View Full Version : anyone ever heard of a racer named bobby bay?

04-28-2011, 03:04 AM
well I went out and looked at 2 200xs yesterday and today made my choice and went and picked one up. Got to talking with the guy about 3 wheelers and all that kind of talk and he mentioned there was a guy (one of his buddies buddies deal) that lived right down the road that had a ton of atcs and that he used to race them back in the day and supposedly he was real good. he said his last name was spelled weird like bah or beh or some thing like that but is pronounced "Bay" ... idk lol you know how people always know somebody that knows somebody. the guy I talked too was real cool and actually gave me vague directions of where the guy lived and said hed get his number if i wanted to try to meet with him to look at some of the tons of trike stuff this guy supposadly has. The guy says he owns a business now called "bayenterprises" beh,bahe however you spell it. Anyhow the guy was really cool and he told me he is working on a deal with a guy to trade some snowmobile stuff (guy owns a vintage snowmobile shop) for a big lot of a bunch of 3 n 4 wheelers and said he would give me first look at the stuff b/c i seemed to be pretty passonite about 3 wheelers... we will see. He said theres alot of 250r and 350x stuff that he seen in it from the pics he was givin. lots of 250r pipes and things like that so ill def check that out and see what he gets. Ill take some notes and pics for everyone if someone wants something ill grab it for yea. There was also talk of a tiger in the area:drool: .. its real cool to talk to the older guys about this stuff. I always get weird looks after I talk to them on the phone with a good amount a atc knowledge and when I pull up there shocked to see ima younger guy lol I think they get a kick outa that, heck I was born in 87 after these things were banned ...ok ramble done over and out.

05-06-2011, 01:25 PM
i grew up out near ontario ny, that is where he is from.. I remember hearing about him from older guys that rode. Here is the number for Bay Enterprises in Ontario NY.. (315) 524-8680 I called a while back looking for parts for an 87' 250x fourtrax.. he was pretty pricey. anyways good luck. I've also seen his name listed in old magazines for races..