View Full Version : I got Tecate.....finally!....sort of

04-18-2011, 10:45 PM
So Hoosierlogger posted an ad he found local to him for a 86 T3 "project" for $150.

I called the guy up and discussed it and he told me it was missing some things like the rear wheels, hubs, shifter, kicker, throttle.....and it had the rad on the forks so I didn`t think it was an 86 after all.....which it wasnt, of course....no mind I just wanted a tecate and couldn`t pretend to think it would be an 86 (might be wrong but the rads were on the frame on an 86?)

He was 300 miles from me but the price was right (insane) and the pics he sent were pretty decent looking (taken in the dark with a flash).

So I told him I would be there sunday to look at it and probably buy it (hell, it`s $150)....Was gonna borrow a truck (mine blown up) from work and go get it....ended up the work trucks were being used and all I had to transport was my `06 Chevy Impala. So I`m thinking "I`ll bet if I take it apart at his house, I can fit it all in the trunk and backseat.....which I did just that without any trouble, really.

So I snatch it as fast as I can and head back to KY to tear into it and check it all out. As you can imagine, things look better in pics than in person so there is a little more work than I had thought but still nothing bad. So here`s the dealio:

the BAD:

1) kicker lever missing
2) kicker shaft splines tore up
3) JB weld on lower Rad. outlet spigot
4) handlebars toast
5) missing throttle and shifter
6) wrong looking fenders front and rear (front is a vented T3 and rear looks like `86 set and is also cobbled on trike frame
7) piston was seized (not any more)
8) pegs are fubar
9) silencer is missing and headpipe has dents in lower front
10) rear hubs and wheels missing
11) cracked intake boot
12) reeds are curled up and not closing properly
13) a few nuts and bolts are bastardized
14) missing stator and flywheel and cover
14) rubber hoses are rotted
15) wiring is hacked

Now for the good:
1)all complete brake systems front and rear present
2) frame looks good as does swinger
3) suspension feels ok and all bearings feel good
4) pulled topend and the head has NO scratches or dings neither does piston
5) cylinder looks sweet...piston was seized a little from some rust on top of sleeve but luckily, it was sitting at TDC when it was parked w/o plug in it and got some moisture in there so fortunately, the rest of the sleeve escaped any rust damage
6) suspension is all there and working ok (far as I can tell)
7) forks are straight
8) seat is good
9) I HAVE $221 in this so far....$150 for the pile and $71 in gas
10) I wanted a Tecate and now I have one to build
11) no chain damage on cases
12) it`s a cheap tecate
13) see above
14) my wife wasn`t mad this time....probably because she said "happy birthday" and told me to go get my present...I turn 40 on Friday

so here`s some pics along with the other projects I have apart in the garage that need to get finished BEFORE I do the Kaw...If I don`t get them first, I`ll never get them done because I have a tecate:lol: .....and who wants to work on a 200X when you have a Tecate waiting in the wings

04-18-2011, 11:04 PM
I think you did good on it.Just have the parts drop shipped somewhere else
and sneak them home.Since you don't have time to finish other project send them my way.Just busting you,have enough on my plate right now.Then who knows what will follow me home next.Could be a old bike or another trike.Keep us posted on progress.You do nice work and like seeing it.

04-18-2011, 11:38 PM
looks like 86 Front and rear fenders on the Tecate, Also looks like a 86 complete frontend

Nice score, Gotta love that price!

04-18-2011, 11:59 PM
Awesome.. definitely a nice score. Make sure you drop by the Tecate Group and start a thread about the build.

04-19-2011, 01:15 AM
with an 86 and 87 the gas tank and fender shrouds are usually the first dead giveaway. hes got different year parts on that bike but 150 is too good to be true. nice score.

04-19-2011, 01:47 AM
Awesome.. definitely a nice score. Make sure you drop by the Tecate Group and start a thread about the build.

will do, Doug

04-19-2011, 01:51 AM
with an 86 and 87 the gas tank and fender shrouds are usually the first dead giveaway. hes got different year parts on that bike but 150 is too good to be true. nice score.

my thoughts exactly....I couldn`t pass it up

He kept asking me "Is this thing a rare collectable or something? You drove awfully far to come and get it."

So then I pointed out what all was wrong with it and mentioned the price wasn`t too low (chuckle) and AFTER I had it paid for and loaded in the car, I mentioned this forum and the availability of parts for these machines and then told him I had a trike collecting disease and that`s why I drove that far for a basket.....teehee

04-19-2011, 02:35 AM
send me the 200x and you wont have to worry about working on it, then you can start working on that tecate =)

04-19-2011, 03:00 AM
Dead giveaways as to which generation are the location of the radiator, and which side the pipe is on.

Looks like it has an 86 front on it, with an 86 rear fender. Doesn't look too bad for that price, especially considering the condition of those plastics (looks good in those pics, but hard to tell) which could go for that.

04-19-2011, 04:20 AM
The pics of the whole thing are a little deceiving...the rear fender corner got chewed on by his dog and theres a 3 inch crack on the other side not shown. Front is a little bent in the back but ok otherwise.