View Full Version : 250sx differential: finally removed!

10-19-2003, 11:47 PM
I just got this 250sx friday night. It needs a new differential to move but it starts right up and doesnt smoke. My brother and I spent about four hours taking it apart to remove it (Differential) from the trike. I havent done this before so this is all new to me. I now have the axle, and differential in two pieces. The bearings are shot and the bearing for the pinion shaft isnt even there!! So I am going to overnight the rebuild kit so i can have this differential rebuilt for next weekends riding if possible.

My question is, can I take the axle and two halves of the differential case to a Honda repair shop to have the rebuild kit installed? Will it be impossible to get the finished rebuilt diferential and axle back on the bike and connected to the shaft? I dont want to give Honda my entire bike, a rebuild is 227$ for JUST THE LABOR! So I hope that I can just slip the finished differential with axle back on the bike after repair. Anybody see a problem with this procedure?? thanks

10-20-2003, 09:06 AM
The only need the diff itself, the axle should just slide right in or out of the inner splines on the ring gear but with the mud that got in there it maybe it's stuck. You can just take them the diff but again be prepared for a 60$ an hour charge and the way you described the pinion shaft it may be junk. I'm not sure if that front shaft is part of the pinion gear set itself or if it can be replaced. I hope so for your sake.

10-20-2003, 07:44 PM
AHHH! I just got back from the Honda shop. It cost me $193.00 for 3 bearings, 3 seals , 2 spacers and a nut lock and a shim. I still have to have it rebuilt!! this is going to be worth as much as I paid for the bike (almost). If it were a car the insurance company would total it!