View Full Version : Starting problem... ATC250ES Big Red

04-26-2011, 09:40 AM
Hey everyone. I've had this 1986 Big Red since October of last year. When I first got it, I didn't touch a thing, just rode it all day, all night, no problems.

Over winter I got a new plastic tank (original metal was rusted inside, didn't want to deal with it), and a few other small pieces, (cosmetically). I also bought a used stock exhaust, replacing the COBRA exhaust I had been running since I bought it that way.

I hadn't touched the engine, carb, fuel system, etc.

Early this spring I try starting it and I'm not getting anywhere with it. It used to start up within 5-8 seconds with the electric start, never used the kick start.

I did an oil change, rear diff fluid change, new spark plug. It eventually started after fowling out a new plug and about an hours worth of cranking over. I rode it all day. Now, not too long after, whenever I go to start it, it seems to be fowling plugs all day long. I take a plug out, put a new one in, no luck. The next day, the one I replaced will be dry and good and it won't work either. I am getting spark, although it doesn't seem to be a strong spark. I am definitely getting gas (if I leave the gas on (petcock wise), it pours out of the overflow tube coming out of the bottom of the carb after a few seconds. I took the carb apart this past weekend and it looked ok, everything seemed to be functioning well, some parts looked worn, but nothing major. I figure it should AT LEAST start. The kick start works as well, and after maybe 5-10 kicks, still nothing.

I know this is the holy grail of help, so maybe I'm overlooking something?

Thanks in advance!

04-26-2011, 09:45 AM
u say that you " took the carb apart this past weekend and it looked ok, everything seemed to be functioning well, some parts looked worn, but nothing major" you did clean it rite? cause leaving gas sit in there over winter will cause gunk to build in your jets

04-26-2011, 10:07 AM
You really want to stabilize your gas for winter storage. I have used every type of gas stabilizer and found Stabil to be the best. I have used it for over 10 years when storing my Honda Nighthawk 750 over the winter, and it rides like the day I bought it. If you didn't stabilize the gas, its old. Drain it and put in some fresh stuff. 91 octane.

04-26-2011, 03:44 PM
This engine has 100% new gas going through it. Did not use any old stuff since replacing the tank, and I ran it for a day with the new stuff, no problems whatsoever. I had it idling perfect as well. Then about a week after, all it does is fowl the plugs. I didn't see any gunk whatsoever, and cleaned the entire carb. Maybe I should just rebuild it?

Natalie's dad
04-26-2011, 04:16 PM
carb needs to b cleaned/rebuilt. float not working right causing the over flow of gas.

I was fouling plugs because of an old air filter. just a thought

04-26-2011, 05:02 PM
Thanks for the tips so far. I'll look into the air filter and also order a rebuild kit for the carb.

05-03-2011, 03:12 PM
So before I get my new rebuild kit, I put the carb back together after cleaning it. Tried starting it with no air filter on. Turned over and almost started right up. No gas leaking out of the float bowl. However, as soon as the engine started it revved up real high. I checked my throttle cable, it seems to be functioning correctly. It also smoked quite a bit when doing this.

Any ideas?

05-09-2011, 09:33 AM
If anyone is wondering, got the Moose carb rebuild kit in the mail friday evening, took the carb off, rebuilt it, everything looked good, tried starting it, fired RIGHT UP. Got the idle dialed in, and went for a 2 hour ride saturday. Smoked quite a bit at first, but then it settled right down. Only thing is every now and then, I feel like the throttle cable may have gotten twisted or kinked because it would randomly idle real high. No major problems though. Can't wait for TF!

05-09-2011, 11:28 AM
I have had incorrect jets in a Moose kit. (dennis kirk?) It was stamped with the correct number, but the hole was way larger than what it was supposed to be.
You probably started to foul plugs because the cobra exhaust breathes better and required larger jets. When you put stock exhaust back on the jetting was too rich... Also, they go lean without the airbox lid on... (Changing a few too many things, all at the same time here) Very good possibilty the cable got twisted. Double check the routing of it. What color was the smoke? Blue, or black?

05-09-2011, 02:52 PM
The smoke was white or just barely a hint of blue. No black at all. I did not check the plug yet but I will today. I also changed all oils while doing the carb rebuild. When I first got the trike there was no air box lid so I'm sure it had been run like that for a while. This is only the second time running it with the lid. When I thumb the throttle, it opens all the way, but sometimes when letting go it does not close all the way. I think it is definitely twisted somewhere.

With the rebuild kit I had 2 or 3 pieces that I did not see in my carb when rebuilding it that I did not use.. not sure how important they are but they were just 2 very small screws. When I rebuilt the carb I compared each part I replaced and they all matched up. I did not buy it from dennis kirk.

ps - also have the cobra exhaust still if anyone is interested in it. PM ME.