View Full Version : WTF...more 3 wheel bashing.....!!!!!!!!!

10-19-2003, 12:09 PM
I assume this is a joke but....WTF???

(scroll down to the bottom of the page 2nd worst bike of all time)


10-19-2003, 01:11 PM
The way this guy talks I have ask what exactly what his riding skills are. Also would be curious to see what he thinks is a good bike. As far as three wheelers are concerned he obviously never rode anything like a 200X, 250R, 350X etc. Because these where far superior to the non suspension (110's etc) that he is refering to.
These misconceptions are why our 3-wheelers where banned. Grant they are not as safe as other bikes but eveything has limitations.
Just my 2 cents.

10-19-2003, 01:24 PM
That hurts. :( I enjoyed reading about the others though, esp the CZ 250 lol.

10-19-2003, 01:27 PM
He's a moron :?: to say "any 3wheeler". What a general statement. To compare the 250R's & 350X's & Tri-Y's to the 90's & 110's??? Geez!

That's about as fair of comparison as comparing the odessey's of old to the more recent Pilot's.

It's hard to believe he "writes" articles for such a site.

He called us "savvy". Baaawahahaha :D

10-19-2003, 01:28 PM
Yeah that really pisses me off. You know...its bad enought that that CSPC made them look bad when they were in production. Now its been over 15 years since they production has stopped and you still have people bashing them.

Maybe it was a joke though...I mean if they considered 3 wheelers dirt bikes with just an extra wheel then I guess you could joke a bit.

Dirt bike has always been harsh on ATV's..which is strange since High Torque Publishing (I believe) owned both. Tom Webb was editor of both Dirt Wheels, 3 & 4 Wheel Action, and Dirt Bike. Tom spent alot of time on high performance trikes in the mid eighties.

Who knows?

10-19-2003, 01:43 PM
Holy shiat! You follow all that closely eh?

I've just always loved 3 wheelers (riding my friends) and had dirt bikes. Sold the bikes when I had kids. When I finally had a chance to pick up another bike, I found a really nice 350X for what I thought was cheap, so, of course I jumped on it.

I'm active on some Toyota Offroading boards so I decided to look for a 3wheeler board for some tech answers and found this. I'm a NEWBIE!! :bounce

ATC crazy
10-19-2003, 06:09 PM
This has been posted before...and of course I strongly disagree with that nutsack. He's probably never set his trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro on a trikes seat before :evil:

Russell 350X
10-19-2003, 08:50 PM
That asshole should die. He prolly has never sat his stupid ass in a trike seat before. He's prolbly to much of a wimp to lol. What an ass.....

10-19-2003, 09:12 PM
i also agree!!!!
I have a bad arse! ---200x and i ride like the devil on it in the badlands! :-P
Only woosies cant handle these awesome machines :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I ts nice to have a challange when you ride hard!
I ride mine like i ride a bull :-D -hang to the left and hang to the right!

10-20-2003, 10:44 AM
That's "Super Hunky" Rick Sieman that wrote that. Anyone familiar with dirt bike magazine should be familiar with Super Hunky. I always enjoyed reading his stuff in years past. You can bet he's rode many, many different machines.

When I read that, I was upset too. not because he doesn't like 3-wheelers, but because people have used his article as expert testimony against 3 wheelers. I think it's the infamous Bennett law firm in houston that says his article is what the "dirt bike industry really thinks of 3 wheel ATVs". Which is not true, it's what "Super Hunky Rick Sieman thinks of 3-Wheel ATVs". Thats what I hate about it, the way it's twisted around. Other than that, in my opinion the article is pretty funny in the usual Super Hunky tradition. Still though, 3wheelers are not "dirt bikes" and should have never been included in that. He gave ammunition to the enemy. I can't believe he would let it be used by ambulence chasing lawyers or anybody esle against off-road sports.

10-20-2003, 11:29 AM
Hmm, i saw the same thing in a thing on the bennett website that was an article clipping from dirtwheels magazine. Oh well, we all know that the thing about 3 wheelers is wrong, no point in getting mad about something that you know isnt true.

10-20-2003, 02:10 PM
Why is everyone placing such a high value on an article written by a guy whose named after man juice? :-D

10-20-2003, 06:59 PM
Why is everyone placing such a high value on an article written by a guy whose named after man juice? :-D

LMAO roofinggun!

10-20-2003, 07:06 PM
Thats a joke. Its folks like that who make 3 wheelers sound bad. :evil:

Red Rider
10-20-2003, 09:36 PM
We can all thank people like Rick (author of article), and the thousands of lawsuit happy non-riding losers for the ultimate demise of the 3 wheeler. Thankfully, the sport is still alive & well, especially in this forum.

10-20-2003, 10:19 PM
Im sure this guy hasnt a clue!!! He claimed 3-wheelers were made for people without the skills to ride a bike? Basicly saying ANYBODY could ride a trike? If trikes are so easy to ride and take no skill then why in the hell were they banned if any retard can ride one? Well any retard cant ride them!!! They may putt around but to really ride takes practice,knowhow AND SKILL. And thats all I have to say about that!

10-20-2003, 10:26 PM
man thats a buch of crap that 3 wheelers keep gettin hated on by these dumba**es. I'm tired of that. They need to take thier s*** somewhere else.

10-21-2003, 02:19 PM
Super Hunky has always hated trikes - I bet he ran over his foot the first time he was on one or something.

I remember him from when I was a kid and usually enjoyed his stuff. I think he hated trikes because they were so well accepted by the general public when these same people thought of bikes (and bikers) as "bad news."

Like I said, I enjoy most of his writing but think he's off base here too.

10-21-2003, 03:57 PM
Im sure this guy hasnt a clue!!! He claimed 3-wheelers were made for people without the skills to ride a bike? Basicly saying ANYBODY could ride a trike? If trikes are so easy to ride and take no skill then why in the hell were they banned if any retard can ride one? Well any retard cant ride them!!! They may putt around but to really ride takes practice,knowhow AND SKILL. And thats all I have to say about that!

Well Said!!! Anybody got that guys email? We could sign him up for a bunch of free gay porn email or something. :-D :-D :-D

10-21-2003, 05:25 PM
I'm sure anybody named Dick Siemen is already signed up for gay porn...

I just got a Big Red, my first three wheeler. It's also very similar to the no suspension trikes he wrote about, except for some (minimal) front suspension. I used to have an FL250 Odyssey- no rear suspension on it either. The Odyssey was a blast, roll cages can give you some mighty huevos, but a two stroke was a bit too high maintenance for me. Seemed like every time I wanted to use it I had to spend a couple hours getting it running. The ATC200E I just got is rock solid reliable, and not too fast- I'm still learning how to handle these machines. I just can't see how they could be any more dangerous than being on TWO wheels, at least you don't have to remember to put your foot down when you stop.... :D

10-21-2003, 05:36 PM
my cousins who ride dirtbikes cant even get my trike to turn an if they hit a corner going at my normal speed they would flip it

10-21-2003, 08:42 PM
3 Wheelers got a bad rap because of idiots like this. You just have to know your limits on them, and that goes for not only this, but for anything like this.

It takes more skill to ride a tri then a quad. I personally think tri's are more fun. Don't know why, but they're SO fun. Just gotta be safe.

It's cool riding around on one, you get looks and people say "Wow I haven't seen a three wheeler in ten years" or something like that. It's just a much different satisfaction than a bike or a quad. They also make you think of how good it was back then. Like a blast from the past kinda.
