03:37 PM
Some smart fellas here! My .02. I have been doing this well over 20 years,I do a MAJORITY of my business over the phone. Everyone keeps telling me I'm crazy,,and then I do the deal! For 23+ years now! I know what ??'s to ask,,as do you. You're a smart guy,look at that shop. How's your driveway btw. Ours is GONE!! Anyhow,can I get laid buying over the phone,absolutely! Have I,a few times,,not EVER bad,,just disappointments. MY point being,,you can do a national CL search,call ,get pics,Politely yet, VERY deliberately and methodically get to know the guy and his machine,and ship it ANYWHERE in the US,for $250 or under. I just brought in a TRI Z in from Fla,I'm in PA. For $200. He was a member here. Just a few posts,it needs ALL bearings,I don't feel I got a good deal,,but I will do it again! And I am glad I own it. But you have the know how to fix what you miss,OR,are you looking for instant gratification? MINT ,needing Nothing? Then I think that becomes a VERY clear decision!! CA ! Either scout out there,or simply call Frank. I haven't had ANY dealings with him,,but ,his reputation here,and his OBVIOUS ability to find STUPID original ,unmolested ATC's is undisputable! And I believe he states right in his adds,ship to anywhere for $250. Good luck,,wish I had oneto come off,but I'm actually looking for more myself! A clunky 85 preferrably! And while lime green is one of my Fav colors,,,WHY would you WANT a Kawasaki!!?? lol,easy guys!

05-07-2011, 04:15 PM
The drive way is rutted from the floods but the tornadoes last week were much worse. I was lucky and able to fix everything in 3 days without having to file an insurance claim. I had a long time friend die about a half mile from me and at least 8 people who works at the plant lost their homes.
I'm not looking for mint, just a rider. I have the 350X with the CR250 engine in it. I just bought the correct frame for that engine and am working on converting the bike frame to a trike. It's not just the need for more power than the trikes I have, I want a factory made 2 stroke. Not original but nice. I'm sure that either way I'll end up powder coating everything, go through the engine etc. to make it right but I don't want to start out with another wreck.
I'm a team green guy but realistically the parts availability of the Honda's is just too big of a factor. I would most like an 86 Tecate, I don't have a Kawasaki trike. A member here who has moved close to me has an 85 Tecate but I LOVE the looks of the 86's with the radiators on the frame. I have even looked into the parts to make the 85 look like the 86's but the parts are hard to find. The Tri-Z's are awesome looking trikes but I'm just not too much for Yamaha's and I have the 225DX already.

05-07-2011, 04:29 PM
Sorry to hear that.. Damn,,I lost,, oh,,,$4000 from flooding. Not even worth complaining about. That is awful. You do know how to do a CL national search right. Google it if you don't. You should get a very nice rider ,delivered for under $2000.jmho. I would think even an 86 if you get a little lucky. Personall i lke the 85's ,just me! I have 3 86's and no 85's! And you and I both know,you're gonna work on it! So ,no need to get real hung up on condition,especially with that shop!! Green is good,as long as I'm not the wrench! Love to look at them 86's.

05-07-2011, 05:52 PM
I've used a couple of the CL search engines but don't recall which ones. I remember they are slow, the ones I've used, and come up with allot of crap from ebay and vendors. If I don't buy a 2 stroke soon I'm going to pull the trigger on one of those new Miller Diversion TIG welders. I've had it in the back of my mind since I first heard about them a few months ago. It would be nice if I had a TIG machine here. I'm just finishing up one the CR250 I got a few weeks ago (the engine was in a box). I'm going to be under $500 in it and it's a really nice bike that will be completely new on the inside. I have plans of putting it on CL for trade, either a KXD200 or 2 stroke trike. Maybe I'll just hold off on the trike until the right one comes along. The CR/350X conversion will be a good trike, for a rider, when I get some things figured out. I've been reading allot on rake and suspension linkage for the last few weeks, I'm starting to understand it better. If the steel frame comes out good I think I'll try a AF CRF chassis trike next. Having enough time is my biggest problem now. We are expanding at the plant and I can't keep the powder coating caught up here, no real time to get into the complicated part of building anything right now.

Chazz of Blades
05-07-2011, 09:12 PM
What you need to do is get a hold of Frank Destra, he can have normally have a trike shipped from So Cali to here for 3 bills.

If you can talk with him, you can probably get a much nicer trike, for less, pay the shipping costs, not have to drive 12 hours(saving on gas money), and still come out with a much, much nicer trike for alot less money.

05-07-2011, 10:28 PM
Chazz and 007 are right about Frank. I've never bought a trike from him, but have done business with him on some parts, and he is a great guy to deal with.

I also want a liquid R, and when I have enough $ back in my toy fund, I'll hit Frank up and tell him to find me one. Cali seems to have plenty, but they are rare here in the South.

dcreel bought an R from him a while back, I'm sure he would agree.

Chazz of Blades
05-07-2011, 10:34 PM
Hey sling, you still got that R? The one that was texas tipped?

05-07-2011, 11:19 PM
Hey sling, you still got that R? The one that was texas tipped?

Still got it. Still not running. Can't really decide if it's worth restoring.

dksix, You and I both missed a deal a few months back on a decent, running 85 R on CL, $750. And it was closer to you than me. I called the guy, but I was out of town at the time and of course it only lasted 1 day.

There's still a few around, you'll just have to beat me there if it's a deal. Seriously, if I hear of one down here in AL. I'll let you know.

05-08-2011, 07:09 AM
Slingblade, I found this one http://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/bar/2353009269.html . I'm thinking about checking into this one. It's less than 5 hours away from me. I think it's a little over priced. I'd give 5 for it, based on the pic and description. If the brakes, lighting and engine was good, it would be right down my alley. It's listed in 2 different adds with 2 different locations and pictures. http://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/mcy/2351963844.html , things like that always makes me suspicious. I don't mind doing cosmetic work but my skills in engine work is weak at best.
As far as Frank Destra, I googled him and there seems to be some conflicting information about dealing with him. Allot of people has nothing but great things to say about dealing with him and then he gets banned for shady dealings. I read a few old threads about this last night and really don't know what to think. It's not that much that I mind taking a chance and getting beat but with something to much I'm going to have to tell the wife up front and if I get ripped, I'll never here the end of it. The other thing is, my wife and her sibling's are selling some inherited property later this month and if I wait til then I'd say she'd let me buy it out of the family money. Our deal is that I can have all the junk I want but I have to keep it inside and have to pay for it out of the money I make on the side. The side money is sort of reserved for the welder and is short right now because I've been buying stuff for a new oven, booth and blast room that I will build later this year. Too many things to do and not enough time or money to do them all at once. I buy stuff when I find bargains and I have the money, which always keeps my in pocket low. I've never been able to save money, so buying in chucks works best for me.

05-08-2011, 10:08 AM
The loans you can take out of your 401K are the schizzle. Like you said you get the money now, pay pay it back as if it were a loan but the interest you would have to pay goes in your 401K account. Win Win, you have a new 3 wheeler and you end up adding to your retirement.

I took loan out on my 401k to pay the ex for her 1/2 of the house. It cost me 5% back to myself. In just the past 8 months the rest of my 401k has earned 17% so it cost me a bunch more than expected. I am now trying to get the loan paid off as quick as possible. lol

Chazz of Blades
05-08-2011, 04:22 PM
Frank D never *Had* any shady dealings though, thats where false information turns to rumor and slander. I'd bet my left nut that he'd be the biggest asset to this board.

05-08-2011, 09:52 PM
Oh, nice jb2wheels, the voice of REEEEAAASON! We used to call guys like you a buzz-kill. :lol:

I know - what was I thinking ? ;-)

I do understand to whole travel to get a toy thing though - I once flew to New York to buy a car only seen in pictures and drive back to Texas. And my dad and I drove from Austin TX to Detroit and back in 52 hours 2 years ago to pick up a classic Suzuki.

Road trips are great. Debt sucks.