View Full Version : 350x power problems

04-18-2011, 08:05 PM
i was riding yesterday and i rattled one of the screws in my arm and its comeing out and hurts like h*!! my docter said it was cause i was riding hard what i needed to know is there any way to mod my motor so its less jolty and vibrates less and has less comp brakeing so i can keep ridding it with out needing surgery every 6 months if not i may need to find a slower trike or a two stroke with a slipping clutch

04-18-2011, 10:29 PM
Doctor Never herd of red loctite eh?

04-19-2011, 03:31 AM
the YT175 - it doesn't vibrate at all :-D!!!! LOL

I wish it had a counter balance shaft lol.

Get the crank balanced, bout your best bet, and i don't think it would help to much. It's hard to balance a single motor without a counter balancer.

04-19-2011, 12:09 PM
My 350X doesn't vibrate at all, maybe your off a tooth on the balancer?

04-20-2011, 10:22 PM
i found a damper im going to use for the steering and got a twist throttle with a gear reduction in it i think its from a yamaha and i found out they cant pull the screw out or my arm could brake way easyer

04-21-2011, 09:11 AM
Are those zip ties holding your bones together?

04-21-2011, 10:00 AM
ziptied bedrails around the bones...

04-21-2011, 12:50 PM
My friends 350x doesn't thump at all it fact it's so smooth it could put you to sleep no joke:drool: Nothing like my klt185, now that bike is thumper....I could bet you $1000 it doesn't have a counter balancer and i truly have no idea if it does or does not....if it does, it sure as hell aint working:lol:

Even at high revs my bike ultra sonicly cleans out your kidney stones, after about an hour it shakes the blood out of your arms and you have to go pee.

The 350x is more like a vibrator, real tiny pusations that you only sorta feel though the handle bars.....kinda makes me wana 350x on that alone:mad:

I said all that to say this: Your bike is prolly not running right, or you may have a high compresion piston? chances are your counter balancer is not working like stated before.

04-21-2011, 12:50 PM
ziptied bedrails around the bones...


04-21-2011, 03:42 PM
Hey man... your arm looks kinda like mine. I got locking screws... mine ain't coming loose!

04-22-2011, 02:47 AM
i got back on my trike today and i cant hang off the side to slide properly anymore and i can find the screw without a xray
the new throttle dont help the damper didnt fit dose anyone know if they make arm braces for riding like the knee braces im going to need one

04-22-2011, 02:55 AM
and most of my problem is the jolt that my arm gets when i hit or let off the gas

04-22-2011, 11:29 AM
I think you're a younger dude,and you don't wanna hear this,but ,you need a better DR. Or a Big REd. A much better machine anyhow,but I digress. All my Bionics are 20 + years old. Working great. Admittedly,I slowed down,I'm a farmer. No workmans comp,and the cows didn't milk themselves. Just gotta slow down,Imagine what the next crash is gonna feel like,and what your arms gonna be like AFTER.