View Full Version : Letting Kids ride atcs ?

Buck Snort
05-06-2011, 03:25 PM
I have two 83 Big Reds. Both my 13 year old son and 15 year old daughter ride these machines and also dirtbikes. I have taken a bit of hassle over the kids riding the trikes. Knowing these machines , like members of this site do. Do you guys let your kids go on long rides on your trikes

05-06-2011, 03:47 PM
I say go for it. I was riding trikes at 15 (not too long ago).

05-06-2011, 03:55 PM
I let my nephiew ride at 8 years old, soon as they hit 8 i started letting them ride alone. Of course it's a yt125.

05-06-2011, 04:10 PM
They are your kids. Don't worry about what others say, wether they are on this board or not. You should be able to gauge wether or not your kids are responsible enough to ride trikes. Heck, when I was growing up, trikes were all that there was. Also when I had my first trike, atc90s were all that there was! LOL

05-06-2011, 04:20 PM
i let my niece(12) and nephew(10) ride my friends 225dx but they don't get out of second gear lol my niece just crawls along my nephew would go full throttle if i'd let em but he still needs to learn when to shift

Cave Rider
05-06-2011, 04:30 PM
My son started riding his ATC 70 at 4yrs old...My wife has been the only critic..and honestly with her being his mother,shes the only other one with an opinion that counts....RIDE ON JR. TRIKERS !!!! RIDE ON !!!!

05-06-2011, 04:30 PM
I have been riding sence I was 10 now I'm fifteen and I started on a 200M then Moved to a 200x and now I got a 250r that I'm got but haven't taken it out yet but o know that I have to be careful ( AS ALWAYS ) now all I'm looking for is a 350x for trails in the next couple years but I will always love my 200x it's the best All around bike

05-06-2011, 04:43 PM
My sons been riding motorcycles before he really had bicycles down pat, he's now 13 and has ridden everything from a little four stroke 50 to a two stroke 250, as far as trikes go he just doesn't feel as comfortable on them or quads as he does bikes but he has ridden everything up to and including a Tecate, although I probably wouldn't let him take off on it for the day with a bunch of friends (like he does his bikes) , I like to be there to remind him he's mortal when he starts getting a little out of hand... But if he was a comfortable on trikes as he was his bikes it would be a different story. I personally think it all depends on the kid, heck I know 30 year olds that I wouldn't let sit on a trike (or bike for that matter) and there's kids less than half my age that can out ride me all day long so its a 1 on 1 decision if you ask me...

If you trust your kid on it let him ride, if he/she tends to ignore you when your telling them how to ride or how to operate something I would be a bit weary of letting them ride alone until they show the maturity to be able to handle one responsibly... remember though if they ride beyond their skill level its on the bike/trike or quads fault, and anyone who pushes the limits WILL have a crash here and there (its called rider error)

Don't expect them to do hill climbs, race, jump or wheelie without eventually having at least a minor injury its part of the game, that's why its extremely important to wear gear and pay attention...

Now get out there with your kids and have some fun.

05-06-2011, 05:03 PM
my 3 year old was riding his own 110 last year, when he was 2....no problems...go for it

05-06-2011, 05:08 PM
I was going to let my daughter have my 200M when I got my Big Red. My wife didn't like the idea at all. But she does actually believe everything she reads. I didn't argue with her much.... cause its not worth it. We agreed that she could ride a 4 wheeler since she has been doing it for the past 5 years anyway at friends houses. I bought her a Kawi Lakota 300 last friday. But I DO plan to let her ride my Big Red some just because she needs the experience riding something else. I firmly believe that bikes, trikes and quads are as dangerous as the rider. Heck my mother in law gave my father in law crap about buying my 200M. He is 60+ years old.... and that's exactly what he told her. He was old enough to make his own decisions. But I am sure when he falls off of it... it will be MY fault.

Bottom line.... let the kids do what YOU are comfortable with. I have never really worried about what someone else said. I grew up on 3 wheelers... thats all there was then. Helmet...what helmet? Look at me... I turned out just fine. Except for this back injury from rolling a Big Red down a hill on top of me. (my fault completely) Maybe I am not the best example!

Buck Snort
05-06-2011, 05:11 PM
Right on! Both kids have been raised riding dirtbikes and now trikes. They both hunt with me and have a good respect for all these activities. The riding and maintenance of the bikes is great for everyone in the family and now with the trikes they are always looking for bikes and parts for the Big Reds

05-06-2011, 05:27 PM
Their only as dangerous as the people driving them.You should know if your kids are responsible enough to drive them yet or not.

05-06-2011, 05:39 PM
i got a go-kart at age 5, then moved up to my 110 at age 7-8
im still alive

05-06-2011, 05:53 PM
i got a go-kart at age 5, then moved up to my 110 at age 7-8
im still alive

and all your parts and pieces are accounted for still?
if so, no worries...lol

I am more dangerous on my quad than on a trike. I got my first atc at 7, honda 185s, didn't run, had a 2nd machine shortly after as a rider until I got the 185 fixed (which dad had to do..lol) but the 185 was ridden hard, rolled, flipped, crashed, scratched, scuffed, and broke repeatedly for the next 4-5 years, and always fixed. i think the worst I ever got from it was a few thousand bruises and possibly a fat lip or twelve.

my 6yr old son can ride the 200es I have now, and has, but he wants his little atv again, my 2yr old loves riding on the trike with me and loves to reach over and stab the gas and attempt to flip me off the back, we have a good time..lol

hillbilly 200x
05-06-2011, 05:57 PM
I am still a kid Iam 17. I started riding my gradfathers 85 big red when I was 2years old, I was just big enought to to push the gas and pull in the hand brake its all I need when I was in 1st gear, when I was abile touch the pegs I was given 2nd gear as I got alittle older I was given more to a point. After the big red I got my 200bigred then my 200x and now on to my free air 250r I am still not pushing it yet tho. It is all about respect if you don't respect the machine isn't going to respect you!

05-06-2011, 08:24 PM
I'm 14 and have an 83 185s in pieces in my basement, and I recently got a 93 kingquad 250. I've never wrecked anything before and I go mudding and do hill climbs and drifts. My friend wrecked my trike the one time he ever rode it on flat ground at 10 mph. One time I had to bail off his dirtbike because he slammed the brakes on his quad at the top of a hill and i had to bail so i didnt rear end him or roll back down the hill. You never know what that other person might do when you ride with someone else , so riding together could be sketchy. I personally prefer the feel of trikes, you can tell when they feel like there going to fall apart, my quad has IRS, you can be going 60 and take a 4 foot drop down into a field and not feel a thing, I never take it beyond 4th gear because you cant feel when things are getting too rough for it. But what it all comes down to is what you think the best thing to do would be.

05-06-2011, 08:33 PM
My brother and I have both been riding since we were about 4 or 5 on my dads 83 atc 200 and 84 Big Red. We would bug dad to "go start the Honda" and we would ride around the house for hours. Now my brother has a 2 year old daughter that loves 3 wheelers, she rides on the front of our 70's and gives them gas and steers when we are on the bike with her. She is a bit of a show off already, and when she finally gets to drive by herself it's going to be hell on wheels. lol

05-06-2011, 08:40 PM
...as long as you have gave them some kind of instructions on how to be safe.... then..ye let em ride... if you just say whatever...go outside get away from me....and dont supervise ...then ye... maybe should re think parenting. (not insinuating) If th child is capable of riding, and they ride safe.... let the kids enjoy themselves...im 25...and just now finally got me one and would have loved to been able to ride one as a child. No sense in depriving them of a good childhood memory because of some snobby douchebag bumpin their lips. Just explain to them to be careful and keep an eye on them.... far worse things out there then riden a 3 wheeler.

05-06-2011, 08:58 PM
Big, gaudy, annoying signatures are the best.

05-06-2011, 09:19 PM
I can't say I agree with anything to do with 2-5 yo's riding. I've seen it a lot being a dealer,and have no bad reports other than a few broken bones. Obviously,,no matter WHAT the age,,they MUST wear helmets,and gloves are good,,other than that,,teach them well,spend the time it takes to get them COMFORTABLE. I like big open fields where there is nothing to hit. Learning brakes,and turning safely. Just my 2 pennies

05-06-2011, 09:35 PM
I had my own 110 when I was 10. I have been looking and considering a 70 for my daughter who just turned 1. I think momma is on board with it, but I still have a few years to find the one. Heck yeah let them ride. They nay-sayers will always be there. My mother in law is one of them. She tells me all of the time that 3 wheelers are dangerous. I just tell her it is the rider not the machine.

Only you can make the decision that is right for your family. If your kids are mature enough to handle the responsibility of the situation, then let them ride till they get tired.

05-06-2011, 09:36 PM
Big, gaudy, annoying signatures are the best.

Then look up. LOL that will make your day.

05-06-2011, 11:18 PM
I bought my son a little 90cc Chinese quad for his 5th birthday, because I was concerned about him being on a more stable platform. But within a couple years, he really wanted to ride a trike like his dad, so we got him an ATC70, and he totally prefers that over the quad. With one exception. He really likes the quad for doing donuts. He tried it once on the trike, and the inevitable happened, he tipped over. So no more donuts on the trike, at least until he learns how to lean!

05-06-2011, 11:20 PM
i got my girls 2 atc 70s and i showed them how to ride the bikes safe. they love riding the bikes. and have fun. in the years coming i will upgrade them with bigger bikes. there Friends think the 3 wheelers are cool. but i do get some comments about safety . i think if you teach someone how to be safe. and still have fun. thats all that matters. its to bad the other parents don't take the time to show there kids how to ride. but instead. tell them 3 wheelers are dangerous. its to bad for that id even offered to teach the other kids. but all i get is no way.

05-07-2011, 12:10 AM
I started riding my dad's '85 Big Red when I was about 8 years old and i'm still here...

05-07-2011, 08:49 AM
I have an 11 year old who is displaying interest in the trike thing..so I bought an ATC110. I figure with the dual range gear box, I can drop it into low range and leave it in 2 or 3rd gear and let you try it. Once she is good at it and feel more comfortable I can move her up!!

My only issue is with the number of mullet wearing idjits that post youtube clips of them or their kids, 'just cuttin it up a bit in the back yard' at stupid speeds and without a helmet. This is where most of the accidents happen..they think there is a golden halo around them as long as they are on their own property!!

Rule #1: use your brains and common sense..

Rule #2: never deviate from rule #1...EVER!!

05-07-2011, 09:53 AM
They are your kids. Don't worry about what others say, wether they are on this board or not. You should be able to gauge wether or not your kids are responsible enough to ride trikes. Heck, when I was growing up, trikes were all that there was. Also when I had my first trike, atc90s were all that there was! LOL

Well said. :beer

A few years ago, I picked up the ATC110 for my son. When he was 4, I allowed him to fisrt take the controls with me on it with him, (1st gear/low range only). Later that summer I allowed him to put around the backyard as I supervised. Again, 1st gear/low range. The next summer as he got a little bigger I let him get into second. Now at 7 years old, he is big and strong enough to zip around the yard using all the gears in low range. I havent yet showed him the range selector, lol! We also let him tag along when we go down in the woods on our 'Zuki 230s. Obviously we go at a nice slow pace due to some of the terrain in the woods, but he is learning fast and will be quite an accomplished rider in a few years. I like the old hi/low range trikes better than the mini quads of today because I can start teaching my kids how to properly upshift and downshift without worrying about them getting going too awful fast. The full auto machine they have for kids now kinda hampers learning half of the skill set of riding in my opinion.

Point of the story is, if you judge your kids to be capable of safe, responsible riding, who cares if its on 2, 3 or 4 wheels. Anyone can get hurt on machines, the number of wheels on it is irrelevant. Its all about knowing the limits of each machine and the rider operating it.

Trike on! ;)

05-08-2011, 11:47 AM
I got my first 3 wheeler when I was 12, it was a brand new 1979 atc70. My oldest nephew got a 50cc suzuki 4 wheeler when he was 2 1/2 !! and he lived to tell about it. If they are on machines there size (it scares me to see very small riders on very heavy machines) and wearing proper safety equipment and riding in a safe place and if there age and or riding experience requires supervision they have the supervision I can not think of anything any safer. I would rather see them doing that than on a skateboard with no safety equipment riding on pavement

05-08-2011, 01:06 PM
ive been riding since i was about 4. i rode my Dads 250SX when i was 4. my brother rode it at the same time at the age of 7, no helmet, jumping off a stump. hit it and flipped over and my mom made my dad get rid of the 250SX. ever since then ive been riding 4 wheelers and stuff. the usual Foreman, polaris sportsman. kinda forgot that 3 wheelers existed.

after seeing my neighbor get his 200x running i wanted one. so i started searching but had a hard time getting my parents on board. i finally just had to go out and buy it against their better judgement. now i have 4 of them. :twisted: hahaha

i guess it all depends on the parents. if you trust your son/daughter enough to climb on a trike then by all means go for it. just make sure they have the proper gear on.

05-08-2011, 07:54 PM
i started on my dads klt 110 when i was 4 i had to reach down and shift with my hand i was to short to reach back break or shifter. never got it outa 2nd gear tho.

05-08-2011, 08:36 PM
I have two 83 Big Reds. Both my 13 year old son and 15 year old daughter ride these machines and also dirtbikes. I have taken a bit of hassle over the kids riding the trikes. Knowing these machines , like members of this site do. Do you guys let your kids go on long rides on your trikes

are they hassling you because theyre trikes or because they dont think their old enough?
13 and 15 are plenty old enough to be riding,im just wondering if their hassling because they think trikes were outlawed.
As far as kids riding them,I think the kid should be the apropriate size for the machine theyre riding.I hate it when I go to atv parks and they have kids under 10 driving these huge quads with no protection on whatsoever

05-08-2011, 10:09 PM
I'm 19 now and I've been on trikes since I was 4. I started on a atc 70 and moved upthrough out time and my mom still thinks I shouldn't own them. I just told her I know my limits and know my trikes I only bring my 86 250r to the sand and depending where I ride trails I bring my 200x or 350x I say if it's your kids and they feel comfortable and know the bike slap on a helmet and go for it! Ive only crashed like 8 or 9 times and it was on my big red tryin to do hill climbs never been seriously injured :) just respect your bike and don't push your limits!!!!! I know I'm comfortable I hit my friends 25 foot doubles and tables on my 200x all the time

05-08-2011, 11:13 PM
just got honda 70 set throttle stop 4 year old does great on it 8 year old daughter to they have been riding karts and stuff for a couple years and listen well to instruction i think everyone is right it depends on the kid and the instruction my father in law called me after he heard i got it and said you know they outlawed those because their dangerous dont you i said yes i know they were outlawed but they are only as dagerous as the rider

Buck Snort
05-09-2011, 01:37 AM
are they hassling you because theyre trikes or because they dont think their old enough?
13 and 15 are plenty old enough to be riding,im just wondering if their hassling because they think trikes were outlawed.
As far as kids riding them,I think the kid should be the apropriate size for the machine theyre riding.I hate it when I go to atv parks and they have kids under 10 driving these huge quads with no protection on whatsoever

I have had a few guys at work saying they cant believe I let the kids ride the trikes and of course the grandmas. They have all told how dangerous trikes are and of course I told them I know all about the dangers. I am 41 and have been riding dirtbikes trikes and quads since I was twelve. I do believe my kids have the skills and respect they need to be safe. I was just interested in hearing from people that know and respect trikes. One of the guys at work told me about his 12 year old daughter riding his Kawi 750 Brute Force and said I should not let the kids ride a trike. Give me a break

05-09-2011, 08:21 AM
dont let anyone try to tell you they are dangerous - PUT YOUR KIDS ON IT - a shoe in front of a door can be just as dangerous but you dont hear people freaking out about shoe storage... the first thing i ever rode was a honda 110 i was 6 it was 1989 and nothing could have better prepared me for all things offroad!!! i have wrecked more 4 wheelers than 3 wheelers and all is because i was being an idiot not the machine!!